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Thread: Victim of the UNHCR

  1. #21
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    Around 7 AM our gods already arrived. What they can do? They have tried to do
    something, but without success. Ismael as usual run from corner to corner, from floor to floor
    with a huge knife in his hands. Residents also run from side to side with great shouts. Lastly
    Ismael was swinging from side to side, because to stop him they have broken his leg by a
    metallic rod and got a good blow on his head. A police force has arrived and tried to control the
    situation, but without success, because it was too late. Even Ismael took this as a game and
    unexpectedly took the AK-47 of a policeman and attempt to shoot, but thanks God the bullet
    holder was empty. They have used a poisonous gas to paralyze Ismael, but Ismael continued to
    run with his mouth full of red foamed (blood) of saliva. Around 8 AM an ambulance came and took the
    bloody Ismael to hospital. I will never forget this event forever. A teenager, who needs a medical
    assistance get a blow on his head and his leg has been broken cruelly. Around 9AM babies called
    me. They want to show me something. I went with them. They showed me something in the bathroom. The lamp of the bathroom was broken with Ismael, but with a help of a torch I have seen something – The Genital of Ismael lying on the floor.

    To be continued

  2. #22
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    The next day the director of the AC came and told us that the hospital asked a 40--50
    USD of payment per day to save the life of this teenager, but the administration and I think the
    migration department refused to do that. In such a way the life of this teenager has finished. This
    is the cost of life in Odessa, where the authorities are too severely corrupted. A life, which is cheaper than 40 Dollars. This severe
    corruption forms a suitable circumstance for the staffs of the UNHCR to demoralize, degrade,
    and humiliate refugee’s right.
    An act was drawn up on the death of Ismael. These corrupted organs called secretly
    some refugees, who sympathized with their system and confirmed that the death of Ismael was a
    suicide. Very interesting, but nobody was called from the residents of the AC as a witness. All, who have been a witnesses in the Ismael's case slept in their house in the town, when this event happened, but got the courage to be a fake witness. In such a way a pity teenager, who wasn’t blamed with anything passed, not getting a
    necessary medical assistance; whereas the criminals, who were supposed to sit all their life in a
    prison are enjoying their luxurious life being hided by the concept of humanity and human right.
    They have got a good blanket for that – the blanket of the UNHCR, which will hide all, who will
    be ally with them.

    Such a kind of events (like Ismaels's death) have forced me to join in our NGO and defend people like Ismael and others, but look the result. The UNHCR, who has done all our efforts fruitless from the foundation of our NGO is harassing me. They have agreed to dissmiss me, kill my little baby and give others a lesson that it is forbidden to organize and defend each other. Even though it is clearly written on the international decleration of the UNO that people of the world have a right to organize and develope a good society; this and other declerations of the UNO stay only on a paper and will never be practised. This is a fake world.

    Please be kind and send my posts to friends and relatives. If posssible please post my posts to other forums (or indicate me the addresses of known forums, which you know) and post them on news-papers.

    The end of the "Cost of life"

  3. #23
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    So did you find the drug pusher?

  4. #24
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    Yes, Mr. Dave . A.

    I am OK !
    Our struggle to survive in this world will continue.


    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    So did you find the drug pusher?

  5. #25
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    UNHCR – The silent shooter

    My flat owner

    I was having a very good relation with this woman. This woman is the owner of my flat. I am living in her flat starting from December 2004 till now. Almost for eight years. It is impossible to live in one flat for such a wide period of years if there will be incomprehension in between you and your flat owner.
    We were a good friends with my flat owner. Together with her husband, she has invited me in her flat a lot of time. We have spent a good time in my flat. I remember the summer time, where we have prepared a good week-end in her house, which is located on the edge of the town.

    In the past, before I started to live in her flat, she had been cheated by many renters.

    --- She lost all her furniture,
    --- many renters leave her flat not paying the rent for a lot of months,
    --- Some have made her flat too dirty. After that she let me to live in her flat she started to thankful her God, because she has got a person like me. Yes, my flat owner has become too happy, because I am living in her house.

    I remember those years, when she decided to travel to her old mother and live there (in a town called Ivano-frankovsky). She told me that time “I am not able to get anyone, for whom I can believe and leave my flat with. I have decided to travel to my old mother and live there, since she might die soon. I will give you apower of attorney to take my pension and you will send it to me together with therent of the flat. You will be responsible to pay all consumptions for the flat.”

    These were the words of my good flat owner some years ago.

    To be continued

  6. #26
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    In fact I am sorry to inform you the next; after all I have informed you upward, but starting from the end of 2010 our relation with my flat owner has changed too radically. She hate me. She started to curse the days, when she let me to live in her flat. Starting from the beginning of 2011 she is running too much to evict me from her flat. I have become the worst person, which she has ever seen in this world.

    What were the reasons, which make my flat-owner to change her opinion concerning my good personality radically ?
    My humanitarian activity has become a culprit for my personality to be demolished in the eyes of my flat-owner. The woman, who once up on a time has praised my black origin now curse our existence. Yes, now I know a lot of things about human right and other things. I know very and very well about the UNHCR
    and other organs.

    The only and only reason for my flat-owner to hate and attempt to evict me from her flat, where I am living almost eight years is the fabrication, which has been synthesized by the joint effort of:
    --- The Regional UNHCR office,
    --- The state committee of Ukraine in Nationality and Religion,
    --- The Odessa regional migration Department and
    --- The partners of the the Regional UNHCR office in Odessa - in November 2010. I became a very severe headache for these IMPOSTERS and it was necessary to synthesize such a kind of fabrication to stop me from my humanitarian activity and if possible to destroy me physically.

    To be continued

  7. #27
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    My relation with my flat-owner has been spoiled to such far extent; that recently I have got a fact that she; 18 December 2011 has reported to a police station asking a help to evict me from her flat forcibly. The reason for this accusation and the request for my forcibly eviction were:
    --- I am not paying the rent of her flat for three years.
    --- I don't want to leave her flat voluntarily.
    My flat owner will never accuse me by her own will. In my opinion, again this accusation has been also organized by these IMPOSTERS, who have an everlasting dream to make mockery Africans in the territory of Ukraine. Arranging this accusation (18 December 2011), these IMPOSTERS are trying to show me how much far they can go to disturb my peace.
    Did I refused to pay the rent of my flat for three years ? NO ! This is absolutely false. Yes, these IMPOSTERS have everything in their hands:
    --- money,
    --- power and
    --- a large flock of deliberately drowned to poverty (by these IMPOSTERS) and starved animals called REFUGEES. Specially these the so called REFUGEES are the very dangerous instruments, which can become a weapon to demolish the futurity of a person like me (You will understand in the nearer future, why I am saying this concerning REFUGEES). Yes, because of these starved refugees, these IMPOSTERS are able to fabricate and be innocent ever, but people like me, who have worked too many years honestly to consolidate the community and overcome our problems collectively will be destroyed using the above well-prepared three instruments.

    To be continued
    Last edited by abteka; 01-Aug-12 at 07:57 AM. Reason: To make a correction

  8. #28
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abteka View Post
    I am OK !
    No, you're not.

    You're blaming "officials" for the demise of Ismael who you feel should have rescued him.
    Why wasn't he himself? What trip was he on?

    Who gave it to him?
    What did you do to find and stop these destroyers of lives?
    Or were you too focused on blaming the officials to even bother working on what caused the problem in the first place.

  9. #29
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    Even though the staffs of the police station have denied to insist a criminal case against me; they have informed my flat-owner that they weren't able to get me home and in case if they will get a chance to meet with me physically, they will take a measure depending on the legislation of Ukraine. What a kind of measure they will take ? To through me out of my flat ? Yes.

    I have observed that my flat-owner has become psychologically too sick. She is walking with too difficulty, because she has tired physically and morally. It is possible that they are terrorizing her to confiscate her flat. She has worked all her youth age in a poisonous factory to buy this flat. This flat is the only means of
    survival for her. Now they are terrorizing her to confiscate it. I have analyzed all these and understanding the moral crisis, in which I may fall, if this woman will die by a case, which concern me; I came to the decision to leave her flat. I have done a lot of attempts to get a new flat. Look what happen then :
    ............ a person has arrived to my working place in the beginning of 2012 and suggested me his flat. I agreed and payed him a one month fee and that person didn't allow me to live there. This case is serious, but the man was sure that nobody will not do anything against him. There is a good saying in Ethiopia “a sheep, which became too confident with her owner let her tail outside the yard at the night time.” From his talking I became sure that this man has been sent by the local police men, where I am working. This is the duty, which the police has got from the Odessa authorities - to harass, make me nervous and apply different psychological humiliations.
    Now I know very well that I am not able to get another new flat and as the same time I am not able to abandon (live in) my old flat. These fake humanitarians have prepared numerous ordeals against me. Where can I go and live ? Out side ?

    09 July 2012 I have been in the house of my flat owner. The woman, who has been too active two years ago has become unable to move. She is only two years older than me, but looks like a 90 years of grandmother. It is me now, who is paying all the expenses for the flat (water, gas and electricity). She is not able to go outside. ( Yes, if they forced her, she might went out, because the people of the world don't have power against such a kind of criminals and powerful IMPOSTERS. We will do whatever they want.) This day (09 July 2012) she told me that she is bleeding for a continual of six days. I have seen facts about this. I am very sorry. For some IMPOSTERS to live a luxurious life a poor woman must die. Please tell me; What is the mistake of this woman ? Who will be responsible if this woman will die ? Thanks the UNHCR – you have opened my eyes too widely and let me to discover our world in a new way.

    I am very sorry.

    The End

  10. #30
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    Yes, you are right Mr. Dave A.

    I am not OK.
    I have protested the death of Ismael at that time. But who will listen you here in Ukraine ? To found and punish a murderer we were supposed to get a support from somewhere, but all have become an enemy of our little NGO.

    Poor Ismael had been not good psychological long ago. The migration department, the admin of the accommodation center or the partner of the UNHCR were supposed to identify his problem and get a solution for that. But they were only running to make an enermous money. Who will take care for a refugee if he will not do that for himself ? But Ismael was not in that situation.

    I have worked too much to get an appropriate situation for our NGO and solve our own problems. I have spent a lot of time to get independence of our unity, but this system by the leadership of the UNHCR has destroyed all what I have done. They were in need to make our NGO a dependent and they have succeeded with that.

    I don't like to complain, but what you are reading and will read in the future makes me to disapponinted in life. I have seen the bad side of life, which possibly many have or will never see it. It is this NGO, which showed me all this unjust of our world and real meaning of many concepts.

    Thanks for your support.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    No, you're not.

    You're blaming "officials" for the demise of Ismael who you feel should have rescued him.
    Why wasn't he himself? What trip was he on?

    Who gave it to him?
    What did you do to find and stop these destroyers of lives?
    Or were you too focused on blaming the officials to even bother working on what caused the problem in the first place.

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