Hi all
I have just received an application for condonation in respect of an unfair dismissal dispute. It is 237 days late - reason "after dismissal I did not know what to do". There is no identity number for the employee and we have 14 different companies. I can't even find employment records for this person and the envelope was addressed to "Algemene werker"
I have to oppose it (obviously), and just wanted some additional inputs around prejudice that would be suffered by the company if the condonation was to be granted. My thoughts are:
1. The referral is 237 days late and the applicant had more than sufficient time to consult on further actions should he feel he was unfairly dismissed.
2. The employees are made aware of their rights to refer to the CCMA during their employment and the function of the CCMA is common knowledge. Information is freely available to all employees, and there are over 150 employees working at the company.
3. I can find no record of the employee with the details provided on the application so cannot determine whether or not the person worked for the company.
4. There is insufficient information provided to determine whether the individuals who may or may not be involved are even still working at the company.
5. There is insufficient information provided to determine whether the applicant has been employed in the interim period.
Any ideas anyone??
I need to respond within 14 days.
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