Sorry to say, this isn't theory, it's fact.

Read up on "depopulation" and "eugenics" and you'll find this has been their MO for centuries, periodically "culling the herd" with wars and epidemics, gutted economies and famines, all while keeping the world in one form of social slavery or another. It's nothing new. It's just that the expanding growth of humanity is accelerating at such a rate, our numbers frighten them, and besides, they want all those resources for themselves.

Have you noticed they tend to hoard slightly? The Rothschilds alone are worth an estimated 500 trillion dollars... with a 'T'. The queen of England and the Vatican could bail out AND support half the world.

They're not real big on sharing if you haven't noticed, yet they make you feel guilty for devouring the earth's resources.

Why believe anything they say?