An employee, who is employed since 2002, got since a few years more and more unrealiable in terms of quality and quantity of work delivered. The business is small and at first we asked him to check his work and be more focused. However his non-delivery and bad attitude escalated especially since end of last year. We had our suspicions that he does other work during our his work time and even after business hours and these were now confirmed.
We also determined after we investigated files which he stored on our company laptop, but is exclusively used by him, that he accessed and copied internal salary data in the time period from 2004 - 2008. He still has had these stored on that laptop. He also copied and stored a propriety registration tool to register software users of our propriety software. However, we do not have proof that he sold and registered our software and received the money in his account.
Can we still have a dispinary hearing regarding him accessing management PCs somehow and copy confidentials salary information, although this happened years ago (2004 -2008)? However he still had this data stored?
Thanks very much for an answer. Regards Renate
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