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Thread: Office 2010

  1. #1
    New Member BrionB0's Avatar
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    Office 2010

    When trying to open Excel 2010 file "Excel cannot complete this task with available resources. Choose less data or close other applications."
    Anyone else having this issue?

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    What is the size of the file, and how much RAM does your device have?

  3. #3
    Diamond Member
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    It might be a lack of disk space. Windows machines like to have free space if Windows manages the file size dynamically. This is the 1st place I would look.

  4. #4
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    There are a couple suggestions here -

    Good luck.

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    Dave A (26-Feb-16)

  6. #5
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    This error can occur if you have a very large spreadsheet (for example, over 10,000 rows). The following steps may resolve the issue:
    1. Close all applications, including Excel, and re-open the spreadsheet. Also ensure that all other Excel spreadsheets which are not needed are closed.
    2. Remove any (unneccessary) formatting in your Excel sheets:
    o Select all (Ctrl + A)
    o In the right-hand side of the "Home" ribbon, select "Clear" and then "Clear Formats".
    3. Set automatic calculations to manual. By default, Excel (re-)calculates any formulas whenever a change is made. To improve Excel performance, you can set this to manual as follows: (i) Click on the Excel ribbon or on 'File' in the top-left corner (depending on your version of Excel), (ii) Select "Options", (iii) go to the "Formulas" ribbon, (iv) select "Manual" (under Calculation options), (v) select OK. To carry out any calcutions manually, go to the "Formulas" ribbon, and select "Calculate Now" (on the right-hand side of the toolbar).
    4. Restart your computer if the above steps still did not resolve your issue.
    5. Close any non-crucial background applications after restarting, such as Google Desktop Search, as follows:
    o Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to bring up the Task Manager (or Ctrl + Alt + Del and select the Task Manager)
    o Click on the "Processes" tab
    o Select the service or program you want to shutdown, but please note: do not shutdown any task where the username is "System" or if you are not sure what the application is. Shutting down any essential system processes can cause your computer to freeze.
    o Click on End Task at the bottom of the Task Manager to end the application.
    6. Permanenty disable background/startup applications:
    o Press Windows Key + R.
    o Type msconfig, and click 'OK'.
    o In the "General" tab choose "Selective Startup".
    o In the "Startup" tab, disable (uncheck) any items which are not required.
    o In the "Services" tab, select "Hide All Microsoft Services", then disable (uncheck) any items which are not required.
    o Select 'OK' and restart your computer.
    7. Split your data into multiple spreadsheets.
    Last edited by Dave A; 03-Mar-16 at 07:26 AM.

  7. #6
    Gold Member irneb's Avatar
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    Obviously some of these suggestions assume that "somehow" you can in fact open the file ... in which case you wouldn't have asked this question would you? It doesn't seem to be a corrupted file, more likely a file too large for Excel (perhaps due to memory constrains - try opening it on a computer with more RAM). Also is your Excel a 32bit where the one which created it is 64bit, the 64bit version can use more RAM, while the 32bit is limited to a maximum of 2GB.

    If none of these things work ... then there's a possibility that the XLS/XLSX file has become too large for Excel (Excel has some limits on just how many lines / columns it can handle). Previously I have been able to open such files in LibreOffice Calc (which has much larger limits on this) - in which case I could copy portions of it out to separate files so I don't loose the data.

    If even that doesn't work, attempt to link to it through ODBC/ADO drivers (or even importing it directly into a database like Access) - i.e. seeing it as a database source file. Sometimes that can get you into the data inside the file without going through Excel and its limits. Unfortunately it won't help with the formulas inside that file, but at least you should be able to get to the data.

    However, if you do find that your spreadsheet is too large for Excel to open, then you should definitely start looking at converting it into a database instead. If not, you'll be running into this sort of issue constantly. I'd say, as soon as you've got more than around 1000 lines in Excel, you should definitely consider moving to something like Access / LibreOffice Base instead - they can very easily handle millions of lines much faster than Excel/Calc can.
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