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Thread: Odd tripping problem

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
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    Odd tripping problem

    One of my CNC machines has developed a rather odd problem. Whenever I turn the machine off it takes the earth leakage protection with it. The machine is in but idle, i.e. the motion controller is holding the stepper motors and the VFD has no output. I suppose the answer would be to disconnect the various systems one at a time and turn the machine on and off a couple of times. It is just such a strange problem...any thoughts.

  2. #2
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    It's most likely the power supplies/noise filters or even the VFD filters. You might be able to narrow it down to one component but it could also be a combination of functional leakage from several things adding up to more than 30mA.

    What else, other than that particular machine, does that earth leakage breaker supply?


  3. #3
    Diamond Member
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    A whole lot of plugs go through that breaker. The problem only ever occurs when I turn the specific machines off. (Even when there is nothing else connected to the group of plugs. I suppose it could only be the VFD or the power supply to the stepper motors.

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