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Thread: New to Multi-Level-Marketing

  1. #1
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    New to Multi-Level-Marketing

    Hi All

    I would like to start a thread to chat about MLM programs and how they can really generate a passive income for selected motivated people.

    I have recently signed up with Lyoness. They are a 10 year old Loyalty Card Company based in Austria. They are in 43 countries world wide and have just recently launched in South Africa.

    There are currently 3.5 Million Lyoness members world wide of which 28 000 are in South Africa. Every month, Lyoness SA grows by 2 500 people. Members are allowed to sign up new people and create very large shopping communities. Once you have created a shopping community, the original member and his team, earn attractive commissions.

    What MLM program do you belong to?
    Why do you do it?
    Is it working for you?

    I look forward to the inputs of the forum


  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Hi Andrew,

    First off, and for future reference - all MLM posts must go in the MLM section only please.

    And then the contradiction that "proves" the rule...

    In our scam alert section, the question has been asked - is Lyoness a scam?
    Personally I haven't taken a close look at the issue, but seeing as you seem to be in it, you might be well served to read it and perhaps comment yourself.

  3. #3
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    Hi Andrew,

    Programs helps but successful people in MLM, develop skills necessary to become highly successful.
    MLM is an emotional relationship business.

    There are 3 types of people join Network Marketing
    Poser - wishing for something to happen, think of 2-6 people.
    Amateur - starting to develop skills needed.
    Proffessionals - continue developing skills, helping people understand that MLM is a better way. They dont think about the money.

    here is the video that explain these types of people

  4. #4
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    ........... Sigh .............. of boy .................. do these mlm guys still able to catch people out .... ?

  5. #5
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    I do understand, that is also my point of view before, catching people ;-)

    We need to understand what is the value of MLM in peoples lives and also at economy.

    Maybe right now we haven't see that we are now living in a new economy, not a recession but a new economy.
    It is sad that some company those fly by night, taking advantage of people, promising people, they use MLM which damage the name of MLM industry.

    But MLM is one way for equality, fairness and helping people, encouraging everyone.
    People still living in old economy which is go to school, look for a job and retire.
    Actually that is already phasing out, now the scenario is like this
    get a good grade, look for a good job, change your job every 3-4 years for political, economical or other various reason then retire.
    Tell me if that is not right?
    Later on people will get paid not anymore by the time but by the work done.

    Like what I said on other post.
    MLM, Network marketing makes opportunity equal to everyone.
    In Network marketing, white, black, young, old, educated, uneducated, everyone have equal opportunity.
    but outside it is not, if you are white, is the opportunity same as the black people? or the other way around?
    if you are old let us say 50 years old, is the opportunity same as 25 years old or 30 years old?
    if you graduated with metric is the opportunity same as those with doctorate degree or those unable to go to school?

    in network marketing makes it equal, which I like most.

    those who dont like equality, those people who want to build and accomplished the dreams of other people, MLM is not for them.

    real MLM, we don't catch people, we help people those who only like.
    In network marketing, we just need to understand, we have a better way ;-)

    Have a wonderful day to all

  6. #6
    Diamond Member
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    I bet you a banana that ain't going to sell anybody on MLM on this site.

    those who dont like equality, those people who want to build and accomplished the dreams of other people, MLM is not for them.
    Good one, I must admit that I am a capitalist and yes, I don't actually give a $h1t about how much money you make!

  7. #7
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    We need to understand what is the value of MLM in peoples lives and also at economy
    Ja right ........... sorry boet ....... no value at all ......... but they must have caught you out hey .............

    I bet you a banana that ain't going to sell anybody on MLM on this site.
    Lets double that bet up Adrian ........ 2 BIG Banana's ..... ok ?

  8. #8
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    i tried my hand at network marketing, and didnt make a cent. i then made a ton of money working hard at a steady job, and progressed to an sme owner and business manager.

  9. Thank given for this post:

    adrianh (28-Jul-14), HR Solutions (28-Jul-14)

  10. #9
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    One thing that I agree with Vic about -
    Quote Originally Posted by Vic Bonto View Post
    MLM is an emotional relationship business.
    Without doubt.

    Kinda got my reservations on this one though -
    Quote Originally Posted by Vic Bonto View Post
    Proffessionals - continue developing skills, helping people understand that MLM is a better way.
    I know I'm flying in the face of what the professionals are saying nowadays, but I reckon it would be more accurate to describe it as "a different way." The "better" bit can depend on what test you apply.

    Quote Originally Posted by HR Solutions View Post
    ........... Sigh .............. of boy .................. do these mlm guys still able to catch people out .... ?
    In this modern day of the internet, you'd think not, hey. But I've seen people pile into pyramid schemes knowing full well they're pyramid schemes, let alone get "suckered" into a genuine, perfectly sustainable multi-level marketing deal.

    In this age of social media, it's hard to put out something that's actually not all it's cracked up to be without someone sharing their bad experience and putting it out there for all to see.

    So what's your experience of MLM, HR?
    I know you're anti - just wondering what experience that's based on in your case.
    (And you're welcome to share too if you want, Adrian )

  11. #10
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    The topic in this forum is about MLM, i think we need to discuss here about MLM, network marketing.

    Yes, maybe you can share your network marketing experience, HR and Adrianh, what happen? tell us.

    Many people are don't earn anything from MLM, same with other industry.
    Almost 90% join in MLM waiting to be lucky, they never think or act to develop skills needed.
    Traditional business, many are very successful like Adrian, as you mention as capitalist but there are also plenty people become bankrupt, right?
    In any field, there are people become successful and there are who failed in that field.
    But take a look what is common, those successful, they develop skills, they study, they read, they apply necessary skills in their field that's why they become successful.
    How about those who did not become successful, they also have in common, they don't do, they don't develop skills needed, they are waiting to be lucky then at the end of the day, started to blame everyone, anything.

    In conclusion, can we conclude that something is a failure because many people failed? how about those become successful?

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