@Upstairs - You are so right. There is no such thing as "get rich quick" on the Internet. Business on the Internet is pure and simply Business and should be run like a Business. It takes time and hard work. But, when one goes through it personally and from starting with nothing you find easier and more profitable ways to conduct business. The easiest way to get started is to follow someone like this. If though, you have a vision, the burning desire to fulfil that vision, faith also in yourself and are prepared to take action there is nothing stopping you from being successful. Combine that with perseverance and patients and you have a winner's recipe. Just like in any other business - it is work - but it is also a great way to earn extra income and to be prepared for that insufficient retirement cheques. I have a way for people to find out more without any follow up if they are not interested. I mean what I say in this video - that is if I'm permitted Dave :-) - http://HinvestA.MySpecialWebsite.com