Quote Originally Posted by JanChris View Post
Hi Adrian,

I agree with you but as I have touched on this subject briefly before, it is (BAD)government practice to replace experienced people with those who are still learning to perform the tasks that is required to manage a successful country. Lets be honest, the rest of Africa is not really an example of how it should be done. The European countries assist with food and basics ALL the time while we (SA) would rather spend money on rubbish. Read an article by a black guy this morning where he says that the previous government (regime) everything was in working order. now everything seems to be falling apart while the current government is trying to figure out how all works. I saw last night a TV program where they discussed the road forward with Mugabe, needless to say, what he said in 1976 is nothing what is happening today in that country.
I will definitely make my own successful future and riches in this country. Even if I have to get support from abroad. I am sure that they will see the potential of a proven plan.
The bottom line is that it is what it is and we have to make the best of it. No matter how much we complain it ain't going to change. I am a practical person, I prefer to make a go of it even if I don't like the situation. I had a choice during my 2 years of national service, sulk all day or accept it and find a way to deal with it and survive. It is the same for you, forget about fixing the country for the moment but rather concentrate on the things that you can fix, which of course is your own financial status. Once you've got your own thing going then worry about all the rest.