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Thread: Advertising company sending invoice for unwanted service.

  1. #1
    Silver Member
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    Advertising company sending invoice for unwanted service.

    Hi all

    I had an advertising company contact me offering to put on there directory. I said just email me info and I'll take a look when I get a chance.

    They called me back and said can we send you a listing. I was busy and just gave them my email and said just send me the info on what you do.

    I check my mails and I find a pathetic design with my company name on it. I just ignored it as the standard of design was that of a child.

    I then get an invoice for R2500 saying my company has been listed. I called straight away and asked what the R2500 invoice was for (the design apparently) and to check my company name was not listed with them and especially with the crap design they had done. I don't want my company associated with that kind of image or this kind of company to be honest. It was pathetic

    They then call me and say there is cancellation fee. This has got to be a wind up surely. They then sent me a recording of the phone call where I agreed to be sent a listing. Never said 'do me design and put on there site' and I'm sure not going to pay R2500 for a pathetic design.

    Anyone else had one of these calls.

    My main question is, if they are using my name without my consent are they breaking any laws?? I don't want my company to be associated with this kind of thing.

    Never signed anything, never asked for a design to be done, never approved any design, never paid them anything and certainly never consented to them using my company name.

  2. #2
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    What questions did they ask exactly you that you gave any indication of agreement to during the phonecall? I'm guessing they have very carefully crafted questions that you might have indicated consent to if you weren't paying attention. If they sent you the recording maybe you can upload it to youtube or somewhere similar so we can hear it or the alternative is take it to a lawyer for a legal opinion. This is one of the reasons I never ever engage with cold callers and marketing calls, even if I happen to be in the market for whatever service they're offering I still just hang up.


  3. #3
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    I just listened back to the recording. The only thing they said was, can I send you a listing to which I replied sure I'll take a look. To me that's an example of what they do, which is what I did ask for - information on what they do. If I'm offered a service I want to know what I'm getting.

    That doesn't sound in anyway to yes you can make a crap design and charge me for listing it. The design was beyond poor and i don't think anyone would accept the design I was sent. It was put together in 5 mins and pathetically amateurish. Even if I had asked them to design something I would have refused to pay for that standard of work. As far as I can tell I haven't been listed yet so what can they charge me for?

    The same person kept calling and and I keep telling them I didn't ask you to 'design' anything. I did get p%$*&d off when then said there would be a cancellation fee.

    I phoned their office and asked to speak to a manager to ask for them to stop calling and wasting my time with there kak design.

    I haven't paid for anything to be activated so why would a pay a cancellation fee. I haven't signed anything.

    Well what do you get for your money well they basically have a facebook page with a load of poorly designed logos on it as far as I can make out.

  4. #4
    Gold Member Houses4Rent's Avatar
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    Just let it be and do not pay then. Or even better send them something sane in writing. The onus to proof that you placed an order is on them as far as I am concerned.
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  5. #5
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    I suppose their definition of a 'listing' is that it's the product they're selling ie it's a ''logo design'' listed on whatever medium they were offering (probably their facebook page). It's probably a scam designed to get people to agree over the phone but it's based on genuine business directories like the yellow pages or Yell in the UK etc.

    I'd predict you have a rocky road ahead if they have recordings they think prove that what you said amounted to a product order. Especially if it's an underhanded venture, they'll be geared up to send you threatening letters and collect their money and they'll most likely take the quickest route to court to get a judgment against you. If you have access to legal advice or legalwise then now might be the time to go there. I doubt just ignoring them is going to end well. Also in future just hang up on unsolicited callers trying to punt something.


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