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Thread: Electrical connection box(meter box) for new houses

  1. #1
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    Electrical connection box(meter box) for new houses

    Morning everyone,

    I am involved in a new development project at what could be called an upper-class Golf Estate where the first group of houses was just completed with many more to be build in the next 2 years. The developer asked me to look into a problem that we are unable to solve locally because we get so many different answers from the different people involved. The builders, engineers and electricians all have a different interpretation of the laws and SANS regulations that it is actually worrying.
    Before the development moves on to the next phase we are trying to determine FOR SURE 100% what is required by all applicable laws and regulations in writing before it is to late.

    The question we are struggling with is regarding the electrical connection (main supply from municipality) leading to each of the new houses.
    Is it required by any law or regulation that the main supply cable be connected to a connection box outside the house and from there go inside to the DB?
    Some people refer to this as a "meter box", "budgie box", "boundary box", "fire box" and some other names. This box is just a small lockable box situated on the outside of the house where the main supply to the house can be disconnected in the event of an emergency or for repairs and testing purposes.

    If anyone can please assist me with a clear answer to this I will really appreciate it. I need a specific law or reference to SANS regulation that I can use in the next meeting to proof if is a legal requirement for all the houses or not. We would like to resolve this matter once and for all.

    Thank you very much.

  2. #2
    Email problem
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    the best is to check your local municipal laws. i have found a few in cape town here where the main cable goes direct to the main db. the earth and neutral bar is linked in the main db.
    it is much better to have the "oostersee box" outside for when earth spike testing,etc has to be done.

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    The requirements for the meter box location is normally driven by the requirements of the supply authority.

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