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Thread: Innovative Occupational Hazard Identification

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb Innovative Occupational Hazard Identification

    Hi everyone,

    I have developed a “system” that focuses on making hazard identification in the workplace easier and less of a ‘chore’.
    It is a known fact that more hazard identification equals less potential accidents, thus came the inspiration for a system that has the potential of encouraging hazard identification.
    Underneath is a brief synopsis of what the system is about – I am hoping to get the opinions and feedback of individuals and companies on whether or not they feel it would be effective.


    There are two components involved, the main component and a beeper (s). Once employees identify a hazard or potential hazard, they enter the details into the main component. Once they have entered this information, a signal is transferred to the beeper (s) which will be in possession of the Supervisor and the Health & Safety Rep. (If they have one) who will investigate the hazard immediately. Based on the input, Health and Safety Reps can, on an annual basis, calculate the number of potential accidents / injuries prevented through the identification of hazards and the potential savings to the company (direct & indirect) in order to determine the effectiveness of hazards reported. Each sector/division within a company will have their own main component and their respective Supervisor’s and Health & Safety Reps. will each be in possession of a beeper, e.g. If a company has an office and a workshop then they will have two main components installed and each Supervisor and Health & Safety Rep. will be in possession of a beeper. This is to ensure efficient investigations, reduce and share responsibility and accountability as well as minimise confusion. Main components will only be linked to the respective beepers, i.e. If a hazard in the offices have been identified and entered, then only the Supervisor and the Health & Safety Rep. responsible for the offices will be alerted via their beepers. The main component in the workshop and their respective beepers will not receive any signal.


    1.) Employees are actively involved in identifying hazards – employees will feel more empowered to be aware of their behaviour and/ environment
    2.) Employers will be showing employees that their first priority is being committed to keeping their employees and surroundings healthy and safe
    3.) Employees receive an incentive/reward for a predetermined amount of hazards identified, e.g. every 100 hazards identified.
    4.) Supervisors and Reps. are able to act / remedy potential dangerous situations or acts immediately
    5.) Companies can hold their own “in-house” competition whereby divisions compete against each other, enabling the winning division a reward/incentive at the
    end of each year – this creates a sense of team
    work and support in identifying hazards.
    6.) Early detection of hazards can significantly reduce or completely prevent serious accidents and/ injuries
    7.) Direct and indirect cost of time, money and resources are significantly reduced and/ in some instances, completely eliminated.

    I need to know how if companies are interested and would they make use of such a system. Any direction, feedback and opinions will be highly regarded and greatly appreciated (even if it's not what I want to hear).

  2. #2
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    I have another application which is dormant at the moment, and could be easily adapted to what you are describing, with no cost in hardware, and could be implemented fairly quickly.

    PM me if you wish to discuss it further.
    Victor - Knowledge is a blessing or a curse, your current circumstances make you decide!
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  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I was wondering if this belonged in the labour legislation forum.

    On the topic itself, and assuming we're talking a "site wide" system (factory, building site, mine etc.) rather than a company wide system (provides for off site work teams) - the way I see it is you still have to have the safety meetings which is where the time costs of safety are really consumed. Even if the hazards are being identified and reported via another means, you still have to discuss the problem, identify the solutions and send out the message on the new procedures to mitigate the hazard. Reporting the problem is the smallest part of the time equation.

    If it's urgent, it's urgent anyway. And quality communication becomes important i.e. haul out your cellphone and start talking.
    (And before I get whacked for that - if it's a zone where no cellphones are allowed, your beeper system is toast too).

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the comments.

    Dave, the problem I see is that too few employees are involved in identifying hazrds because it's too much of a "schlep" and too little to motivate them. Yes, meetings still have to take place to discuss, etc but that is between managers, safety dept. etc & does not include most employees. My 'idea' will be useful in the example of let's say unsafe stacking close to a walkway being used regularly. An employee notices that something being stacked unsafe could topple any moment & possible fall onto someone that is passing by, he uses the system to alert the relevant person/s, they immediately resolve to either better stacking practises or stacking items in a different area. The hazard reported and solutions implemented will be discussed at safety meetings. Meetings are & always will play a crucial role but the 'hazard reporting procedure' adds value to those meetings. Hope this makes sense to you.

  5. #5
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Sounds a bit like HACCP for general use instead of just food.


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