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Thread: When is enough enough?

  1. #21
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    So why don't you start a little business and make some money or create a sustainable little vegetable garden. There are hundreds of people selling all sorts of stuff at robots, why don't you make something that they can sell.

    My point is this: in the words of NIKE: Just Do It

  2. #22
    Email problem vieome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tec0 View Post
    Well this world isn’t perfect nor is humanity. So just because we have flaws and perform a tiny bit slower than the average now we are not allowed to live! What is the point of technology then? Why have spell-check, voice to text and other such technology?
    I have avoided this thread but now feel compelled to add my 2 cents.

    Firstly tec0 as you want others to allow you to express your opinion, so must you allow them to express theirs. Secondly when rubbed the wrong way in post, you have a choice to respond or not, and your many post suggest that you do see a cause and effect in this world, so practice it. Sometimes the best response is no response. You see many things as predictable, so exercise that authority, if you know the direction the thread is going, back up a bit so that it does not go in that direction.

    Another thing I want to point out, is that I am myself am a dyslexic typist, when I write on paper, grammer and spelling, punctuation are correct, but when typing that goes out the window. On an added note However not knowing the difference between There, They're, Their is not dyslexia, that is just not knowing the rules .

    Use there to refer to a physical or abstract place. Usually, if you can replace there with here in the same sentence, and it still makes sense, then you are using it correctly.

    "There is an old haunted house."

    "We are going over there to eat."

    Use they're as a contraction for they are. Usually, if you can replace they're with they are in the same sentence, and it still makes sense, then you are using it correctly.

    "They're coming over for dinner."

    "I wonder who they're talking to."

    Use their to show possession, commonly followed by a noun. Usually, if you can replace their with our in the same sentence, and it still makes sense, then you are using it correctly.

    "Their dog is pretty awesome."

    "Have you seen their new store?"

    However it is well known

    Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

    Like they say, enough is enough but it takes two to tango.

    But if you continue to feel attacked in this unfair world, just know no matter how bad things get it could always be worse, or better depending how you interpret it

  3. Thank given for this post:

    HR Solutions (05-Nov-13), pmbguy (05-Nov-13)

  4. #23
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vieome View Post
    I have avoided this thread but now feel compelled to add my 2 cents.

    Firstly tec0 as you want others to allow you to express your opinion, so must you allow them to express theirs. Secondly when rubbed the wrong way in post, you have a choice to respond or not, and your many post suggest that you do see a cause and effect in this world, so practice it.
    I don’t mind if people get creative or write about their concerns. They don’t need my permission and if it is within my capability to help I will give my input and research the topic at hand. But this is not about people having there say.

    This is about people wanting to break everything down and twist words to turn it into something ugly. That is not cool by any standard.
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  5. #24
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HR Solutions View Post
    Yep ....... But not always the solution. But anyway. ......
    Agreed. And as one of the protagonists, would you mind helping too please?

    Quote Originally Posted by tec0 View Post
    This is about people wanting to break everything down and twist words to turn it into something ugly. That is not cool by any standard.
    Actually, for the rest of us this isn't just about you. Using Adrian's analogy of his daughters, it's about their friends coming over, and a few of them repeatedly getting into brawl after brawl all over the house.

    And every time you've got the one kid standing there with clenched fists going "they started it", and the others kids going
    (and full of sage advice for "angry kid" too )

    Wouldn't be too much of a problem for the rest of us and we could leave them to settle their differences eventually - except for the trail of destruction through the house this on-going rolling brawl leaves in its wake.

    Of course we could banish them, except that we can see they're actually great kids...
    ... at least when they're not slugging it out with each other.

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  7. #25
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    The only thing I can do is to leave the kid with foreign ways alone and not to engage in debates regarding the strangeness of those ways.

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    Dave A (06-Nov-13)

  9. #26
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    They don’t need my permission
    Yep and please remember that - we are entitled to our opinion.

  10. #27
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HR Solutions View Post
    Yep and please remember that - we are entitled to our opinion.
    People also have a right to life don't you know... but I digress. More to the point if am the big bad bully then please delete my profile contributions and so on. If I am guilty then I must accept it and move on. I am not without my mistakes but I am not without reason.

    and no it is not just about me... I cannot imagine how-many hopefuls go home never knowing why and how processes that they may or may not know off effected there heading.

    That is why I am thankful of this forum because I got a "real world education here". I know now what my chances are.

    DaveA if you want to put this mutt [me] to sleep no hard-feelings
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  11. #28
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    @HR - remember the days when we were in primary school and some guy at the back of the class kept throwing bits of paper at us... If you ignore them long enough they eventually give up. There is no point in showing a horse the way to the watering hole when it is on a quest to die of thirst. Don't engage in a tit for's not worth the effort.

  12. #29
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    G'night .........

  13. #30
    Platinum Member desA's Avatar
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    Relative length scales (1-10):

    Tec0 = 10
    Adrianh = 10
    Hr Solutions = 10

    All sorted? Now, who's going to go round & scrub the house clean - removing all traces of the spat - & repair threads destroyed in the process? Dave A.
    In search of South African Technology Nuggets(R), for sale & trading in South East Asia.

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