Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
What absurd rubbish - you must be a Christian or living in the dark ages. Ag shame man, it must be hard to cope with the image of two girls kissing.

I stand for the right of adults to choose how they express themselves sexually and it is none of anybody else's business.
Considering it is an ancient practice of the dark ages it makes no sense why you would blame me for living in the dark ages. As for condoning the behaviour that is a choice each of us will make when the behaviour becomes more public.

But if homosexuality is what excites you Adrian then by all means enjoy it responsibly.

My only concern is what effect it will have on both sides. It is about personal safety. If it is proven that there is no long term psychological implications towards the youth and so on then I don't have a problem with it. But if it is proven that there is psychological implications then the general public has a right to be protected.

Same is true for those with a homosexual life style. They also have the right to protection and the right to be protected psychologically as well.