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Thread: Long Bets, future predictions

  1. #21
    Email problem vieome's Avatar
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    Future Prediction

    I predict that Sir Bob will win the election, his competitor comrade Morgan will cry fowl, but the AU and SADC will say the elections are free and fair. Comrade Morgan will continue to cry fowl, very soon after the result, CDE Morgan and his cronies will be arrested. The west will cry not humanly right, but Africa will say here look at my finger. They will then be a small uprising the size of a match stick fire, which will be put out with the force of water it takes to put out forest fire.

    Closer to home Vav will look like he is beginning to give an EFF, and the commander in chief will be seen bowing down to him.

    In other News African leaders will smile as they watch the old fox, jump over the dumb dog, yet again. Knowing they can learn from a fox.


  2. #22
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Talking of the Vavi case, I did have a quiet chuckle reading this:

    However, in the event that the inquiry continues it is unclear which guidelines Cosatu will use as it is yet to show evidence of an existing sexual harassment policy and a finalised gender policy. The only clear document that Cosatu could produce to the Mail & Guardian is a four-page staff and leadership code of conduct and a draft gender policy.

    The biggest labour federation in South Africa claims to have a finalised gender policy, but its whereabouts are unknown. Bhengu insisted there was a finalised gender policy, but his attempts to find it proved fruitless.

    All other Cosatu policies are available on their website, except for this one. According to the department of labour, "the condition for any policy is that it must be made available to all those that are affected by it," said Page Boikanyo, spokesperson for the department.
    from story on M&G here
    DoL sticking its oar in Is Vavi actually an employee of COSATU, or an elected office bearer?

    Anyhow, the real chuckle was the irony of a labour union being commented on in the capacity of an employer...

    All of which is a long way of saying - I'm not even going to try making a call on either the Zim vote or the Vavi issue. I do look forward to seeing the results though.

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    Blurock (31-Jul-13)

  4. #23
    Email problem vieome's Avatar
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    Words have no meaning!

    The truth is that there is
    something terribly wrong with Africa
    , isn't there? If you look
    about, you witness cruelty,
    injustice and despotism. But what
    do you do about it? What can you

    You are but a single individual.
    How can you possible make any
    difference? Individuals have no
    power in this modern Africa.

    Our lifes will continue to be a world with
    curfews, with soldiers and
    surveillance systems. A world that
    is run by other men, who control the men with guns
    We dont stand a chance

    Africa defies the morality norm
    There is no kharma
    there is no justice
    We have no hope
    No promises,
    Forever slaves
    We remain.

    It is not the man in the mirror
    to blame for fear is justified
    its in our political DNA

    Good evening citizens of the world.
    This is the voice of Fear. Your
    fear I have given you...

    And Africa will never be saved...
    Do not think that is what the future holds
    That is only smoke and mirrors
    there is no miracle... there is no
    path... upon which we must
    learn to rule themselves.

    Since independance dawn, a handful of
    oppressors have accepted the
    responsibility over our lives,
    responsibility that we should have
    accepted ourselves. By doing so,
    they took our power. By doing
    nothing, we gave it away
    Never to get it back.

    Africa will never change.
    Our corrupt leaders will never be gone and
    we will never choose what comes next.
    Always we return to the chains of others
    never lives of our own. A world of the
    past or one of the future.

    Always the Same
    Always the Same

    No amount of votes can remove a man with a gun.

    Next Future Prediction
    The extinction of the of the white african will happen before the extinction of the white Rhino.

    Take my words with a pinch of salt I am after all a science fiction writer.

  5. #24
    Email problem vieome's Avatar
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  6. Thanks given for this post:

    pmbguy (01-Aug-13)

  7. #25
    Platinum Member pmbguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vieome View Post

    Next Future Prediction
    The extinction of the of the white african will happen before the extinction of the white Rhino.

    Take my words with a pinch of salt I am after all a science fiction writer.
    Hi vieome, I took some salt, may I just add my condiment.

    Worrying is like a rocking chair, it might give you something to do, but it's not going to get you anywhere.

    I don’t prescribe to the full-on dooms day scenario. We got some big f***** problems, sure. I accept in my mind that things might get worse before they get better. This is a natural state of affairs given our history.

    We can’t compare the fate of Zim with that of SA, we don’t walk on parallel lines....... thank god.
    We are somewhat different to other African countries in many respects, including Geo politically. In the same way that the west and china exploit Africa (and others) our foreign policy exploits conditions in other African countries, including ZIM. (For right or wrong)

    Remember SA is the strongest country in Africa so we will never just collapse and we will always remain a big player on the continent.
    The CANCER will become weaker over time, as an organisation and in popular vote. In the next 15 years or so they will fall from power, too fat, old and irrelevant to take the ballot. Until then they gonna eat the pie and shit in the house.

    All and all, I believe our long term prospects are good.
    You mlungu’s must relax
    It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. – Charles Darwin

  8. #26
    Email problem vieome's Avatar
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    LOL I am not a mlungu, or am I?. I just like rapping about what is cutting in the world around me.

    Is the glass half full, or half empty? The zen master says no, there is something wrong with the container.

  9. #27
    Gold Member Dave S's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vieome View Post
    Next Future Prediction
    The extinction of the of the white african will happen before the extinction of the white Rhino.

    Take my words with a pinch of salt I am after all a science fiction writer.
    From some vantage points it seems to be so...

    It is said by some, that the overall view of cANCer is to build their "black force" (BEE) to take over business etc. and then to oust the white males and take white females as sex slaves... This could simply be the fiction of the negative, and though it is food for thought, I wouldn't place too much money on it being possible.

    We are, by far, not the worst country as far as racism goes, the USA takes the prime spot there, difference is they never made it legislation. Here in Sunny SA. however, we did. There was "Apartheid" (and possibly others we don't know) and now there's "BEE", all designed to pit one race group against another. We may strive for peace and tranquillity, but as long as we're making laws that benefit one race group above another, we have little hope of ever achieving a true democracy.

    And there's the pepper...
    Today Defines Tomorrow
    Errare Humanum Est Remitto Divinus

  10. #28
    Email problem vieome's Avatar
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    The easiest way to make women sex slaves is to put them into poverty. I agree that we are by far not the most racist, but we are heading to the number one spot, the easiest way for any corrupt ruler to keep power is to create hatred, Sir Bob also had his rainbow nation in 1980, with over 100000 whites, today the population of whites is estimated to be 5000.

    I like to think of what is happening in Africa as the African Gold Rush. To create wealth one needs to invest, but why invest when you can take wealth from what others have invested in. And if you take a mans wealth and take away the means for a man to create wealth you put him on the extinction list.

  11. #29
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Vieome, you were disturbingly spot on with your Zimbabwe election prediction.

    Well done.

    (Err... I think, given the end result )

  12. #30
    Email problem vieome's Avatar
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    Lucky guess one might say. So now the idiots from MDC take the battle to Sir Bobs courts, makes me LOL. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

    Adolf Hitler
    <quote> “The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.” </quote>
    <quote> “All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach..” </quote>
    <quote> “How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think..” </quote>
    <quote> “It is not truth that matters, but victoryd.” </quote>
    <quote> “The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence.” </quote>

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