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Thread: T Mbeki on meeting Black Business Working Group

  1. #1
    Administrator I Robot's Avatar
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    T Mbeki on meeting Black Business Working Group

    President Mbeki meets with Black Business Working Group 3 August 2007
    President Thabo Mbeki, several cabinet ministers and senior government officials met with the Presidential Working Group on Black Business at the Presidential Guest House in Pretoria, Tshwane today.

    The meeting received a Baseline study on the state Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) following agreement to undertake the study last year.

    The Baseline study focused on private sector compliance to BBBEE in relation to the generic elements as contained in the Codes of Good Practice released by the Department of Trade and Industry in February this year.

    The elements are: Ownership, Management Control, Employment Equity, Skills Development, Preferential Procurement, Enterprise Development and Socio Economic Development.

    Broadly, the Study found a 10,4% excellent, 1,5% good, 2,0% moderate, 7,8 low and 78,2% non compliance with existing BBBEE scorecards. The Study focused on companies in the following sectors: agriculture, catering, accommodation and other trade, community, social and personal services, construction, finance and business services, manufacturing, mining and quarrying, retail and motor trade and repair services, transport, storage and communications as well as wholesale and commercial.

    It was noted that there was a need to measure the current state of BBBEE in relation to where BBBEE would have been and where it should be within agreed timeframes.

    The meeting resolved as follows:

    * The urgent setting up of a task team composed of representatives of the Working Groups on Black and Big Business, Agriculture, Labour, Higher Education to take forward discussion aimed at improving the implementation of BBBEE.
    * Communication with other social stakeholders.
    * Conduct similar work on the performance of the public sector in advancing BBBEE, and combine this with the current study in order to provide a total picture about the state of BBBEE.
    * The outcome of the work of the joint task team shall e discussed in the Joint Working Group before the end of the year.

    Last edited by Dave A; 06-Aug-07 at 05:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I Robot View Post
    Broadly, the Study found a 10,4% excellent, 1,5% good, 2,0% moderate, 7,8 low and 78,2% non compliance with existing BBBEE scorecards.
    I'm shocked.

    How the heck can so many companies be non-compliant?
    Lots of companies with low scoring I'd understand.

    But 78.2% non-compliant!
    Something smells off here.

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