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  1. #11
    Email problem RKS Computer Solutions's Avatar
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    Dave, check the site again, I sent that message via email.... Test it yourself...

    Eugene, yeah, nastiest pic I could get at such short notice for vending my anger!

  2. #12
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Aaaah! Erm. Sorry for seeming a bit slow on this.

    So now the idea is to publish the email addy in the spam and let the spammers spam themselves?

    I had visions of you trying to spam the shyte out of them with an autoresponder or some such-like.

  3. #13
    Email problem RKS Computer Solutions's Avatar
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    The idea is quite simple actually... You get spam, you either forward it just like it's, or if you know it's a spammers mail address (hotmail/yahoo) you put that in your message and send it off to the email provided....

    Pages get indexed, people link to the site because they like the idea, and spammers go crazy because they end up looking like the poor guy in the main graphic...

    Autoresponder is a definite no-go, don't want my servers to be taken away for spamming, and trust me, spammers are the first people that will complain about being spammed...

  4. #14
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RKS Computer Solutions View Post
    Autoresponder is a definite no-go, don't want my servers to be taken away for spamming, and trust me, spammers are the first people that will complain about being spammed...
    Just checking you hadn't lost your mind.

    I'll do some promoting in the morning. I know more than a few forum owners who hate spammers.

  5. #15
    Email problem RKS Computer Solutions's Avatar
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    Great, once that gets momentum it should be quite funny... thinking I should set up rules to autoforward all junk mail directly to the site....

  6. #16
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    For all the good samaritans out there.

    Good day,
    My name is Mrs. Linda Burton am a 62 years old widow resident in London, United Kingdom. I was a member of the CONSERVATIVE WOMEN'S ORGANIZATION (CWO) here in London, a Volunteer of the RAISE KIDS FOUNDATION and until recently, an active member of the POSITIVELY WOMEN (PW). a national charity group working to improve the quality of life of women and families affected by HIV.

    You might be wondering why am telling all this, to what purpose?. I lost my husband to cancer in 2004 and until then He was a project Manager with Ashanti Goldfields Company (AGC), a partly British-owned company in Ghana. He has being the source of my joy and inspiration and has supported me financially in my many charity works. We were a loving couple, our only pain was our inability to bear children, though we tried to make it up, by helping as many children as we could.

    A year after the death of my husband, I was diagnosed with Uterine Sarcoma cancer, though I have being able to receive the best medical care, I have being in and out of surgery, and as I write to you now, am preparing for a surgical operation next week, and no matter the outcome, I have vowed that I will never go to the hospital again, because am just tired of hospital bed. After the death of my husband, I founded what I called the " BURTON FAMILY TRUST" which received funding from my late husband's investment turnover and donation from private groups. I used the money from this Trust to fund local charity organisation whose core objectives are providing support for homeless children, destitute women and people living with HIV.

    I am contacting you, because I do not want this charity ideal of funding local charity to die with me, I want you to continue from where I stopped, and also help local charities in your country and local community, your duty will be to do little research to find out those small charity organisation in need of funding and you will make out plan for them to receive funds from the Trust account which you shall solely operate and administer. I shall donate the sum of Three million, one hundred thousand Dollars ($3,100,000.00) of my husband fixed deposit in Ghana to you for this purpose.

    "Why me"? You may be asking yourself now, I want you to know that God work in a miraculous way and you may just found out how important it was that I contact you, because if am not wrong, you might in the past always wanted to be involved in charity work, but has not being able to do so, or have done so in little scale due to limited means. I am offering you the chance to be actively involved. Though charity work as you know is offered free, but a laborer is worthy of his meat, so am offering at your acceptance of this project 20% of the total sum for your effort, 3% will be used for all logistic, management, salary and getting the necessary research information, though if it pleases and you already have enough, you can also donate part of your 20% to the trust account, as you will be richly blessed also.
    I want you to consider this task, and if you are inspired like I was inspired, kindly reply me with your full name and phone number, so that I can have my attorney contact you, and make all necessary arrangement for you to receive the fund and proceed with this great work. I want to thank you for taking your time to read my mail, while I pray that you will consider this task for it's purpose and also please put me in your daily prayers. While I wait for your reply, I leave you with this word

    "There is no greater investment, than investing in people"
    Mrs Linda Burton

  7. #17
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Another one to tug at the wallet heartstrings:
    To My Beloved Friend
    I am writing you this mail after several internal battles in me, if i am doing the right thing, as i have gotten your email ever since but i have been hesitating to write you.
    I don't want you to feel sorry for me, because, I believe everyone will die someday. My name is K I Bakri , a widower and a former oil investor in Dubai, in the U.A.E.I have been diagnosed with Ideopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. This is a terminal illness that affects the lungs, it has no cure and i am destined to leave this world any moment from now. I have not particularly lived my life so well, as I never really cared for anyone(not even myself) but my business. Though I am very rich, I was never generous, I was always hostile to people and only focused on my business as that was the only thing I cared for. But now I regret all this as I now know that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in the world.
    I believe when God gives me a second chance to come to this world I would live my life a different way from how I have lived it. Now that God has called me, I have willed and given most of my property and assets to my immediate and extended family members as well as a few close friends. I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul so, I have decided to give also to charity organizations, as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth. So far, I have distributed money to some charity organizations in the Sudan,Indonesia,Norway,Netherland.
    Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this myself anymore. I once asked members of my family to close one of my accounts and distribute the money which I have there to charity organization in United States of America, they refused and kept the money to themselves. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as they seem not to be contended with what I have left for them.
    The last of my money which no one knows of is the huge cash deposit of Eight Million Five hundred Thousand Dollars($8,500,000) that I have with a Security Company abroad.
    What i want to do is to make you the next of Kin/Beneficiary of this diplomatic box kept with the security company and collect the money stashed in the diplomatic box , and thereafter distirbute the money to the less priviledged and hungry. MY health is failing and there is nothing much i can do towards achieving this last wish of mine,all by myself because of my bedridden state in the hospital.
    I have set aside 30% for your time,service and expenses.
    N.B:My beloved friend please if you can perform this task ,please do not hesitate to write me,telling me about your passion to help the less-fortunate.
    for a faster response

    God be with you
    K I Bakri

  8. #18
    Silver Member Eugene's Avatar
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    "Ideopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis" sound to me more like Idiotic Pulmoney Fibrosis"!

    For those that did not know: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is swelling that leads to scarring of the lungs in the area between the air sacs and the blood vessels and really is quite serious, but this one... eish, aykonna!!

  9. #19
    Silver Member Eugene's Avatar
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    Must say Dave, you have the strangest friends.... ("to my beloved friend...") LOL!

  10. #20
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Never heard of her before. I must have Altzheimers.

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