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Thread: A perfectly logical conclusion

  1. #21
    Gold Member Phil Cooper's Avatar
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    The victors always write the history books.....

    Imagine what they would say if Germany had won WW2?

  2. #22
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Cooper View Post
    The victors always write the history books.....

    Imagine what they would say if Germany had won WW2?
    Agreed. And the good guys always win...
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  3. #23
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trickzta View Post

    Real history straight from the horses foxhole.
    It would seem you disagree with the reviewer, William Willers, who wrote the piece and says:

    For anyone familiar with Sand’s 2009 book, this one adds little to a basic understanding of his interpretation of Jewish history. It is more rambling and repetitive than the earlier book.
    Pretty much demonstrates the problem I'm alluding to in the OP.

    What is tendered as a point of view gets magically escalated to absolute fact.

  4. #24
    Email problem vieome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post

    What is tendered as a point of view gets magically escalated to absolute fact.
    True. In this day an age of unlimited information people tend to accept any page on the internet that agrees with their view point as fact. I guess that is why the expression "google it" is used to resolve arguments.

  5. #25
    Email problem Trickzta's Avatar
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    The Crusaders, also a religious orientated bunch of murdering thieves on many occasions masquerading as 'protection contractors' even though many incidents of murder and robbery were carried out by themselves disguised as the very people they would 'protect' you from. Holy wars?

    See this 'opinion' written by URI AVNERY; an Israeli writer and peace activist with Gush Shalom. He is a contributor to CounterPunch’s book The Politics of Anti-Semitism.

    The two historical movements were separated by at least six centuries, and their political, social, cultural and military backgrounds are, of course, totally different. But some similarities are evident.

    Both the Crusaders and the Zionists (as well as the Philistines before them) invaded Palestine from the West. They lived with their backs to the sea and Europe, facing the Muslim-Arab world. They lived in permanent war.

    At the time, Jews identified with the Arabs. The horrible massacres of the Jewish communities along the Rhine committed by some Crusaders on their way to the Holy Land are deeply imprinted in Jewish consciousness.

    Upon conquering Jerusalem, the Crusaders committed another heinous crime by slaughtering all Muslim and Jewish inhabitants, men women and children, wading “to their knees in blood”, as a Christian chronicler put it.

    Haifa, one of the last towns to fall to the Crusaders, was fiercely defended by its Jewish inhabitants, fighting shoulder to shoulder with the Muslim garrison.

    I was brought up hating the Crusaders, but I was not conscious of the abysmal hatred Muslims felt for them until I asked the Arab-Israeli writer Emil Habibi to sign a manifesto for an Israeli-Palestinian partnership over Jerusalem. In it, I had listed all the cultures that had in the past enriched the city. When Habibi saw that I had included the Crusaders, he refused to sign. “They were a bunch of murderers!” he exclaimed. I had to omit them.

  6. #26
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Why are you posting this in this thread, Trickzta?

  7. #27
    Email problem Trickzta's Avatar
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    Dave you may remove the post as you see fit. It is, as other posts here are, off topic.

    It does however demonstrate that the middle-east has long been a bone of contention, and that the Jewish nation has been on the receiving end of mindless violence for centuries.

    I am not anti-Jewish and in fairness I posted an article that shows that the Roman Catholics were responsible for heinous crimes against humanity including Jews and Muslims.

    The Jews have had much injustice done to them. They have shown resilience and have survived all their trials and tribulations. They have worked their way up to the upper echelons of society. They excel in all that they endeavor.

    They are to be admired for their tenacity and for their intelligence, for their ability to rebound, under criminal restrictions, to once again become a force in International affairs.

    I am anti-war and anti-violence. I know that violence is a part of life that is not going away any time soon, but I’m still anti-violence as a means to impose your will on others.

    Violence used as a defense against a violent aggressor is a natural right. Violence used for illegal or unnatural reasons I find abhorrent.

    Please accept my apologies for posting off topic posts on your thread. I’ll be more careful in the future.

  8. #28
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    The main thrust of the thread really is about leaps in logic presented as fact, that are actually based on assumptions, or as clear as mud.

    I was just wondering if I'd missed a subtlety you were trying to show in there somewhere...
    It really helps when you understand the purpose behind things.

    Which reminds me - We still haven't really cleared up what your purpose is in posting all this stuff. As in "what do you hope people will do?"

  9. #29
    Email problem Trickzta's Avatar
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    Good question Dave. There is no short answer. As I’ve stated I’m anti-war, anti-violence and I’m also anti-harmful practices, anti-manipulation, anti-corruption, anti-bully, anti-monopoly, anti-domination etc.

    I’d like the people to understand that as long as there is hunger and lifelong poverty in this country, there will be crime. One in four South Africans are under-nourished.

    Jay Naidoo is now a man on a mission, a mission that encompasses some of the things I’d like the people to do. In 2010, Naidoo, able to pay his own salary, returned full-time to his roots in social activism, focusing on building a global campaign against hunger and malnutrition and their connection to climate, justice, women’s empowerment and human rights. His main focus now, Gain was set up at the United Nations Summit on Children in 2002, as a public/private partnership tackling malnutrition facing two billion people in the world. Gain works in over 35 countries today and its business model of making markets work for the poor sees its innovative programmes reach close to 800 million people.
    See a part of the article or open the link to see the whole article below.

    I’d like the people to understand that if hunger continues to exist and the gap between the haves and have-nots continues to widen, the chances of civil war increases. Civil unrest is already a part of our “New South African” culture.

    I’d like the people to realize that the Media is controlled.

    I’d like the people to question the reasons given for waging war on people. The excuses or reasons are later exposed as deliberate lies. Yet we believe the reasons they trumpet when they want to wage war again. Time after time. 26 days of world peace since the Second World War is a shocking revelation. (Info was correct in 1992) There’s a link to that takes you to the submitted and accepted research paper pertaining to this below. (pdf)

    I’d like the people to think things through instead of blindly believing the blatant propaganda that is bombarding us daily. I’m sure no links are required, but links will be supplied on request.

    I’d like to see the people get over their feelings of superiority. People are people, and the most ancient civilizations often regarded as ‘backwards’ are actually more in tune with life than their oppressors and/or detractors. We are one.

    I’d like the people to cease widening cultural, racial, social and financial differences (gaps). The practice of playing on our fears and driving a wedge into the fragile cracks in societal groups to perpetuate the myth that one race, creed or religion is threatened by another is deliberately promoted in the Media. The bogeyman must be laid to rest.

    Dave, these are some of the things that I’d like the people to consider and investigate without prejudice. Leave preconceived notions out of the equation, and with an open mind examine the situation/issue as a whole, look at it from different viewpoints, dissect the situation and examine each aspect on its own. Apply common sense to the issue at hand. Apply logic before making up your own mind about the likeliness of the issue/situation being the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    Except for the short piece on Jay Naidoo, this is written in my own words, below is a cut and paste section that I found relevant to what I’m saying.

    An example of simply taking things for granted, and there are many.

    A long tradition has regarded low self-esteem as a powerful and dangerous cause of violence. This view seems to be so widely and uncritically accepted that it is often casually asserted in the absence of evidence and even in the presence of apparently contrary evidence. When reading the literature for this review, we repeatedly found cases in which researchers summarized
    observations that depicted aggressors as egotistical and arrogant, but then added the conventional supposition that these individuals must be suffering from low self-esteem. (Hence we shall in some cases cite authors in this section as arguing in favor of low self-esteem but shall then later cite their empirical observations as contradicting it.)

    From the same study, a sad situation to say the least.

    Unlike assassination, war has been extremely common; indeed, Sluka (1992) summarized various estimates that there have been approximately 14,000 wars since 3600 B.c., and the four decades following World War II contained only 26 days of world peace

    Even that estimate is high, because it is based on only international wars. If civil wars were counted too, there probably would be no days of peace at all.

    A Man on a Mission. (my title)(my comments in brackets)
    Naidoo believes Africans need to consider the continent’s natural assets and work with what is available: nearly a third of the world’s mineral wealth, a fifth of the global land mass, 60% of the remaining arable land in the world, and 15% of its forests are in Africa, while there are abundant fishing resources in our oceans. (nearly a third of the world’s mineral wealth? What’s wrong with this picture?)

    “We need to look at how we use these to position the continent for inclusive growth that creates a shared prosperity,” he says. (ask Gaddafi what the consequences of attempting to attain this are.)

    “It does mean we have to rethink our education and training systems so that young people have skills, are productive and supported in entrepreneurship. (our education is ranked lower than that of Zimbabwe.)

    “Land reform will succeed only when the smallholder farmers own the strategy of development. Large-scale commercial farmers have to support this endeavour and promote the capacity of families and workers on their farms to produce food for their own use as well as for the market. It is shortsighted just to hire labour at the time of planting and harvesting. We have a shared responsibility in South Africa to build entrepreneurship and livelihoods for all our people.” (we need to work together)

    The alternative in Africa and, indeed, the world, is that our demographic dividend will become the nightmare of an ever-increasing minority of people in whose hands wealth is concentrated. (well it seems like I am not the only one that noticed this.)

    As a board member of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation that focuses on promoting governance and leadership in Africa, Naidoo says, “In exporting our raw materials we are exporting jobs. The time has come for us to stop acting as 54 countries and use our resources to improve our bargaining position in the global economy. We cannot talk of an ‘Africa Rising’ when we are the richest continent yet the majority of our people live in poverty.

    It’s worth reading this, in my humble opinion.

    Dave, I hope I’ve answered your question satisfactorily and I’m sure you’ll let me know if I haven’t, lol.

    For more articles pertaining to these claims I’m posting here go to my NWO targets SA thread in the Whistleblower Forum.
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  10. #30
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    Now I can read knowing what you as the writer wants to say. Well done.
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  11. Thanks given for this post:

    Trickzta (27-Oct-14)

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