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Thread: Installation rules exam - Somethings not right

  1. #1
    Email problem
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    Oct 2015
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    Angry Installation rules exam - Somethings not right

    My husband wrote his Installation rules exam during July & August this year. He has always received really good marks except for now.

    Firstly they waited over 2 months for their results to be released as the papers where apparently he received his results today...and it is, to say the least, very poor results!!

    He is sure he aced the one test and double sure he at least passed the other. Now the College told him he can not opt for a remark as the cut of date was 2 October (2 weeks before they received their results) and his only option is to re-write the exams next year!!

    I have requested that they send us the paper & answer sheet for a second opinion, but they don't seem keen on doing this and they refuse to send me contact details at the Department of education.....Something is very wrong here!!

    I would like to know what we are to do now? It there a type of ombudsman or somebody we can go to for help?

  2. #2
    Email problem
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Cape Town
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    Hi, I am currently experiencing the same problem, I am trying to find out what I am doing was my second attempt, I had the question paper which I wrote the day, the examiner gave it to me, I did what we call a "begrafnis", rewrote the paper at home with no help got 65% but when results came out I got 46%...previous time also 46%...seems like I get 46% a lot does not matter what paper I wrote. So I need to find out if there is anyone who can tell me how the paper should be written, I am now doubting my handwriting, layout etc etc. do you lose marks for such type of things... I am not negative I just need feedback on how to approach the writing part of the exam.

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