i will hammer on the DVD option because it is a real option and i got a lot of bang for my money. The DVD's i buy is over all inexpensive and yea i get ALL the history and behind the making of the series all the cool stuff like where the research was done there sources and so on. It is great! I got full documentaries about sharks to, the human mind to the History of U175 and other History about the second world war. Cool thing is i can watch it when i want.

Nothing replaces books in my opinion BUT that said if it is documentaries you want then you will love some of the extra stuff they put on the DVD sets. It is brilliantly done. Nah streaming and DSTV and SABC is a waste of time.

That said did anyone successfully de-register from SABC ??? I am thinking to get rid of my TV just so that the option of TV isn't there anymore...