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Thread: Article in Namibain Sun

  1. #1
    Gold Member Martinco's Avatar
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    Article in Namibain Sun

    An email as I received it !

    My guess is that, had the following been written

    by a white journalist, he would have been sacked

    from the newspaper. As it is, this letter was penned by a black Namibian citizen, Pashu Shuudi, in the

    Namibian Sun on Thursday March 24,2011.

    "ALTHOUGH hard to swallow, us black people despise everything that looks like us. To prove my point, not so long ago fellow blacks who had run away from atrocities in their own African countries were beaten, burned and some even killed by fellow blacks in South Africa.

    In Namibia , black supporters of the ruling party Swapo and the opposition parties clashed in 2009 and we still hear of such quarrels or violence just in the name of politics. Through studying history, I have come to learn that we actually disliked one another before colonialism, hence fierce tribal fights during those years. Colonialism united us all in the fight against a common enemy and after colonialism, we saw the rebirth of things we thought were buried a long time ago, like tribalism, regionalism, favoritism, etc.

    Although we do not like others from other tribes, we all love things that we do not produce. We love fine branded clothes from Europe , we love American and German-made cars, we love expensive wines and whiskeys, yet no African person brews any of them.

    All we own, unfortunately, are thousands of shebeens where we drink ourselves to death, stab each other with knives/bottles, infect each other with the HIV virus, make lots of unwanted babies and then blame others for our miseries. We love all sorts of expensive foreign made items and show them off yet we look down at our indigenous products that we fail to commercialize.

    As blacks, we know very little about investments, whether in stocks, or in properties. All we know is how to invest our money in things that depreciate or evaporate the fastest like clothes, cars, alcohol and, when we are at it, we want the whole world to see us. I know some brothers driving BMWs, yet they sleep on the floors and don't have beds because nobody will see them anyway.

    This is what we love doing and this is the black life, a life of showing off for those who have. A black millionaire tenderpreneur living in Ludwigsdorf or Klein Kuppe in Windhoek will drive to the notorious Eveline Street in Katutura where he will show off his expensive car and look down on others.

    We sell our natural resources to Europe for processing, and then buy them back in finished products. What makes us so inferior in our thinking that we only pride ourselves when we have something made by others? What compels us to show off things that we don't manufacture? Is it the poverty that we allow ourselves to be in? Is it our navigated consciousness, our culture, or just a low self esteem possessing us? For how long are we going to be consumers or users of things we do not produce? Do we like the easy way out, such that we only use and consume things made by others?

    Do designer clothes, expensive wines or changing our names to sound more European make us more confident in ourselves?

    Our leaders scream at us how bad the Europeans are yet they steal our public money and hide it in European banks. We know how Europeans ransacked Africa but we are scandalously quiet when our own leaders loot our countries and run with briefcases under their arms full of our riches to Europe . The Europeans took our riches to Europe but our African leaders are doing this too.

    Mubarak of Egypt, Gadaffi of Libya, Mobutu Sese Seko of the (then) Zaire, all had their assets allegedly frozen in Europe . Why do our African leaders, who claim to love us, run to invest 'their' money in Europe ? Again when they get sick they are quick to be flown to Europe for treatment, yet our relatives die in hospital queues. Don't our leaders trust the health systems they have created for us all?

    Why are we so subservient, so obedient to corruption when committed by our very own people? Nobody can disagree with me that in this country that we are like pets trained to obey the instructions of their masters. I am sure we look down when we think of our broken lives but what do we see then? I wonder if we realise how we sell our dreams to our leaders for corruption, misery, poverty, unemployment, underdevelopment and all other social evils affecting us.

    How long are we going to let our manipulated minds mislead us, from womb to tomb?"


    How long are we going to blame the whites for our own inability to rise above ourselves and our situation? Waiting for stuff to be given to us for free, hands held out for alms to cross our palms? And sadly, at the next election, we vote ourselves right back into the same state of affairs!
    Martin Coetzee
    Supplier of Stainless Steel Band and Buckle and various fastening systems. Steel, Plastic, Galvanized, PET and Poly woven.
    We solve your fastening problems.

    You may never know what results will come from your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results... Rudy Malan 05/03/2011

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    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    Only stress when you can change the outcome!

  4. #3
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    Wow! What abold revelation of truth about African and 3rd World politics. Hope this article reaches the millions of South Africans who so naeivly put their thumbprints on an ANC vote and others elsewhere in Africa. I wonder of the author is still alive?. It is sickening how the poor and illiterate get led like lambs to the slaughter and how the perversors of morality get away with it time and again.

  5. #4
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    I can not imagine how stupid you have to be to vote for a corrupt, racist, incompetent, political party. Unless of course, you are benefiting from the system and are sharing in the spoils of corruption.

    It seems as if there are more stupid people than thinkers, so maybe they deserve the government that they get. I urge my fellow South Africans to wake up and to resist and fight this political cANCer that is dividing communities and is devouring our country.
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  6. #5
    Silver Member Petrichor's Avatar
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    Unfortunately the masses are again led to believe that the author of this article are just brainwashed by the westerners, so they are not to believe anything stated.

  7. #6
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    Sad isn't it that so many african people live in a state of denial purely to defend themselves on racial grounds. In a way I can't help but feel that white folk generally speaking are equally apethetic about making a stand against what is wrong. They grumble and moan around braai fires and at social gatherings but don't actually do anything, mostly I suppose born out of a feeling that there is nothing that can be done. I found this great organisation, in fact a movement, called Unashamedly Ethical which is one way for ordinary folk to do something and take a moral stand against everything that is wrong in society. Take a look at

  8. #7
    Email problem vieome's Avatar
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    It is easy for the developed world to look down on africa because of poverty and corruption, the irony of it is that over 148 billion dollars a year are stolen from africa through corrupt leaders, most of the stolen money ends up in Banks in the first world countrys. Why does the first world make it so easy for Africans to be corrupt, by giving them a place to hide their ill gotton gains. So while the Article does argue that Africans are not consumers only, it does not talk about the role of the west in creating us to be such a society. Many corporate service providers allow the very corrupt leaders to open shelf companies in other names to hide the stolen gains. So no point hating on corrupt leaders one has to see the channel that allows it to happen that then cause Africans to stay as consumers.

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  9. #8
    Gold Member Martinco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vieome View Post
    Many corporate service providers allow the very corrupt leaders to open shelf companies in other names to hide the stolen gains. So no point hating on corrupt leaders one has to see the channel that allows it to happen that then cause Africans to stay as consumers.
    I see your point, however the fact that there are avenues open to assist in corruption does not mean that one HAS to follow that option. It is one's moral conviction that determines if one will participate in these deeds and that seems to be lacking in our community.
    Martin Coetzee
    Supplier of Stainless Steel Band and Buckle and various fastening systems. Steel, Plastic, Galvanized, PET and Poly woven.
    We solve your fastening problems.

    You may never know what results will come from your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results... Rudy Malan 05/03/2011

  10. #9
    Email problem vieome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martinco View Post
    I see your point, however the fact that there are avenues open to assist in corruption does not mean that one HAS to follow that option. It is one's moral conviction that determines if one will participate in these deeds and that seems to be lacking in our community.
    I see your point, but when it comes to moral conviction we have to understand power corrupts, the west encourages that corruption because it benefits them. The west gives 50 billion in aid every year, and then allows the corrupt to hide 148 billion, what is the point of talking of our leaders moral convictions, where is the west moral convictions on the issue. While we could easily talk about cases of drug abusers lacking moral fiber, we have to look at the dealers that create the market. In Africa the leader is the drug abuser and the west the dealers. The minute the African leader refuses to play ball with the west then he is branded a dictator and corrupt and funds frozen. Why allow them to have the funds in the first place. We first have to understand that man is flawed and sometimes his morals go out the window (Bill Clinton and Monica), and hence it is necessary to control the avenues that lead to a break down in morality.

  11. #10
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    The Moral Regeneration Movement - the brainchild of President Jacob Zuma when he was deputy president in 2002 - has little to show for the R22 million that has been pumped into it by government so far.

    Parliament's Arts and Culture portfolio committee heard on Wednesday that in the body's seven years of existence, its books had never been audited and that even the Department of Arts and Culture - which is meant to oversee the initiative - is not sure what impact it has had on moral issues in South Africa.

    Department of Arts and Culture officials told MPs the body had adopted a charter of positive values in 2008 and had identified July as moral regeneration month.

    It also held a moral regeneration conference in Gauteng in 2009, but the department was unsure whether any of these initiatives were having an impact.Link to article
    Lets see the Moral Regeneration movement launched by the then Deputy President Jacob Zuma in 2002 has never been audited never mind functioned or produced results! Yet the ANC gets re-elected every time.
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