Hi all!
I hope that somebody will be able to assist me.
I am using Pastel Xpress V14 to Invoice my clients.
Earlier today a client requested a statement from the beginning of this financial year's till the end September.
I went to the client's account, entered the dates and then I saw that there was an amount due at 90 days.
I investigated and noticed that on the 27/07 the payment was made, even with the reference to my cashbook, but there is no amount credited to the statement.
However, this is a strictly COD Client, and I double checked (even on the bankstatement recons) that the payment has been made.
Now when I go the Due Invoices, there comes and invoice up with the same amount. I checked the cashbook's history, and the payment for the invoice is there.
I then printed out a detailed ledger, and everything is 100% there.
If you need more information please feel free to contact me.
This is the only account that has that "issue".
Thank you in advance.
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