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Thread: News24, fairwell to comments.

  1. #11
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Had to delete a lot o stuff... LOL

    Ask yourself these questions;

    > Why isn't the FULL news reported?
    > Why are some interviews aggressive and one-sided? [How meany times have we seen the news group attempted to make the news?]
    > Why do some parliament members enjoy a greater freedom of expression then others?

    Upon asking these questions you start to see why the "comments" section got removed. It is no secret that that you "like me" get more news via SMS and e-mail then from the news groups. It is not a secret that "some news groups" are very selective on the news they report. And if you start to consider the options available why couldn't a moderator be appointed to make sure that Trolls and haters be removed?

    Then you realize this isn't about the trolls or the haters or the fact that they didn't implement a moderator system. What did they do? Did they remove public opinion?

    That is a interesting question isn't it?

    A more troubling question would then be;
    Why was it needed to remove public option?
    Could it be that the public started to point out that the news groups where selective?

    Wow so many questions that can be asked... Not many answers...

    In the end the news network will become a thing of the past. Why because firstly some now demand you do subscriptions and if you consider that a newspaper is cheap inexpensive and doesn't require data or power it is surly better then having some application on your tablet eating away at your data and wallet. Yes it might be "easy" to read news on your tablet or phone... But it is not worth it at all... Long live newspapers
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  2. #12
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wynn View Post
    I see a great business opportunity, set up a N24 comments site or blog and sell advertising space on the side?
    Yea that would be great "Public opinion sponsored by so and so"
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  3. #13
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    You read my mind Wynn with 1 exception. Why not a site that picks up articles from various news sources and allows comments. I am sure there are ways and means of blocking undesirable commentary and certain swear words. Wish i was more tech savvy and I might be temted to do exactly as you suggest.

  4. #14
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    At the end of the day Trolls post simply to elicit a reaction - this is their be all and end all so all they've done is shot themselves in the foot and deprived the intelligent gene pool of a platform to discuss current issues in the process. Many times I had to restrain myself from rising to the occasion but best way to put out a fire is to starve it. gac - there are ways and means. A friend of mine's name is Gay and on one particular interactive gaming site her name appears beneath her profile pic as *** - very amusing.

  5. #15
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Word filters certainly aren't a silver bullet, on many UK forums you see people who list their location as 'Scunthorpe' and it gets changed to S****horpe by the swearword filter.


  6. #16
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    well in the end it is hard to imagine that social media will survive. You have bosses that actually go into facebook and see who you are there, you have people that are taken to court for saying something that upset the other person. Anonymity is the name of the game, Think about it make a twitter like application that keeps the user anonymous at all times. Locate the server in a country that doesn't care for much... But i don't know people will simply have to get use to news that doesn't include them or what matters to them. AND THAT is sadly the death of the internet as we know it. And sadly people will end up on the deep-web and there is all kinds of stuff that one would rather avoid. I for one would rather get rid of my computer.
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

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