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Thread: NWO has SA in its sights. (part 1)

  1. #471
    Email problem Trickzta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    You should try reading this from a "conspiracy theory sceptic" point of view, Trickzta.

    For example, what is the "US Petro Dollar" supposed to be mean to the outside observer (other than implied derogatory jargon)?
    Good point Dave. Here is part 1.

    In the final days of WW2, 44 Allied Leaders met in Bretton Woods. From this meeting the USA emerged as the worlds’ new economic leader, replacing Great Britian which was debt-ridden and war-torn. New global financial agencies were created at this meeting as well as the adoption of the ‘gold monetary standard’, which relied heavily on the dollar. By the 1960's, the weight of the system upon the United States became unbearable.

    On August 15, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon shocked the global economy when he ended the international convertibility from U.S. dollars into gold, bringing an end to the Bretton Woods arrangement.

    In 1973, a deal was struck between Saudi Arabia and the U.S. in which every barrel of oil purchased from the Saudis would be denominated in U.S. dollars. Under this new arrangement, any country that sought to purchase oil from Saudi Arabia would be required to first exchange their own national currency for U.S. dollars. In exchange for Saudi Arabia's willingness to denominate their oil sales exclusively in U.S. dollars, the United States offered weapons and protection of their oil fields from neighboring nations, including Israel.

    Two years later, in an effort to maintain global demand for U.S. dollars, another system was created called the petrodollar system. By 1975, all of the OPEC nations had agreed to price their own oil supplies exclusively in U.S. dollars in exchange for weapons and military protection.
    This petrodollar system, or more simply known as an "oil for dollars" system, created an immediate artificial demand for U.S. dollars around the globe. And of course, as global oil demand increased, so did the demand for U.S. dollars.

    Several oil-producing countries began to question the wisdom of accepting increasingly worthless paper currency for their oil supplies. Today, several countries have attempted to move away, or already have moved away, from the petrodollar system. Examples include Iran, Syria, Libya, Venezuela, and North Korea. Additionally, other nations are choosing to use their own currencies for oil like China, Russia, India, among others.

    Expect massive inflationary pressures to strike the U.S. economy as more Nations opt out of the Petrodollar system. Some measures that could emerge include, an increase in taxes, issuance of government bonds (borrowing money), cuts in spending by reducing benefits, printing still more paper money.
    More later.
    If the outcome of a vote is unknown then voting is tantamount to gambling. If the outcome of a vote is known, then voting is futile. Robert Rorschach.

  2. #472
    Email problem Trickzta's Avatar
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    Bill Clinton was involved in a torrid affair with Monika Lewinsky, they had steamy telephonic communications some of which were recorded by Mossad, the KGB and British Intelligence. This compromised the Oral Office as it was called after the affair was exposed.

    Cocaine dealing, a president Clinton pastime, was surely also known by foreign intelligence agencies (opinion). Witnesses have placed Clinton on the scene of CIA cocaine procurement operations. Although he was not in the direct negotiations, he was testing and choosing the product for his private use.

    Little wonder that Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones became a house guest of the Clintons. Keith has been known to partake in drug abuse on occasions. On occasions such as day or night.

    Benjamin Netanyahu in a 1988 meeting in Maryland told Bill of these phone sex recordings, saying that he would ‘throw away’ the tapes if the President would release the convicted Israeli spy, Jonathan Pollard. Clinton’s request was turned down by the CIA director, George Tenet.

    ‘Throw away’ meant that the tapes would be hidden as long as Clinton played ball with the Israelis.

    Bill’s good friend and fundraiser, Jeffrey Epstein, had a private Caribbean island on which underage children were kept as sex objects. Little Saint James was the billionaire’s island’s name. Bill visited this island on many occasions.

    While no evidence that Bill engaged in illegal activities on the island has emerged yet, the chances are high that he did in fact engage in the offered services. Would Andy Capp have a drink in a brewery?

    Epstein was connected to the Jewish elite. He managed the money of Leslie Wexner, an ultra-elite US-Israeli power broker.

    Other prominent visitors to the island were Ehud Barak, former Israeli Prime Minister, Prince Andrew, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers. Epstein had private jets to ferry his friends/clients to and from his island.

    Jimmy Savile, a disgusting necrophilic pedophile, was a good friend of Barak and made regular trips to Israel. As leader of the UK pedophile ring Jimmy would have many juicy bits of ‘dirt’ on various high profile people to share with Israeli intelligence agencies. Chances are he was also being paid (read blackmailed) by Israeli agents (opinion).

    Israel’s atrocities in Palestine are carried out under Washington’s nose without a murmur or threat of sanctions. Could it be that the sex tapes in Netanyahu’s private collection play a part in Israel’s ability to act with impunity?

    Sources and links on request.

  3. #473
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    So much crap in your last post I stopped reading .......

  4. #474
    Email problem Trickzta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HR Solutions View Post
    So much crap in your last post I stopped reading .......
    You must have missed the last line of the post.
    If the outcome of a vote is unknown then voting is tantamount to gambling. If the outcome of a vote is known, then voting is futile. Robert Rorschach.

  5. #475
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    Well I stopped at the bit about the CIA not wanting to listen to the President ........

  6. #476
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trickzta View Post
    Sources and links on request.
    And those would be credible sources, of course. Like all the rest...

    Here is how this works, folks:
    In 2004 I met a man from Little Rock, Arkansas. (True)
    He mentioned that he has been a house guest of Bill Clinton on a few occasions. (True)
    Other house guests of Bill Clinton include Keith Richardson and Jerry Epstein. (True)
    Therefor I probably use cocaine and abuse little girls with cigars. (BS)

    Worse still:
    Bill Clinton is a past President of the USA. (True)
    Barack Obama is the current President of the USA. (True)
    There's a historical link between Barack Obama and Jimmy Savile. (At least believable)
    Jimmy Savile has visited Israel. (True)
    Therefore I'm probably a member of the NWO. (BS)

    And then you wonder why people are cynical about your stories?
    Get a life, man.

  7. #477
    Bronze Member msmoorad's Avatar
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    whats credible?

    we have been trained to think that ONLY Zionist controlled sources are credible/accurate/reliable etc
    and anything else-well thats tin foil hat territory.
    esp if it is against the Zionists & Israel.
    A “conspiracy theory” no longer means an event explained by a conspiracy. Instead, it now means any explanation, or even a fact, that is out of step with the government’s explanation and that of its media pimps.

  8. #478
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    No one "trained" me to think ........ I got an education that allows me to think for myself logically and rationally ...!

  9. #479
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    Something has rattled the City of London this week. With opinion polls showing support for Scottish independence closing in fast on the opposition, the pound “tumbled”, relative to the dollar, on Tuesday.

    Meanwhile, the Telegraph today runs with a front-page story that “Yes vote could cause sterling crash”, writing up “ominous warnings” from Goldman Sachs’ chief UK economist. The Financial Times has flagged up the comments of Lloyd’s of London chair John Nelson, that “it is in the interests of the entire Scottish population, and the wider British population… that this union stays together.”

    NEF doesn’t take a position on the Scottish referendum. It’s for the people of Scotland to decide their future. And while the City now appears to have woken up to the possibility of a Yes victory, it’s not uncertainty over Scotland’s future that’s troubling them.

    Tucked away in the Financial Times’ report earlier in the week was the giveaway. “Currency investors” would apparently be “particularly concerned by the UK’s persistent current account deficit if this were no longer offset by North Sea oil revenues.”

    Today, the UK holds the world’s second-largest external debt, behind only the US. The UK, collectively, owes 406% of its GDP to its overseas creditors.

    It is not due to Scotland leaving that a “sterling crisis” may threaten. It is due to the UK’s economic problems. Cumulatively, between falling incomes and rising debts, these mean we are already “one shock away from a further crisis.” Whether it was Eurozone stagnation, Scottish independence, or own property bubble collapsing, this is an economy almost designed to fail – at some point, and from some cause.

    The City clearly believes Scotland is necessary to prop up the economic status quo. But this isn’t just a question of yes or no – the Scottish referendum is an opportunity for the whole UK to force open a debate about our hideously imbalanced economy: its failure to create decent jobs, its hopeless dependency on debt, and above all the damaging impact of the City of London.

  10. #480
    Email problem Trickzta's Avatar
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    While we’re talking about money, lol, let’s check this History.

    The Bretton Woods conference originated in President Roosevelt’s call for “a bold, forthright, and comprehensive discussion looking forward to the construction of… a ‘free, fertile economic policy for the post-war world’ excluding nothing in advance” (XXIII, p. 228).

    Keynes grasped the opportunity to consign the terrible economic policy mistakes of the inter-war period permanently to history. From his rejection of the gold standard exchange system, he had come to understand that any arrangements to facilitate international trade should be compatible with countries having autonomy to set their own monetary and fiscal policies. Central to the final Bretton Woods agreement was enabling a world of capital control:

    Following his immense contribution to the Bretton Woods conference, Keynes then devoted his energies to persuading the British policymakers, politicians and public alike--all deeply sceptical of US motives--to accept these reforms. In this he was successful, but even only a few months later he was much more cautious.

    Ultimately he feared that the institutions would be in thrall to the bad fairy of US politics, and, as a result, vested interests. Only a little over a month later, Keynes was dead.

    His internationalism was for a scheme that permitted a world of individual nations, but connected through trade and economic cooperation. No matter how imperfect the outcome of these conferences, we can now see that it took some time for Keynes’ fears to be realised. His post-war settlement established the conditions for the prosperity, near full employment, relative stability, narrowed income distribution and social advance that is now know as the golden age.

    But this world was dismantled, most obviously with the abandoning of the Bretton Woods exchange regime in 1971, then with the removal of capital controls at the end of that decade and the consequent abrupt and sustained rise in global interest rates. The IMF and other Bretton Woods organisations became champions of a globalization of finance and industrial capital that they were originally established to keep at bay, a globalization that would consequently reverse all the hard fought economic and social gains of the post war age.

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