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Thread: blanking plate

  1. #1
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    blanking plate

    Hi guys. I have just recently done my first CoC on a house that was build way before 1992 and one of the things that was not according to the regs is there was a switch in the bathroom 28cm from the shower so i removed the switch and joined the conductors with strip conector and installed a switch blanking plate and pulled in a wire so that the bathroom light can be controlled from the bedroom (double switch). I feel its safe now and would like an extra oppinion on this matter. Please no critic's just constructive advice please.

  2. #2
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    You don't want criticism but you call yourself Eskom ....... !

  3. #3
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    As I understand it, acceptance of the installation is relative to the date of installation, only if you modify the circuit or add to it would that part then become subject to current regs.

    But sure, sorting out that switch next to the shower is a good idea anyway. Another example is old houses that have no EL on plug circuits, that is acceptable in terms of the CoC unless you add to or modify those circuits in anyway then they become subject to the current regulations. But one might recommend to the owner that EL units be installed.

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    AndyD (06-Sep-15)

  5. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kosmonooit View Post
    Another example is old houses that have no EL on plug circuits, that is acceptable in terms of the CoC unless you add to or modify those circuits in anyway then they become subject to the current regulations.
    Incorrect. Amendment 8 introduced the requirement for an earth leakage unit protecting circuits containing socket outlets in Section 5 of SANS10142-1. Some fine print applies, but you can't accept the lack of earth leakage protection purely on the basis that "that's the way it has always been" anymore.

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