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Thread: Observing the science behind artworks.

  1. #1
    Bronze Member Brett Nortje's Avatar
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    Observing the science behind artworks.

    I find that everything is scientific, and art is not understood yet, making it a 'pseudo science.' languages also used to be arts, but i have found the mathematical formula behind them, well, in English maths and languages. so, without further ado, i will present to you, a shake of a lamb's tail out of the blue, presenting a timely spectacle for few, a new way to approach 'art.'

    But first let's recap? if you observe an artist or painter that wants to present the image over to the customer, you need to know that if the artist is sensitive, they will present inferior artworks. this is because they shun away from rolling the dice and being honest with their work - if they draw a naked woman, they will hide the parts they find they are not 'comfortable' presenting to the person that views them. if you were to catch them in private, they would sketch a better one, as it is for their eyes only. like a girl that has a blog and a diary, she will put her real feelings in the diary, hoping that someone will find her 'interesting' and spy on her. kinky stuff, yes?

    So, if you were to want to present artworks that are good, you need to be offensive. it is like a dance - you will have to be guilty of being a good dancer to be a really good dancer, yes? if you hold back, your product will suffer, of course. same with all arts, same with speaking, same with driving... i hope you agree!

    Now, to be guilty you need to have a good role model. if your role model is Nietsche or someone like that, then you will be guilty already! if you are a philosopher, you might want to study him to get the balls to present your own works. basically, if you were to 'conform' so will your work, yes?
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  2. #2
    Diamond Member
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    Interesting, but you miss one point and it is that anybody can be a poor artist painting whatever comes to mind but to make money you need to stay within boundaries that are acceptable to society.

  3. #3
    Bronze Member Brett Nortje's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    Interesting, but you miss one point and it is that anybody can be a poor artist painting whatever comes to mind but to make money you need to stay within boundaries that are acceptable to society.
    Why, of course.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett Nortje View Post
    So, if you were to want to present artworks that are good, you need to be offensive. it is like a dance - you will have to be guilty of being a good dancer to be a really good dancer, yes? if you hold back, your product will suffer, of course. same with all arts, same with speaking, same with driving... i hope you agree!
    Define the word Good

  5. #5
    Bronze Member Brett Nortje's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    Define the word Good
    Benefiting society or someone in particular, that doesn't take food off someone else's table.
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  6. #6
    Diamond Member
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    Ok, so lets say I like to rough shag everything that shakes its skirt at me. So by your definition it is good because it benefits me and it doesn't take food off her table.

  7. #7
    Bronze Member Brett Nortje's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    Ok, so lets say I like to rough shag everything that shakes its skirt at me. So by your definition it is good because it benefits me and it doesn't take food off her table.
    Yes, unless you are married, as that is a betrayal of trust and emotionally damaging - harming the trust of your family.
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  8. #8
    Bronze Member Brett Nortje's Avatar
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    Good angles and ratios in art and stone masonry.

    There are some mathematically correct angles for beauty in construction, and here is one of the ones i have already covered on another site, but let's recap?

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Named after Roger Penrose, Penrose tiles are nonperiodic tiles generated from a simple base tile. In its simplest form, it consists of 36- and 72-degree rhombuses, with "matching rules" forcing the rhombuses to line up against each other only in certain patterns.[56] Penrose tiles lack translational symmetry due to its nonperiodicity, and any finite region in a tiling appears infinitely many times in the tiling.[57]

    Both visually complex and simple at the same time, Penrose tiles arise from basic mathematical principles and can be viewed as intricately related to the golden ratio. Two notable relationships between Penrose tiles and the Golden ratio are:

    The ratio of thick to thin rhombuses in the infinite tile is the golden ratio 1.618.
    The distances between repeated patterns in the tiling grow as Fibonacci numbers when the size of the repetition increases.
    Name:  Penrose_Tiling_(Rhombi).svg.png
Views: 1012
Size:  41.1 KB

    As you can see, this voodoo masonry stuff appears in Christian art works as well. this will mean of course, that Christians that are insulted by Athiests that say they are more intelligent than them need to back up a bit as the greats were Christians, yes?

    So, onto stone masonry! this is a secretive sect of the world that uses magic in the form of architecture to control people and calm them down, focusing them for productivity and obedience. this is evident in America near the white house with that obelisk thing - created by stone masons.

    Now, what is wrong with this secretive people? not much, they just believe that rejecting the lord will bless them during life, which is evidently not true, as the religious art works follow the same 'guidelines,' yes?

    If the architects were to learn from the masons, then they would be able to compliment each other. every building or street could be made to be more comforting or exciting as they feel fit - what could go wrong? would an architect honestly make people crash, or want to make them happier or whatever? really!

    So, the golden ratios are;

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Mathematics and art have a long historical relationship. The ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks knew about the golden ratio and regarded as an aesthetically pleasing ratio. They may have incorporated it and other mathematical relationships, such as the 3:4:5 triangle, into the design of monuments including the Great Pyramid,[1] the Parthenon and the Colosseum.[2][3]

    Artists who have been inspired by mathematics and studied mathematics as a means of complementing their works include the Greek sculptor Polykleitos, who prescribed a series of mathematical proportions for carving the ideal male nude. Renaissance painters including Piero della Francesca and Leonardo da Vinci made use of mathematics in their work. In modern times, artists like M. C. Escher use mathematical forms intensively, while new branches including Penrose tiles and fractal art have been developed.
    So, combinations of these numbers, multiples and powers, will result in even greater buildings. you can bet your ass on that!
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  9. #9
    Bronze Member Brett Nortje's Avatar
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    How does architecture affect my moods?

    Well, when you see something, it will make you feel a certain way. but, you could also think of this like a water slide at a big theme park, making you curve this way and that, yes? then, you will be guided by the 'architecture,' basically.

    But, how does that affect me if i am walking around in town, you might ask? well, just as the slide guides your body, you give off electromagnetic pulses from your soul that bounce off of buildings and such to affect you and others, like a bat and dolphin have sonar, okay? then, you will feel something, think something, and so forth.

    Numerology needs to be understood fully to generate the best buildings. let's take a look at something else?

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Numerology is any belief in divine, mystical or other special relationship between a number and some coinciding events. It has many systems and traditions and beliefs. Numerology and numerological divination by systems such as isopsephy were popular among early mathematicians, but are no longer considered part of mathematics and are regarded as pseudomathematics or pseudoscience by modern scientists.[1][2][3]

    Today, numerology is often associated with the paranormal, alongside astrology and similar divinatory arts.[4]

    Despite the long history of numerological ideas, the word "numerology" is not recorded in English before c.1907.[5]

    The term numerologist is also used derogatorily for those perceived to place excess faith in numerical patterns (and draw scientifically unsound inferences from them), even if those people do not practice traditional numerology. For example, in his 1997 book Numerology: Or What Pythagoras Wrought, mathematician Underwood Dudley uses the term to discuss practitioners of the Elliott wave principle of stock market analysis.
    So, numbers represent 'messages' and values, the same way a radio covers different 'frequencies.' or, an engineer will find that only one value will affect and make their machine work, otherwise, they have to change something else!

    Now, the numbers mostly commonly assigned are;

    There are no set definitions for the meaning of specific digits, and interpretations of the meaning of digits and their orders vary throughout different cultures and schools of numerology. Common interpretations include:[11][12]

    1. Individual; aggressor; self; leadership yang
    2. Balance; union; receptive; partnership yin
    3. Communication/interaction
    4. Creation
    5. Action; restlessness; life experience
    6. Home/family; responsibility; artistic in nature
    7. Thought/consciousness; spirit
    8. Power/sacrifice
    9. Highest level of changes
    But i find that the numbers two and five are my favorite, because, there are always on each animal, two eyes, two ears, five fingers, five 'limb points.' so, seeing as how repetition makes things better, like the more people choose a certain product the more valuable it is, this makes sense, yes?
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  10. #10
    Diamond Member
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    We of The Church Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster believe that the multiplication sign is the most holy sign of all because it represents fornication which is of course the spreading of Pastafaria through the application of pasta sauce to the inner surface of the pretty Macaroni. The dome of the Pizza oven is perfectly proportioned because the inner area is the representation of hell and thus if a pizza is left in there too long it is burned to a crisp. It is said that architecture of the pan represent the circle which is the sun which actually represents the pyramid which in turn looks like a light bulb that is smashed flat. The golden rectangle comes from the shape of the cardboard that a pizza is delivered in after Mr Delivery dropped it and drove over it.

    Hallelujah, praise The Flying Spaghetti monster - suck on that.

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