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Thread: Struggling to Import IRP5 Certificates

  1. #1
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    Red face Struggling to Import IRP5 Certificates

    Hi all.

    I know its very late to do the Annual Recon.

    I need help. URGENTLY.

    When I import my electronic Certificates from Quick books Payroll to Easy file, it imports successfully, but, when I go to the employee details, the 2016 certificates do not reflect, also, when I do my declaration, there are no amounts at Total Value for electronic certificates.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Quick books advises I speak to SARS, SARS advises I'm doing something wrong, which it seems to me is not far off the problem.
    I really hope I'm not the only one? I feel so stupid asking. I'm feeling quite stupid in general today.

    Please, please, please, can someone give me advice? Or send me in the right direction?

    Kind Regards.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LornaLR View Post
    Quick books advises I speak to SARS
    Frankly that's an unacceptable cop-out by QuickBooks Payroll IMO. You've paid for their solution. There's an annual fee for which one is entitled to support. It's their problem to fix, not SARS.

    Quote Originally Posted by LornaLR View Post
    SARS advises I'm doing something wrong, which it seems to me is not far off the problem.
    At least you haven't totally lost your sense of humour
    Anyhow, don't panic. At least there's still next week to get to the bottom of it.

    It's probably going to take someone looking at the TXT import file to identify what is actually going wrong. I'd be leaning on QuickBooks Payroll...

  3. #3
    Silver Member Christel's Avatar
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    It seems that you are not on the right version of you payroll... maybe you skipped the 2016 year end update? You are welcome to email me your csv file then I'll check it for you. I wont be able to update it, but I can tell you if its wrong. Best would be to make sure you are on the correct version of the payroll software that would enable you to create 201602 certificates.
    always fear when Christel is near....

  4. #4
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    Thank you Christel. Can I send you a private message with the file? Or can you give me your email address?

    Kind Regards

  5. #5
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    Thank you for the advise. Hopefully I can get it sorted this week.

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