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Thread: NWO has SA in its sights. (part 1)

  1. #221
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    Sheweee ........

  2. #222
    Email problem Trickzta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tec0 View Post
    Trickzta > Did you know that misinformation does more harm than good?

    Teco’s Time Piece?
    Without media disinformation and war propaganda, which offensively pervade the global news chain, the legitimacy of the US-NATO military agenda would collapse like a deck of cards.
    If the outcome of a vote is unknown then voting is tantamount to gambling. If the outcome of a vote is known, then voting is futile. Robert Rorschach.

  3. #223
    Email problem Trickzta's Avatar
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    A leaked video

    Marikana was a psyop type setup. Zuma was away at the time. The military was involved, at the request of the Police. Four mortuary vans ordered before 9.00am on the day of the slaughter.

    The crowd was not aggressive, they walked then ran into a trap.

    Al-Jazeera is not as independent/unbiased as they’ll have you believe.

    Hey, pmguy, sorry buddy I’m not sure I can tell this story as well as this does.

  4. #224
    Platinum Member pmbguy's Avatar
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    Hey boet it’s your thread you can quote r2d2 for all that I care
    It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. – Charles Darwin

  5. #225
    Platinum Member pmbguy's Avatar
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    It would be nice though to hear what your opinion on the matter is...
    It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. – Charles Darwin

  6. #226
    Platinum Member pmbguy's Avatar
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    It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. – Charles Darwin

  7. #227
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    This is, imho, an example of global mind manipulation by mass media and false science.

    Scientists had predicted that the polar ice caps would be melted by 2012. *distraction alert* tax emissions, first world can buy third world surpluses of emission allowances.

    People buy CO2 to feed plants. Hello!

    I'm not saying pollution isn't a problem. Saying that CO2 isn't the biggest concern by far, nowhere even close to the puke that alarmist, well rewarded science whores spew.

    Designed to distract and occupy the minds and time of many honest academics, scholars etc.

    Designed as a way of diverting human energy and funds.

    The USA never took it seriously, carbon monoxide yes, money to be made using platinum or palladium is used in diesel exhaust filters. Catalyst convertors I think they're called.

    The myth umm lies about global warming. (wish they stop destroying rainforests)

  8. #228
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    Off topic, I know, but it backs up my false science claims. “Infiltrate and shut down fact-based doubters…” Facts are irrelevant in science????
    The event of 9/11 is now outside the realm of fact, science, and evidence. It is a dogma that justifies the Bush/Cheney/Obama war crimes against Muslims and their countries.
    Obama regime appointee Cass Sunstein, a Chicago and Harvard Law School professor, thinks the 9/11 movement, for challenging the official “truth”, should be infiltrated by US intelligence agents in order to shut down the fact-based doubters of government propaganda.
    When a law professor at our two most prestigious law schools wants to suppress scientific evidence that challenges government veracity, we know that in America respect for truth is dead.
    The notion that a country in which truth is dead is a “light unto the world” is an absurdity.

    But from my observations from within the ANC’s election campaign it was clear that Mbeki and those around him had already thrown in their lot, first with Tony Blair’s Labour Party (major advisors in the run-up to the election) and second with Clinton’s Democratic Party. The deal was done. The US even allowed South African communists such as Joe Slovo, formerly branded a terrorist, to visit the US (I heard him talk at Hunter College in NYC in 1991).

    Mantashe by the way, is now Jacob Zuma’s right-hand man and Ramaphosa is on the board of mining giant Lonmin at the centre of the massacre, as are some members of the SACP also now big capitalists. The conflicts of interest abound but this not the important aspect as far as I’m concerned, it’s what underpins it, spelt out by the SACP’s ‘analysis’ above. In 1994 everything changed, except it seems the SACP’s interpretation of the post-Apartheid world when the ANC ceased to be part of the liberation movement after it transformed itself into a political party that followed the Western, capitalist model.

    Marikana is the rest of South Africa waiting to happen and in large measure it is the result of the SACP’s relationship to the ANC. And being in bed with COSATU compromises the SACP’s independence as much as COSATU compromises its members through its relationship with the ANC. It’s a tangled web we weave, part the product of an era now vanished and part the result of Apartheid capitalism’s perverted vision of reality that has created such a complex set of contradictory relationships. But then again, nobody said that making a revolution was easy.

    And a little something to back up the claim of Bankstas being nympho criminals (effing thieves);
    The $4 billion in payments to struggling homeowners are necessary for the bank, which would otherwise lose even more money if it had to evict borrowers by foreclosing on them. Reuters also reports that JP Morgan could be allowed to get a tax deduction for the fines paid which will reduce its actual cash costs by $4 billion.

    Senior Wall Street executives are definitely relieved by the deal. After all 25 years ago, some 1,000 bankers were convicted by the Justice Department, for their role in the savings and loans crisis. CEOs like Charles Keating Jr. of Lincoln Savings and Loan and David Paul of Centrust Bank, went to jail for years.

    The Obama administration has not been as aggressive in its pursuit of bankers. Just 150 have been charged, none of whom are top bosses.

    The “too-big-to-jail” approach to bankers and their “too-big-to-fail” banks have been condemned by veteran observers.
    If the outcome of a vote is unknown then voting is tantamount to gambling. If the outcome of a vote is known, then voting is futile. Robert Rorschach.

  9. #229
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    The report shows that the South African government, through the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) is the largest investor in Tiger Brands, and that over 50% of the company’s shares are held outside South Africa. Pioneer Foods’ largest shareholder is Zeder, the agribusiness investment arm of PSG Konsult Group, a private financial services company. Premier Foods is 80% owned by private equity firm Braite, listed on the Euro MTF market in Luxemburg but domiciled in Malta, both jurisdictions being notorious tax havens. ‘These ownership patterns have increased the distance between food producers and consumers, and are lucrative avenues for capital accumulation by actors far removed from these firms’ locales.’ Said Mariam Mayet, Director of the ACB.

    According to Gareth Jones, researcher at the ACB, ‘It appears as if South Africa’s major millers and retailers are making healthy profits from our staple food and certainly not passing falling maize prices onto consumers.’ The report shows that from April 2007 to April 2013, the average cost of a 5 kg bag of maize meal increased by 43.7% in rural areas, and 51.8% in urban areas. ‘These sharp price increases aggravate the already appalling conditions that millions of South Africans live under. This is particularly significant for the poor, who spend 41% of their income on an average “food basket” ‘ said Jones.

    Further findings of the report include:

    Two companies Monsanto and Pioneer Hi-Bred control the maize seed market;
    Maize handling and storage is dominated by three companies Senwes, NWK and Afgri, all former co-ops;
    Louis Dreyfus and Cargill, international grain traders, dominate the maize trade on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange;
    A highly concentrated value chain feeds into an equally concentrated food retail sector, with four major retailers: Shoprite/Checkers, Pick n Pay, Spar and Woolworths dominating the market.

    The ACB has today, released test results on the most extensively consumed maize brands in South Africa, which indicate that the entire maize supply is utterly saturated with GM maize. “The majority of South Africans are not only eating GM maize without their knowledge and consent but have no choice or alternative whatsoever even if the products were correctly labelled. This is totally undemocratic and unacceptable. It smacks of outright food fascism” said Mariam Mayet, Director of the African Centre for Biosafety.

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  10. #230
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    More to the point;
    It is becoming clear to this reporter that heavily armed police hunted down and killed the miners in cold blood. A minority were killed in the filmed event where police claim they acted in self-defence. The rest was murder on a massive scale.

    It took several days for police to release the number of those killed. The number 34 surprised most of us. With only about a dozen bodies recorded by the media, where exactly had the remaining miners been killed, and how did they die?

    Most journalists and others did not interrogate this properly. The violence of the deaths we could see, again and again, was enough to contend with. The police certainly did not mention what happened outside of the view of the cameras.

    This has allowed the actions and reactions of both the strikers and the police to be scrutinised in ways that undocumented tragedies can never be. Therefore, while the motives and rationale of both parties will never be completely clear, their deeds are quite apparent.

    Thus developed a dominant narrative within the public discourse. The facts have been fed by the police, various state entities and by the media that the strikers provoked their own deaths by charging and shooting at the forces of law and order. Indeed, the various images and footage can be read to support this claim.

    The contrary view is that the striking miners were trying to escape police rubber bullets and tear gas when they ran at the heavily armed police task team (our version of SWAT). The result was the horrific images of a dozen or so men gunned down in a fusillade of automatic fire.

    The police line parted and they were allowed to continue, but once they were about 10 metres past, the police opened fire on them.

    The miners turned and took on the police.

    It was here, he said, that they killed two policemen and injured another. The police killed two miners and injured a third severely, from helicopter gunfire, Themba said. The miners carried the wounded man back to Wonderkop, where he was taken to hospital in a car. His fate is unknown.

    This police statement clearly states that the police acted in self-defence, despite the fact that not a single policeman suffered any injury on 16 August.

    And as we discussed earlier, it is possible to interpret what happened in the filmed events as an over-reaction by the police to a threat. What happened afterwards, 400 metres away at Small Koppie, is quite different. That police armoured vehicles drove over prostrate miners cannot be described as self-defence or as any kind of public order policing.

    The language reportedly used by the policeman is strikingly similar to that used by Adriao early on 16 August, and quoted on MineWeb: “We have tried over a number of days to negotiate with the leaders and with the gathering here at the mine, our objective is to get the people to surrender their weapons and to disperse peacefully.”

    “Today is D-day in terms of if they don't comply then we will have to act ... we will have to take steps,” he said.

    A little later he commented: “Today is unfortunately D-day,” police spokesman Dennis Adriao said. “It is an illegal gathering. We've tried to negotiate and we'll try again, but if that fails, we'll obviously have to go to a tactical phase.”

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