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    Victim of the UNHCR

    Dear People of the world!

    The UNHCR is killing me in Ukraine. Ukraine has become too corrupted and hence the UNHCR have got a good chance to justify itself using this huge and corrupted system.
    I have been a community leader from 2004-2011. I have abandoned this post because I wasn’t able to bear all the pressure, which has been applied by the UNHCR officials in cooperation with the Ukrainian authorities. They have fabricated a fake letter by my name in November 2010 year and this letter has become a reason for the disturbance of my peace. This letter accuses the higher officials of the State committee of Ukraine in Nationality and Religion, the authorities of the Odessa Migration department, the staffs of the accommodation center with taking bribes. I have never written such a letter and send to the State committee of Ukraine in Nationality and Religion. If I accused the higher officials of the State committee of Ukraine in Nationality and Religion then why I send this letter to them? There is no logic here.
    I am a real Christian and have honestly tried to assist my compatriots to overcome their problems. I have lost my precious 7-8 years of time for nothing. And look the award. For a period of 3 years (from 2010-2012) my life has become a nightmare. Read please underneath one of my good activity and understand what I have done to live a life, which is a nightmare:............

    In 2009 a citizen of Guinea has been detained for four cold months in the Odessa prisons without any justice. A group of Ukrainian young men has taken his mobile telephone and later accused him to the police with a robbery of their mobile. When this event started, these Ukrainian citizens asked this Guinean man to use his cellphone and later one of them went home with his cellphone. The African man asked them to give his mobile back, but instead of that a clash started in-between them. When this African man fall down because of a strike he has got a mobile telephone on the ground and since it was a night time he considered it as his mobile and run to the Accommodation Center for refugees (AC) immediately (with the telephone). This was an old model telephone in comparing with the mobile of the African. After some days this African man has been accused and detained with a robbery.
    A free of charge lawyer had been assigned for this African by the government, but as a Guinean man told me: This lawyer asked them a $3000 USD of bribe to free him. The lawyer told them: If you will not bring the money this man will be in prison for an infinitive period of time. In this way the free of charge lawyer refused to assist this innocent man.
    There are more than ten Puppet refugee’s organizations in Odessa, which have been formed by this corrupted system from 2004 and none of them were willing and able to assist this poor man. At last when these Guinean men understood that they will never get assistance from anywhere they called and asked me my assistance. I promised to do something.
    I know that corrupted system afraid the mass, so I organized some Africans and went to the court. We talked with the staff of the court including the Judge. From this meeting I have understood that someone had done a great sabotage not to let this poor man from the prison.
    The secretary of the Judge informed us that because the interpreter of this prisoner has traveled to his mother country (Congo) and didn’t return back; there had been no hearings concerning his accusation. When we know about who was the so called “Interpreter” we fall in shock, because this interpreter, who had assisted this man in the police station at first, has never traveled to his mother country. He lived in Odessa until that moment. Because of unknown reasons the administration of the AC has distributed this information deliberately. Because of this, the hearing of the African man’s case on the court had never been held for four months. But that day, the judge has promised me to look for the problem of this poor man in an appropriate way and advised us to come on the hearing. Again I called some Africans and have attended the hearing. That day a free of charge interpreter (Governmental) has come and the briber lawyer also had been there. Listening all the history, the judge has changed the article, in which this man has been detained and freed him. This was a very great victory for us. This poor man has been freed after four months of injustice and imprisonment and able to breathe the air of freedom. This Guinean man (former prisoner now) has told about this incident to the Regional UNHCR officials on the meeting, which has been held in Odessa 12 March 2010. I have uploaded this video on You tube. I am not sure it works or not, but here is the address of this video. ►

    Did this activity was a bad activity and the UNHCR has continued his attempt to kill me? Was this the award, which I was supposed to get?
    Now the UNHCR is working too hard to deprive from me the way how to communicate abroad and tell this bad history.
    Refugees, migrants and stateless people of Africa and other nations are facing a lot of racial problem here in Ukraine and as the same time it is forbidden to talk about this; using the national and world mass media. If you do so, the UNHCR will bury you if possible; or will bury your futurity. This is what is happening here in Ukraine.

    If possible, please distribute and post this message on other forums you know. I am allowing anybody to do this, because this might help me to be heard and get a solution. I am very grateful for any cooperation, which you are going to perform.

    I am very sorry with what is happening in our world.

    I can be contacted by the following addresses:


  2. #2
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    Dear People !

    My human right activity has never been limited only on assisting the Africans. I have assisted many non-African citizens and save many from the hazard, which they have confronted. Read one of these activities:

    A family (a Syrian woman and Iranian man) has arrived in the Accommodation Center for refugees (AC) in 2004 when I lived there. These men have been detained in the prison of Mukachova (a small boarder city in Ukraine) for months, because they have attempted to cross the border of Ukraine-west Europe (by foot).
    By some reason this family has been restricted to get food. In my opinion, based on my experience, based on the conversation with this family; this family has been punished to get food in the AC, because this was a punishment. They have got the chance to call a representative of CARITAS to the prison in Mukachova, because the way how they treat them in the prison was too harsh. This was considered as a violence and this family had been punished a food supply for a long time in the prison. Their old history from the prison has been transferred to the AC in Odessa and a recommendation has been done to punish them. This shows me how this system is working corruptly, anti democratically, anti humanly way. Knowing the information from my spouse how this family fall in deep hunger; we have tried to assist this family with what we can. We have supplied them with food. The woman has been worn during her arrival and together with my spouse we have supplied her clothes and some times even we gave them money.
    This woman was pregnant and this was a criminal case not to give them food, so I have tried to do what I was able to do. This family didn’t have access to medical assistances so they weren’t able to know about the condition of the baby, which was supposed to be born. On the last months of her pregnancy this woman has visited a medical doctor and she heard unbelievable news. Due to starvation the baby look like very malnourished and the probability to get alive baby is minimal. In case if the baby will be born alive the probability to exist will be short. The Doctors needed a big amount of money to save the baby. Who will give money for such a people, who have brought a disaster for this corrupted system? Knowing this from them I have started to run. I have traveled with the father of the baby to the office of the Syrian Diaspora, but they also rejected to assist, because the only service which they can supply was to transfer the remains of those Syrians who died in Odessa. All my attempts to assist this family failed, but I have got a very religious Syrian man (very poor man) and he supplied them money periodically. I have got also another non-legalized Syrian collective and they were very eager to assist this family. They have funded not one, but some thousands of Dollars to save the baby. The baby lastly has been saved and a 6 years old baby is now living with her parents in Huston; USA.
    From practice I have seen that this family can reject all this things and confirm that all this is a fabrication of mine. An organ like the UNHCR can influence on them and they can say “this man is liar”. I am saying this, because I have seen so many such a kinds of bad things in the past. Truth has been demolished from our inside and the world at all, because of money, power and the desire to get a very comfortable life.
    I have done a good farewell celebration for this family using only my money, when this family has been resettled to the USA. I gave them a moment of happiness, which they have lost long ago arriving in Ukraine. I have tried to make them feel a human being in this difficult circumstance. I have bought a bus ticket, when the husband has traveled to Kiev, because he wasn’t having a cent and sadly to look this person if he will loose this resettlement opportunity, because of this ticket. I have never get anything from them still now, but I have done this not for this purpose.

    Yes, in our strange world, such a kind of activity has become mockery and a reason to persecuate the right of the person, who has done this good things.

    I am being killed by the Odessa officials. This mission is being funded by the great UNHCR.

    Sad to observe how they are killing you in this world of unjust.


  3. #3
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    Dear People of the world !!!

    At the end of 2003 my family has faced a serious financial problem. To solve this problem, my spouse should has to leave our small child in a kindergartner and assist me on my job. We have applied again to a kindergarten, where our baby stayed some months ago. We have paid a 50 Dollars of bribe for the director of this kindergarten that time to register our baby. Now, when we applied for the second time the Director again asked a bribe. From where we can get money to pay an infinite amount of bribe for the Odessa authorities ? We are Refugees and they were supposed to assist us to integrate in this society, but in the contrary we are paying them money to live. We have rejected to pay, because we don't have money. We went to the city administration and a good woman directed us to that kindergarten - without any payment.
    The staff of this kindergarten especially the Director was very angry, because they weren't able to get money from us. Because of that we have started to observe many unpleasant things concerning our baby. Our baby wasn't able to formulate and tell us what is happening in the kindergarten, but every morning when we took her to the kindergarten she cried too much.
    One night, when I arrived to take my baby, I have seen a very strange thing. All babies were playing together in small groups, but my baby sat too far from there alone. Coming nearer to her I have seen that she is not OK. Everywhere on her face were seen dry stains of tears. Her face and her cloths were too dirty. Looking for me, my baby has run to me using all her energy, hung on me and cried a lot. She wasn't able to stop her tears. It was obvious that my baby has been abused, beaten and humiliated by someone or a group of children, but she wasn't able to express this in an appropriate way. Staffs of the kindergarten were sitting with other babies and were not having any care about my baby. Since the father didn't want to pay a 50 Dollars of bribe, the baby should suffer. Going out from the territory of the kindergarten I also cried a lot hiding myself from my baby. My baby has become a victim of corrupted civilians and authorities. from that day onwards we refused to send our baby to a kindergarten. How could it be ? A heartless authorized men, who doesn't have care for small babies if their parents are unable to pay a bribe. How could we send our babies there ? Why Odessa has become too cruel against poor people ? Alone we are not able to counteract all this kind of injustice and that was why I have joined the NGO - The Odessa Association of African Refugees (OAAR) in 2004 with great happiness. What happen then ?

    Look how much the UNHCR secretly prepared punishments and conspire to dismiss me. I have freed African citizens, who have been jailed without justice; I have saved a family from unlawful eviction from the accommodation center (AC), from deportation; I have assisted my compatriots to get an Ukrainian citizenship with out any payment (in reality every applicant should have to pay a 1500 Dollars of bribe to get the citizenship of Ukraine); I have traveled to many police stations and freed our compatriots, who were detained illegally etc. I have done all these activities using my money. I have never get a support from any place. The UNHCR was supposed to assist such a kind of people like me, because we are applying our efforts for the integration of refugees, but this organ has become too cruel and uses any means to dismiss me. Did these activities were bad ? Then why the UNHCR is working too much from 2004 to destroy me ?

    Starting from 2004 I have observed that the UNHCR together with the corrupted authorities of Odessa is attempting to stop me from my humanitarian activity, but I have done small to counteract this. But in 2010 the UNHCR has done its great mistake. Because of this mistake I have accused this organ all over the world. This has become a crime and an organized attack has started against me. The organizer of this organized attack is the UNHCR.
    Was that a crime to complain against the staff of a kindergarten, because they have abused my child in such a way ? dirty, beaten and letting her with an emotion of loneliness.

    I will continue my protest, because soon I am going to loose my job for the third and last time. This is part of the conspiracy to dismiss me and my family. I don't want to live more with fear, anxiety and injustice. I have never violate a law and nobody should not violate my right.



  4. #4
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    Dear gusts and members of this forum !!!

    I have done a lot of good things for our African people here in Ukraine, but look what is happening against me. The UNHCR is blocking me from the INTERNET and trying to dismiss me. I have to get soem means to be heard.
    If you have any other way to be heard, another good forum to protest this unlawful actions of the UNHCR please cooperate me. Indicate me.

    I will be thankful for your cooperation.



  5. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I read your appeal to the UNHCR you made in 2010. I get the impression the Ukraine is not exactly friendly towards refugees (particularly from Africa). It's a topic that came up around Euro 2012 too - Ukraine has a reputation for xenophobia.

    And I found myself asking these questions:

    Which part of Africa are you a refugee from?
    Why are you a refugee?
    Why did you go to Ukraine?

  6. #6
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    Dear Mr. Dave A !

    Thanks a lot for your attention and reply.
    Looking for your reply I understand that I am not alone and mentally refreshed.
    I am a citizen of Ethiopia.
    In fact I am living in Ukraine for a long time and still I am a refugee. I will come to this topic in detail in the nearer future. I have a prepared material and should have to print it here.
    I arrived in Ukraine to get a higher education and I am a masters degree holder. In fact I am not able to work with my profession, because there is no job or if you get a job by your profession the salary will not even be enough for the payment of a flat.

    Excuse me that I am replying you too late. This is because I am too busy. I must do something in the nearer future, because I know that secretly, they might do a lot of fabrication to not let me tell the world society what is going on here.
    I think you will be with me and will support me morally in the future.


    Asheber Bekele

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    I read your appeal to the UNHCR you made in 2010. I get the impression the Ukraine is not exactly friendly towards refugees (particularly from Africa). It's a topic that came up around Euro 2012 too - Ukraine has a reputation for xenophobia.

    And I found myself asking these questions:

    Which part of Africa are you a refugee from?
    Why are you a refugee?
    Why did you go to Ukraine?

  7. #7
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    Abetka, I really do empathize with you! Your best recourse still remains the United Nations. Any evidence of any human rights violations should be uploaded to youtube and any other online community. Let the world see and understand exactly what your plight is!
    “Ubuntu is the essence of being humane" Desmond Tutu
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  8. #8
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vanash Naick View Post
    Your best recourse still remains the United Nations.
    I wish I shared your faith. The research I did showed a solution for the challenge is not going to be simple.

    Ukraine faces some major challenges of their own - they're not well placed to assist refugees. This is "out of the fat and into the fire" stuff.

    The other problem is... well let's put it this way... it hasn't all been "peaceful protest."

  9. #9
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    Dear friends, gusts and good people of our world !

    I am very happy if someone will organize himself and try to assist me. In my opinion, the man, who organize and decided to assist me can transfer my messages to friends, can post my message to known forums, can indicate me the links of known forums, can post my message to news-week, etc. This will be more than what I am expecting.


    Asheber Bekele

  10. #10
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    This is not a joke !

    It might be too shameful to consider yourself as a refugee living in a European country for more than twenty years or more. Most of our compatriots in Ukraine are not desirable to abandon this status because of poverty. The country, which provides us asylum is not able to do anything for refugees. To know about this please read the report of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) about Ukraine, which has been released in 2008 from this address:

    On this report at the bottom of page 15, ECRI declared like this:
    “Once their status (status of refugee's) has been recognized, refugees receive a one-off allowance of 17 hryvnias (approximately 2.50 euros) and no accommodation.” This is not a joke, but a real event. From this report you will understand how much refugee's of Ukraine are suffering in their life. Practically it is impossible to get a job in Ukraine. This is not because of the crisis, which has started in 2008 or after the secretly released of the new European policy to make the migration process more wicked, but this had been like this since Ukraine started to grant asylum for newcomers (in the middle of 1990 – 2000 year) . A person must get a job to pay for flat, food, cloth, medical expenses and to marry and given birth of a children. From where a refugee can get money for all these expenses, when he will be saturated (be a citizen of this country) ? So, because of this reason – fearing the dark futurity; many of our compatriots didn't dare to be a citizen of Ukraine.
    Yes, there are some, who applied to get the citizenship of Ukraine (and even have become a citizen) . But don't think that these people want this status to integrate and live in this country. All of us have become like a prisoners here. Even though we are a recognized refugees and have a travel document, we aren't able to use this travel document and travel to somewhere. From the beginning, this travel document has been made deliberately improperly. Many of us, who have a family were in need of such a document, because we were able to travel to the western European countries or somewhere and get a job – to feed our family. Many embassies in Ukraine have informed our compatriots that this travel document doesn't fit the international standard. Concerning this issue (travel document):

    -- The executive committee (EC) of our NGO has made a meeting in Kiev with the Representatives of the Regional UNHCR office in 2006 (But without any solution);

    - Our NGO has addressed to the representatives of the Regional UNHCR office to solve this problem;

    - In many meetings, refugees have raised this issue and asked the representative of theRegional UNHCR to solve this problem. But the representatives of the Regional UNHCR preferred to be deaf.

    Looking to the resistance of the regional UNHCR office many have come to the decision that it impossible to live in this country. THEY DESIRE A FREEDOM. The only solution, which recognized refugees came in to their mind to get freedom from this prison is to get Ukrainian citizenship and escape. Many have escaped from this prison and join the western European countries and are living long ago in peace. So the only reason, for which many recognized refugees in Ukraine are taking the citizenship of Ukraine is to get freedom.
    Having a status of refugee for a long years, a refugee can be accommodated in the accommodation center for refugee, get at least free medical service through the UNHCR and some times he can get a financial assistance from the UNHCR if ;

    - he will be a person, who will not ask his right;

    - Will not write a protest or a petition against the system or part of it, which works together with the UNHCR.

    - This person will forget about his interest understanding the situation that it is useless to remember them that he has such an interest.

    - He will be deaf, dumb and blind for all events, which are happening in his surroundings.
    Yes, in this case a refugee status will be a good means of existence for refugee's in Ukraine . How could they survive in another way ? You can Google and get a very grief news about the life of refugees in Ukraine. This poverty has become a good instrument for this system to calmly rule and close the mouths of those, who wants to tell the world society what is going on here. In fact poverty has become a good weapon everywhere for tyrants to suppress and rule poor people of our planet. But I am sorry to observe that the UNHCR has stand in one line with the world known tyrants and continue to drove to poverty and harass poor people like me and others.
    Frequently the partners of the UNHCR remember me and others that we are living here in Ukraine for more than twenty years and we were supposed to integrate and saturate in this society , live a new life, forget the assistance from the UNHCR. Indeed they are right. But did the UNHCR officials remember this issue for those refugees, who have a very closed relation with them, get a continual financial and material assistance and who are living in Ukraine for more than twenty years ? NO.
    Even though these refugees are living in Ukraine as much age as I am living, they are getting a surplus amount of money and other assistance. The partners of the UNHCR and the UNHCR itself will never remember them why they don't want to be saturated.
    There are some, who have saturated, but have a very closed relation with this system. Even though they are saturated, they are still supplied with different services including finance, accommodation and health assistance. I have asked the partners of the UNHCR and the staffs of the local integration center “why these people are supplied a financial and other assistance after that they have become a citizen of Ukraine ?” and I have got the following answer:
    " Since the country is too weak to assist them and they are unable to survive independently; the UNHCR has a responsibility to assist them for some period (five years) till they will get the ability to survive independently." Yes, this is a very good idea for those, who are planing to be saturated, but how many refugeeeeeees are getting a financial assistance from the UNHCR ? Very
    and very few.
    Yes, because of this reason many refugees are not willing to be saturated in the Ukrainian society; having a hope, that they will get something from the great UNHCR and preserve their life. We are Eternally Refugees.
    So, in the future if you meet a man with a twenty or more than years of refugee status – don't surprise or laugh please, since he might be from Ukraine. It is possible that you have heard in the past about the very successful integration and saturation of refugees in the Ukrainian society. But I am telling you the truth “Don't believe this kind of information.” this is a fake and a disinformation of
    the UNHCR and its allies (partners). The reality is vice-verse. But why the UNHCR and its allies are lying to this extent ? We will formulate an answer for this vital question in the next messages.

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