Evening all,
I have recently taken over a client and have submitted the EMP201's for a couple of months. Since the change, the last accountant, who was completing the EMP501 advised on 31 May 2016, that he could not access the Easyfile recon to complete the submission and issue IRP5's, and then left a flashdrive at my client for me to sort out.
I attempted to restore the Easyfile database and I encountered a message
"This action will restore the selected database and all information currently captured will be lost. This includes any and all data in the e@syFile database directory and the login information.
To access this restored database you MUST know at a bare mininum, the ADMIN users password."
I can get the ADMIN password if need be - but what will be the impact of the restore? Is merge an option? Other options, before I bounce this back to the previous accountant OR redo the whole recon exercise? (a waste for my client in my opinion).
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