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Thread: Pastel PDF Error when emailing statements

  1. #1
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    Pastel PDF Error when emailing statements


    I have set up pastel for emailing statements. I am able to print the statements or show on screen but the minute l select the "email as per customer file option" the PDF that is attached to my email in my outlook is showing the following message when I try and open it: "there was an error opening this document. this file cannot be opened because it has no pages".

    Please help me understand what it is that i am doing wrong.

  2. #2
    Diamond Member Neville Bailey's Avatar
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    Hi Melanie,

    Have you modified the statement form file, or are you using the standard statement form file?

    If you have modified the form file, you should have two form files, csmthsp.enz (for printing and viewing on the screen) and csmthpdfsp.enz (for printing as PDF or emailing). The layout design of the second file should be identical to the first file - to ensure that this is the case, open the first file and save it as csmthpdfsp.enz.

    Both files should ideally be saved in your company folder.
    Neville Bailey - Sage Pastel Accounting Consultant
    IronTree Online Solutions

    "Give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value."
    WALLACE WATTLES (1860-1911)

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