Hi everyone
My fiancé is wanting to trade as an electrician. I've been struggling to get a straight answer from anyone since last year- different training providers sing to different tunes and not one single person can give us the proper information we need- it is beyond frustrating!
Okay, my fiancé will do the trade via section 28. From what I've read, due to his years in the industry he can do the single phase trade test without any formal qualifications, he just needs to do the unit standards course. Is this correct? If this is correct- WHO offers the single phase unit standards course in the Western Cape??? ECA are useless and can't give me a date- so anyplace else?
Where/through which training provider/examiner can one do your trade test in the Western Cape? (Except ECA!)
Is there any chance he will be able to trade for a three phase electrician without his N levels? Like they used to allow the N2 equivalent test. I've been told it's fallen away by one company and then another company said it hasn't fallen away...
Anyone who can show me in the right direction, I will be eternally grateful!
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