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Thread: Pastel Payroll PAYE

  1. #1
    Full Member
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    Pastel Payroll PAYE

    Good Morning,

    We just bought Sage Pastel Payroll - I installed it and now busy loading the employees...

    How do I add the rate as this is greyed out on the employee master file? I have changed the monthly default profile 1000 with this employees salary - but what about the rest? Would I have to create a profile for each different salary?

    How do I get the PAYE to calculate correctly? It works out the uif @ 1%, but doesn't add anything for PAYE

  2. #2
    Diamond Member Mike C's Avatar
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    Hi Dientjie. If you enter the details in the Default Tab of the "Process Payslips" page for each employee it will automatically work out the rates for that Employee.

    Our numbering is as follows:
    5000 - Basic Salary
    8001 - PAYE
    8045 - UIF (Employee)
    9045 - UIF (Company)
    9150 - Skills Development Levy
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