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Thread: Instalment Sales Creditor

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Instalment Sales Creditor

    Hi All,
    If I may ask a question, My employer purchased Vehicle with SBSA MVF and would like to know how to capture transaction on Pastel V14.
    Purchases = R690 2383.60
    Initial Fee = R6842.11
    VAT = R97 591.29
    Fin Charges = R209 596.60

    ACB repayemnt is R16 794.81
    Additional Service fee R57.00 monthly

    Please assist

  2. #2
    Diamond Member Neville Bailey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Westville, Durban
    Thanked 452 Times in 397 Posts
    You will need to ensure that you have the following general ledger accounts set up:

    - 5600/000 Instalment Sale Creditors (financial category Other Long Term Liabilities)
    - 5610/000 Finance Charges in Advance (financial category Other Long Term Liabilities)
    - 6200/000 Motor Vehicles - Net Value
    - 6200/010 Motor Vehicles @ Cost
    - 6200/020 Motor Vehicles - Accum Depre
    - 3200/000 Bank Charges

    To capture the initial transaction, capture a General Journal as follows:

    - Line 1: Period XX, Date XX, 5600/000, Ref XX, Purchase of vehicle, 05 Capital Goods, 786871.73 Incl, C, 6200/010
    - Line 2: Period XX, Date XX, 5600/000, Ref XX, Initial Fee, 01 Standard Rate, 7800.01 Incl, C, 3200/000
    - Line 3: Period XX, Date XX, 5600/000, Ref XX, Finance Charges, 00, 209596.60 Incl, C, 5610/000

    On a monthly basis, process a cashbook payments journal for the instalment, allocating R16794.81 to 5600/000 with Tax Type 00, and for the additional service fee, allocate R57.00 to 3200/000 with Tax Type 01.
    Neville Bailey - Sage Pastel Accounting Consultant
    IronTree Online Solutions

    "Give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value."
    WALLACE WATTLES (1860-1911)

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