This thought struck me about a week ago. I've been reading a lot of Archeology, Quantum physics, Religion and general science stuff. This idea took hold and has become a sort of mantra in my life;

"Guard your thoughts and emotions for we are all spiritual tranceivers"

We slot ourself into universal patterns through our own mind states. Now I'm not saying that one needs to do the whole art of positive thinking thing or to love everything and everybody, I am saying that all things are connected and those connections are based in some way on our mental state. Maybe it is that when our mind state improves we are more receptive to positive connection. I find that my mindstate has a dramatic effect on my business and of course my life. I am not talking about the whole religious RA RA thinking, it isxnot based in religion, it is based on control of our own thoughts and emotions.

Anyway, the entire idea works for me in that I simply block off negative thinking and concentrate on positive outcomes.