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Thread: Electrical ovens "Plug and play"

  1. #1
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    Electrical ovens "Plug and play"

    Hi, I recently bought a Bosch built in elec oven. According to the guy who sold it to me I can just plug it straight into a socket, no need for it to have it's own circuit. Is this correct and legal? Also I am worried that if a technician takes of the plug and wires it to the old oven circuit I might lose my warranty on the oven. Can anyone please help me with this. With the oven I also got a gas hob, which apparently I can connect to a small gas bottle that I can simply keep in a cupboard?

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    If the oven draws less than 16 amps, it can be on a plug top and powered off a socket outlet. Given that this goes with a gas hob, you're going to have to pay attention as to where that socket outlet is positioned though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Spoki View Post
    With the oven I also got a gas hob, which apparently I can connect to a small gas bottle that I can simply keep in a cupboard?
    The cupboard will need to be ventilated.

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