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Thread: NWO has SA in its sights. (part 1)

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  1. #1
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trickzta View Post
    Thanks Tec0, I’m afraid you’re 100 cement right. It’s a great pity that the programming of peoples’ minds is as effective as it is. Propaganda is programming people to accept some really crazy stuff as ‘the best option’, when in fact it’s all smoke and mirrors designed to enslave the masses.

    Sounds crazy right? Wish I was mistaken but I don’t think I am. Even though I’m being called weirdo and worse, even though some may laugh at me, I feel compelled to share this information with as many people as possible.

    Chances of getting through to anyone are very slim, but if one person is awakened enough to do some research, then it would be worth my while to post articles about this topic. I realize that to most it’s ridiculous and taboo, but we can only hope…….

    Thanks for posting.
    Well I have a feeling that South Africans will wake-up when our power stations are forced to shut-down like they did with no less than 5 power stations in the UK. Now 3 of our stations will be there intend... Imagine us “South Africa a third world country “ losing over 30% and more of our power. Why do we have to conform to first world standards when first world standards “when they were still developing" had no limitations?

    But they don't care because all of this is just BS to them. They don't see factories closing down jobs being lost. It is just all a big joke...
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

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    Trickzta (06-Dec-13)

  3. #2
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    Bang on

    I have to say triczta and tec0 are pretty much bang in line with my view. The new world order is exactly what we have been living over the last 100 years or more. The private take over of the world, for private gain...

    And seen from that angle, suddenly all the big mistakes, the constant terrible decisions of government and all the wars make sense. You know it is often said the American civil war was fought to end slavery. That's utter **&(*&*&, of course but history belongs to the victors. Think 19th century Americans cared so much about the blacks that they'd allow half a million of their white lads to die for them? Think again. The real reasons can be easily researched online by anybody who cares to.

    I'm afraid the end of the apartheid system was similarly for less than noble reasons. The 'communists' are now in charge, and batting firmly for the NWO, redistributing the mineral wealth and the agricultural wealth etc. etc. Messing up commercial farming serves three purposes for the agenda: 1) it creates a food crisis, to help depopulate, 2) it breaks the self-sufficiency of the country and of the people (Monsanto loves that) 3) it allows collectivisation of the land for the state to (mis)administer.

    A well-run racist state where few benefitted, has been destroyed to produce a poorly run lackey state where very very few benefit. Sorry to say it, but here too they didn't do it cause they cared about the blacks. Our overlords do not care about anybody except their avaricious, rapacious, merciless selves. They use 'equality' to rob us, whilst they themselves are utterly elitist.

    I am white and now approaching middle age and own no house or property. I must say the chances of that changing are non-existent unless I one day inherit. But I'm sure the state will find a cure for that too in time.

    As someone pointed out, it may really be all too late to change anything now. We are mostly ignorant and distracted, which itself has been a well thought out plan. Even if some of us do see the picture and where we are headed, it is futile unless we do something, as G Edward Griffin starkly has pointed out. I recommend researching this man's material to anyone who is interested. It is most enlightening. Peace out, God bless ZA. RIP Madiba. We'll miss you.

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    Trickzta (06-Dec-13)

  5. #3
    Email problem Trickzta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flumpty View Post
    I have to say triczta and tec0 are pretty much bang in line with my view. The new world order is exactly what we have been living over the last 100 years or more. The private take over of the world, for private gain...

    And seen from that angle, suddenly all the big mistakes, the constant terrible decisions of government and all the wars make sense. You know it is often said the American civil war was fought to end slavery. That's utter **&(*&*&, of course but history belongs to the victors. Think 19th century Americans cared so much about the blacks that they'd allow half a million of their white lads to die for them? Think again. The real reasons can be easily researched online by anybody who cares to.
    Never Give Up Flumpty,
    Is this what you feel you’re up against?

    In the USA today the ‘underground’ or ‘Alternate’ News sites are becoming more trusted than the MSM (Main Stream Media) which is losing big chunks of their followers. One reason for this is that in the ‘electronic media’ access to the alternate news sites is quick and easy compared to access to printed media. This enables the ANM to be accessible to millions of readers without the logistics of delivering newspapers or pamphlets from door to door, or even from store to store.

    MSM has been hijacked and used as a propaganda tool by TPTB (the powers that be). CNN has been exposed on different occasions ‘faking’ the location of their ‘on the spot’ reporters. The setting or backdrop puts the reporter in ‘ground zero’ the scene of the battle. The sounds of air raid sirens and of fierce fighting add to the ‘reality’ of the supposed location of the reporter.

    A quick search of YouTube will reveal many such unethical practices.

    Using this fraudulent tactic has backfired as it detracts from the trustworthiness of the broadcaster and the content of the program is also under suspicion and the trustworthiness of the content is also in doubt. (pheww I’m sure there’s an easier way to say that!)

    The CIA, aka the world’s largest drug cartel, has the funds and the means to control much of what is reported or more to the point what is NOT reported. MSM is controlled to such a degree that the old fashioned investigative reporter is on the Endangered List in more ways than one. Suspicious deaths often follow whistleblowing journalists reporting the truth.
    MSM is used and manipulated to convey the Official interpretation of current events to the public, and reporting the truth doesn’t feature as a factor in these Official reports. MSM has often changed its tune after initial reports got the ‘kill it’ command from the ‘mind police’ that decide what reality is and what line the story should take.

    Example of a term used to explain MSM releases; “manipulated flow of corporate media propaganda and entertainment fluff”
    Sounds farfetched I know, but facts are facts and this is happening at an ever increasing rate. Obanana and Frankenstein’s bride Finkelstein have declared total war on the ANM for daring to report the truth. They are proposing new laws which by definition would classify any small blogger, news site or individual that posts the truth or anything anti-mainstream as mentally challenged, in need of psychiatric treatment and psychotic medication. Repeat offenders would possibly be invited for a lengthy stay in an Institution until they recover.

    Sound like a conspiracy? Read this and absorb what you can; WE WILL CONTROL ALL MAJOR OUTLETS OF MEDIA and INFORMATION. (point number 17 in the article linked below)

    Fact: Over the past few weeks, four major scandals have broken over the Obama administration, and it is a very sad (and frightening) truth that our pathetic, American, lapdog mainstream media are not responsible for breaking even a single one.

    It’s been a tough year for the liberal cable news outlets.
    Data released Tuesday show CNN shedding 48 percent of total viewers since last November and MSNBC dropping 45 percent.
    The numbers were even worse in the all important demographic of people aged 25 to 54 as CNN’s ratings dropped 59 percent and MSNBC’s 52 percent.
    Last edited by Trickzta; 08-Dec-13 at 03:55 PM. Reason: Spacing between paragraphs

  6. #4
    Email problem Trickzta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tec0 View Post
    Well I have a feeling that South Africans will wake-up when our power stations are forced to shut-down like they did with no less than 5 power stations in the UK. Now 3 of our stations will be there intend... Imagine us “South Africa a third world country “ losing over 30% and more of our power. Why do we have to conform to first world standards when first world standards “when they were still developing" had no limitations?

    But they don't care because all of this is just BS to them. They don't see factories closing down jobs being lost. It is just all a big joke...
    Or when the water supply gets contaminated especially with the greedy fokkers facking fracking or the shelves in the shops are empty...........this could happen easily, a natural disaster or prolonged strikes could cause supplies to dry up. Eskom is another reason a disaster could develop but you covered that one real good. No power means no ATMs, no petrol pumps, no tills (once the generators run out of fuel), no nothing in the end.

    The Suez Canal is easily put out of commission, by sinking a ship in one of the locks for example. The Cape of Storms then becomes an extremely important and strategic location, vital to control the Cape. Control of the Cape sea route is control of shipping supplies which is critical in times of war. How many of the Elite own "Holiday Cottages" in CT? 10 bedroom Cottages in Bishops Court? Estates in the Winelands?

    The USA has bases in Africa,mostly in North Africa. They have Radar station/s in Botswana and possibly Malawi and other nearby States. The UK has laid claim to all/most Islands to the west of Africa and has runways and harbours on all/most of them. Obamas last visit to SA and two other Countries, one on the most western coast and the other almost on the most eastern coast (Kenya was ignored because they didn't bow to Obanana's request not to vote for Kenyatta (spelling?).

    Imperialism has not faltered in its quest to colonize the world. If WW3 is to be won by the USA and its allies then the Americans must act very soon, their technological and equipment superiority is losing ground fast. China is speeding up weapon production and now has Nuclear powered subs, armed with nuclear missiles as well as an Aircraftcarrier that the Yanks mock and laugh at (for now anyway). Granted these war machines are first generation but never underestimate an enemy fighting for a cause.

    The Russians have 'stealth' submarines (not first generation) that the USA has no way of detecting/tracking once they are submerged. These are also nuclear. Both the Ruskies and the Chinese are capable of striking anywhere in America. Nobody really wins a nuclear war unless they have underground (undersea) bunkers with all the bells and whistles for an extended stay. A space station would work too.

    I'm not sure how many Embassies are nuclear resistant (no building can survive a direct hit of course) but Pretoria is home to the first one that I know about and no country near here has nuclear capabilities so figure that out if you can?

    Goodbye Madiba RIP.

    I have to haul ass and get to work be continued.

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