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Thread: Victim of the UNHCR

  1. #11
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    This is not a joke !

    It might be too shameful to consider yourself as a refugee living in a European country for more than twenty years or more. Most of our compatriots in Ukraine are not desirable to abandon this status because of poverty. The country, which provides us asylum is not able to do anything for refugees. To know about this please read the report of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) about Ukraine, which has been released in 2008 from this address:

    On this report at the bottom of page 15, ECRI declared like this:
    “Once their status (status of refugee's) has been recognized, refugees receive a one-off allowance of 17 hryvnias (approximately 2.50 euros) and no accommodation.” This is not a joke, but a real event. From this report you will understand how much refugee's of Ukraine are suffering in their life. Practically it is impossible to get a job in Ukraine. This is not because of the crisis, which has started in 2008 or after the secretly released of the new European policy to make the migration process more wicked, but this had been like this since Ukraine started to grant asylum for newcomers (in the middle of 1990 – 2000 year) . A person must get a job to pay for flat, food, cloth, medical expenses and to marry and given birth of a children. From where a refugee can get money for all these expenses, when he will be saturated (be a citizen of this country) ? So, because of this reason – fearing the dark futurity; many of our compatriots didn't dare to be a citizen of Ukraine.
    Yes, there are some, who applied to get the citizenship of Ukraine (and even have become a citizen) . But don't think that these people want this status to integrate and live in this country. All of us have become like a prisoners here. Even though we are a recognized refugees and have a travel document, we aren't able to use this travel document and travel to somewhere. From the beginning, this travel document has been made deliberately improperly. Many of us, who have a family were in need of such a document, because we were able to travel to the western European countries or somewhere and get a job – to feed our family. Many embassies in Ukraine have informed our compatriots that this travel document doesn't fit the international standard. Concerning this issue (travel document):

    -- The executive committee (EC) of our NGO has made a meeting in Kiev with the Representatives of the Regional UNHCR office in 2006 (But without any solution);

    - Our NGO has addressed to the representatives of the Regional UNHCR office to solve this problem;

    - In many meetings, refugees have raised this issue and asked the representative of theRegional UNHCR to solve this problem. But the representatives of the Regional UNHCR preferred to be deaf.

    Looking to the resistance of the regional UNHCR office many have come to the decision that it impossible to live in this country. THEY DESIRE A FREEDOM. The only solution, which recognized refugees came in to their mind to get freedom from this prison is to get Ukrainian citizenship and escape. Many have escaped from this prison and join the western European countries and are living long ago in peace. So the only reason, for which many recognized refugees in Ukraine are taking the citizenship of Ukraine is to get freedom.
    Having a status of refugee for a long years, a refugee can be accommodated in the accommodation center for refugee, get at least free medical service through the UNHCR and some times he can get a financial assistance from the UNHCR if ;

    - he will be a person, who will not ask his right;

    - Will not write a protest or a petition against the system or part of it, which works together with the UNHCR.

    - This person will forget about his interest understanding the situation that it is useless to remember them that he has such an interest.

    - He will be deaf, dumb and blind for all events, which are happening in his surroundings.
    Yes, in this case a refugee status will be a good means of existence for refugee's in Ukraine . How could they survive in another way ? You can Google and get a very grief news about the life of refugees in Ukraine. This poverty has become a good instrument for this system to calmly rule and close the mouths of those, who wants to tell the world society what is going on here. In fact poverty has become a good weapon everywhere for tyrants to suppress and rule poor people of our planet. But I am sorry to observe that the UNHCR has stand in one line with the world known tyrants and continue to drove to poverty and harass poor people like me and others.
    Frequently the partners of the UNHCR remember me and others that we are living here in Ukraine for more than twenty years and we were supposed to integrate and saturate in this society , live a new life, forget the assistance from the UNHCR. Indeed they are right. But did the UNHCR officials remember this issue for those refugees, who have a very closed relation with them, get a continual financial and material assistance and who are living in Ukraine for more than twenty years ? NO.
    Even though these refugees are living in Ukraine as much age as I am living, they are getting a surplus amount of money and other assistance. The partners of the UNHCR and the UNHCR itself will never remember them why they don't want to be saturated.
    There are some, who have saturated, but have a very closed relation with this system. Even though they are saturated, they are still supplied with different services including finance, accommodation and health assistance. I have asked the partners of the UNHCR and the staffs of the local integration center “why these people are supplied a financial and other assistance after that they have become a citizen of Ukraine ?” and I have got the following answer:
    " Since the country is too weak to assist them and they are unable to survive independently; the UNHCR has a responsibility to assist them for some period (five years) till they will get the ability to survive independently." Yes, this is a very good idea for those, who are planing to be saturated, but how many refugeeeeeees are getting a financial assistance from the UNHCR ? Very
    and very few.
    Yes, because of this reason many refugees are not willing to be saturated in the Ukrainian society; having a hope, that they will get something from the great UNHCR and preserve their life. We are Eternally Refugees.
    So, in the future if you meet a man with a twenty or more than years of refugee status – don't surprise or laugh please, since he might be from Ukraine. It is possible that you have heard in the past about the very successful integration and saturation of refugees in the Ukrainian society. But I am telling you the truth “Don't believe this kind of information.” this is a fake and a disinformation of
    the UNHCR and its allies (partners). The reality is vice-verse. But why the UNHCR and its allies are lying to this extent ? We will formulate an answer for this vital question in the next messages.

  2. #12
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    So what is your long term plan, then? To live off UNHCR support for the rest of your life?

    At what point are you going to start taking responsibility for yourself and your future and actually make a life for yourself?

  3. #13
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    Dear Mr. Dave A !!!

    Thank you for your reply.
    I don't want any kind of communication with the UNHCR.
    I have defended and protected many Africans and non- Africans serving in our NGO. I have done the life of my compatriots more safe. Yes, there were some situations, in which I need a support, but for that I refused to sell myself for the UNHCR officials.
    I have completly cutt-off my relation with the UNHCR for more than a year, but they didn't want to leave me. This permenant interference in my personal life will not be stopped forever; In June 2012 I have lost my good job (for the third time in two years) and that was well fabricated - to immerse me to poverty and complicate my life. And this was the reason why I started this campaign.
    Do you think that I will have a safe life here in Ukraine ? I think no. I know that they will kill me, but before that I should have to do something.

    Thanks a lot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    So what is your long term plan, then? To live off UNHCR support for the rest of your life?

    At what point are you going to start taking responsibility for yourself and your future and actually make a life for yourself?

  4. #14
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    The UNHCR will be responsible for my DEATH !!!

    In February-March 2010 refugees, asylum seekers, naturalized former refugees and our NGO “The Odessa Association of African Refugees, OAAR” asked the officials of the Regional UNHCR office for a meeting, because living in Ukraine for so many years we have got nothing; except a complicated life. Many have died, because of difficult living standard, no integration and have immersed in deep poverty.
    25 February, 12 and 26 March 2010 we have done a meeting with the representatives of the UNHCR in Odessa. The administration of the Accommodation Center for Refugees (ACR) and the authorized persons of the Odessa Regional Migration Department (ORMD) have threatened many asylum seekers to evict them from the ACR, because they have attended these meetings.
    Many asylum seekers have called me (because I was the General Secretary of the OAAR) that night and asked a help. That night I have sent a letter to the higher officials of the Regional UNHCR office and have done a copy to many organs abroad asking them not to evict any one from the ACR and resettle all refugees to a third country, since the country didn’t want to do any thing for the integration of refugees. You can see this message here ==>

    The officials of the UNHCR were not happy with my activity in this NGO from the beginning and in the period, when we have done these meetings with them, because:

    --- I have led and arranged this meetings,
    --- I have took a video image of all these three meetings (ten DVD discs),
    --- I have arranged a collectively petition, in which the whole community asked a mass repatriation to a third country where we can get a safe life. (This petition has been signed by 111 refugees, asylum seekers, migrants and saturated former refugees and is well documented)
    --- As a General secretariat of this NGO I have seen for seven years how much corruption has grown deep in between the authorities of Odessa and the UNHCR officials also. I have understood that it is impossible to change the situation and survive here and have arranged a petition of our NGO asking the UNHCR to leave all from this country (resettle all refugees, asylum seekers, migrants and saturated former refugees from Ukraine to a safe country.) Because of all these reasons the UNHCR officials have continued to punish me frequently. When I started to observe that they are harassing me more progressively (in May 2010) I addressed this event to the world society accusing the UNHCR office in Kiev with non-humanitarian activities. This has found another great problem. This great problem is a conspiracy to kill me. Here is the history shortly:

    In November 2010 four very interested things happened. These are:

    (1) The State Committee of Ukraine in Nationality and Religion has called me to Kiev for a meeting. The aim of this meeting was to discuss about a letter, whose author by the opinion of the State committee was me. That latter accuses the authorized persons of the ORMD, ACR and the State committee in taking bribe. This was absolutely faked. I have been asked to write a rejection as if I am not the author of this letter, because I have told them that the letter was not from me. I rejected to do that.
    Because of this rejection the state committee of Ukraine has directed my issue to the Minster of interior of Ukraine. From this time onwards harassment started against me. The main aim (results) of this harassment was:
    --- To make me economically weak and dependent.
    --- To harass the owner of my flat, so that she might chase me from her flat or they will be able to create me a life, which is full of trouble.
    --- Deprived subside of my flat owner. I have lived in this flat for seven years and my flat owner has got subside all this time, but after this fabricated accusation she has lost it.
    --- Make me a social problem every where, especially on my job.
    --- Founding a bad relation with my friends, with members of the Executive Committee (EC) of the OAAR, with people, whom I have assisted them during my service in the EC of the OAAR etc.
    --- Treat badly those, who have tried to have a business relation (proposal) with me.
    --- Representatives of different local organs have arrived to my apartment continually harassed, threatened and insulted me.
    --- They have arranged countless number of scandals (by the support of the local police) every day on my job. I have been insulted, humiliated and harassed on my job. Even though we frequently face such a humiliation; what had been in this period was very frequent.
    --- They provoke me to do a crime. By the support of the local police a numerous attempts has been done to push me to crime.
    --- To destroy me economically; It wasn’t enough to chase me from my good working place. The local police send numerous robbers and they stole me FOR EXAMPLE ==> a pair of shoes, the colour and size is absolutely different; three shoe, which are only for the right or left leg etc.

    To fulfill all these plans, these organs have controlled my telephone calls; have controlled my PC; have controlled my E-mail and postal mail.

    VERY AMAZING ==> after all these fabrications, the State committee of Ukraine on Nationality and Religion has been dismissed by the regulation of the Ukrainian Government. This happened on December 2010. No organization will be responsible for the persecuation, which has started in November 2010.

    (2) The ORMD and the partner of the Regional UNHCR office in Odessa; “the Sympathy fund” has proposed me a good business proposal. They proposed me to build a small shop in the territory of the Accommodation Center. IMAGINE ==> I have addressed million appeals against these people for a period of seven years all over the world and to the Regional UNHCR office, because:
    --- they have divided our community;
    --- they have found alternative African organization;
    --- Threatened and punished our members, which have got a relation with our NGO the OAAR;
    --- made issues of those, who apply to our NGO more difficult;
    --- Restricted me personally to enter in the Accommodation Center freely and communicate with our members and friends.
    --- They have rejected to accommodate me in the Accommodation Center in 2009. For my request to be accommodated in the Accommodation Center they rejected me stating that this is because: I am a recognized refugee, I have a Ukrainian spouse and I am living in this country for many years. :- > NOTE ==> But that time in the Accommodation Center live more than seven former refugees, who have got Ukrainian citizenship with their Ukrainian wives; almost twenty recognized refugees lived that time in the Accommodation Center many amongst them lived in this country for more than twenty years. I have been rejected to be accommodated in the Accommodation Center, because of my activity in the NGO called the OAAR.
    --- They conspired with other local authorities to make the activity of our NGO fruitless and so on. ……. Then how could these people proposed me such a good IDEA? Unbelievable.

    (3) I have been chased from my good working place, where I have got a good income and this has became the worst thing for me. They have chased me from my good working place in November 2010; in March 2012 and now in 15 June 2012. Because of this measure, long ago I have become unable to pay for the flat, where I am living; unable to feed myself; unable to assist my family; unable to manage my job properly and so on.
    -- I may die any time in the nearer future, because of being a homeless, because of hunger, because of absence of things, which are necessary for life.

    (4) The Authorities of the Regional UNHCR office proposed me their assistance, because I have fall in difficulty due to the fabrication of the State committee. IMAGINE ==> The authorities of the Regional UNHCR office have punished me for a period of seven years, and now they themselves are proposing me their assistance. ONE EXAMPLE ==> they have restricted to supply me a medicament in May 2010 for my enlarged thyroid gland and now in November 2010 they have became sorrowful of this false accusation and proposed me their help. Very fantastic !

    When this accusation started in the beginning of November 2010 I have informed about this event to friends and they consulted with lawyers and advised me to apply to the Regional UNHCR office or their legal partners in Odessa, but I refused to do that. I have refused to apply to the UNHCR, because I have been punished continually by them in the past and how could I dare and ask their assistance? I decided to solve this problem alone.

    Unexpectedly, the UNHCR officials have called and proposed me their assistance in one of the November-December 2010 days. WHY? Even though I had been uncertain with this request, I explained them what happened with me. WHAT HAPPENED LATER? DID PROBLEMS HAVE BEEN DECREASED? Usually, when problems are reported to the UNHCR officials; the UNHCR will deal with them; make a conversation with the governmental authorities and get a solution. But what concerned me; even though the UNHCR has got enough information about my problem; my problems started to become more difficult for me. Problems started to come one after another. I have informed the officials of the UNHCR every step, which has occurred, but problems didn’t stop. I have written them continually and asked them to do something, but they ignored me.

    Like the proposals of the officials of the ORMD (Odessa Regional Migration Department) and the Sympathy fund; the proposals of the UNHCR weren’t sincere. They have proposed their assistance to make an evil activity. This was a preparation to destroy me. In case if I will accuse the UNHCR officials to humanitarians and world society in taking part with my dismissal; then they will proof their innocence using the mail I have sent them and how they have responded for my problem. But in reality they are the author of all these fabrications, which has been started by the State committee of Ukraine in Nationality and Religion at the beginning of November 2010.

    Serving in the NGO, OAAR I have got a good experience. I have seen a lot of events, which the UNHCR officials fabricated, hypocrites and corrupted. Discussing with us about a good plan, they have done the opposite; Preaching us about integration they have worked to destabilized our community; preaching and teaching us about unity, they have divided us; teaching us abut human rights they have became the main organ, which violates human rights of refugees and their family; giving us lessons about transparency they have became more ambiguous; discussing with us about good governance, they have became dictators; showing us a good manner, they have grabbed the money, which has been budgeted for the better integration of refugees in this society.

    Read please my post called "Some humanitarian activities of mine" HERE ==> ........ These are some of my activities, which I have performed serving in the NGO, OAAR and as a simple member of our community. HOW DO YOU THINK? ******* Did these activities are not good to consolidate and bring a good futurity for our community members? ******* Did these activities can influence positively on the integration process of refugees in this society? ******* Is it logical and fare to punish a person, who has done all these good activities and has lost all his money, health, time and family fondness serving the society?

    The UNHCR has corrupted with the Odessa corrupted authorities in 2008 to put me in prison; they have punished me from 2004 and there will not be end for this. They will kill me in the future, using the Odessa corrupted authorities and all methods. What the Odessa corrupted authorities need? They need more and more money and the UNHCR have a big money. All these persecutions are taking place, because I have understood how much they are corrupt.

    Now they have reached to their target. I have become too weak economically, depressed mentally and unbelievably bad health [why my health has become too bad after 2010 ? (I am not talking about the enlargement of my thyroid gland)…... Did they have done something bad to poison me ?] , My job has been dismissed by them, so my financial situation is worst – this is for what they have worked from November 2010. I may be chased from my flat any time, since some months ago I am not able to pay for the flat, where I have lived for seven years of period. My health is not good, but I will never go to polyclinics and hospitals, which are managed by the UNHCR and its partners. How can I believe them after all this ? So my situation is not good.

    The UNHCR will be responsible for my death. They are the authors of all these persecutions, which will lead me to death; if not, they were able to respond for my problems in an appropriate way and get a solution for it.



    You can find my old publications by the following addresses:

  5. #15
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    It's so easy to blame others. Have you looked at your own decisions at the times where you had choices and options?

    There is a wise saying - where you will be in 5 years time will be the accumulated result of the books you read, the people you associate with and the choices you make.

    When you have the right plan and make the right choices, the world can't stop you because the don't have a plan to stop you.
    They don't have a plan for your success either - but that's why your success (and the choices it takes to realise it) is up to you.

    Asheber - after bashing your head against a brick wall for twenty years, have you considered the possibility that the problem is you and your outlook of the world?
    Take everything that you think of yourself and the world and throw it away.
    Go back to the very basics, the very beginning, and rebuild yourself from scratch.

    You have been trying to turn this cul-de-sac into a road for far too long already.

  6. #16
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    Dear Mr. Dave A !!!

    Let I will agree with you in two issues. Yes,

    1. It's so easy to blame others
    2. possibilly that the problem is me and my outlook of the world? ...... But there is another issue.

    From where the State committee of Ukraine in Nationality and Religion has got an ananimous letter written by my name ?
    For what purpose this leeter was prepared ?

    Let me tell you one new thing :

    On a very vital meeting in the middle of this month, I was having a contact with two authorized people of the Odessa Region: One was the Representative of the Odessa Govorner and the other was a Representative of the Odessa Regional Migration Department (RMD). On that nmeeting the RMD Representative told the other fellow that not one, but the State committee of Ukraine in Nationality and Religion has got two ananimous letter written by my name. From 2010 I thought that the letter was only one.

    The first letter accused:
    1. the authorities of the RMD authoritiesas; the autorities of the accommodation center and the higher authorities of the State committee of Ukraine in Nationality and Religion as you read above. (I have got a copy of this letter from some body, who is nearer to the RMD offficials in 2010)
    2. The second letter accused the Representatives and the authorities of the Odessa Minster of Interior and the higher authorities of the Minster of Interior from The capital city with taking bribe. (about this I know only in the middle of this month)

    Both these letters have been sent without any signature. (Only my full name and date was on it)

    Consulting with a lawyer in 2011, he told me that according to the National law of Ukraine; the State committe of Ukraine in Nationality and Religion didn't have any right to start an investigation (against me) based on an ananimous letter. He told me that this is also practical internationally. Then why the State committee of Ukraine in Nationality and Religion has started all this campaign against me ? ...... The result of this investigation is annoying me still now.

    From where these two letters have appeared ? ...... The Ukrainian authorities didn't want to answer for this question.

    Let me tell you one thing.
    All these two leterrs were part and a begining of a joint fabrication to stop me not to assist my compatriots. This leader of this joint fabrication is the UNHCR.

    Concerning how to start my life from the begining I will say you the following:
    1-- I am a person, who can do and able to do many good things not only for myself, but also for others. I have shown all this during my service in that NGO. I was trying to found a safe society and which is forbidden by the UNHCR officials. This is my error.
    2-- I am not able to mange my life here in Ukraine after this investigation, because I have already become an anti-Governmental object. So they will annoy and disturb me all time, when they are observing that my businees and my duties are going well. By their opinion, I should have to live in a deep poverty forever. This is what happened in June 2012 and become the reason for my world-wide protest. This protest is very wide and that is why I was not able to reply you intime.

    I think you understand me now.

    Better if you will cooperate me and be my voive Dear Mr. Dave A.


    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    It's so easy to blame others. Have you looked at your own decisions at the times where you had choices and options?

    There is a wise saying - where you will be in 5 years time will be the accumulated result of the books you read, the people you associate with and the choices you make.

    When you have the right plan and make the right choices, the world can't stop you because the don't have a plan to stop you.
    They don't have a plan for your success either - but that's why your success (and the choices it takes to realise it) is up to you.

    Asheber - after bashing your head against a brick wall for twenty years, have you considered the possibility that the problem is you and your outlook of the world?
    Take everything that you think of yourself and the world and throw it away.
    Go back to the very basics, the very beginning, and rebuild yourself from scratch.

    You have been trying to turn this cul-de-sac into a road for far too long already.

  7. #17
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    The cost of life

    Little Ismael

    28 of March 2004 I had been in the town together with my family. I returned back
    home at 21:30 o’clock. We were undressing our clothes, when we heard a very shocking sound.
    This was a scream, which needs and ask a help. I run out and went to the corridor.
    This was a history, which happened in an accommodation center (AC) for refugees. This AC is
    located in a city called Odessa, Ukraine.

    I run and went out. On the corridor were so many people. Every one was looking
    each other. Nobody knows what happened and who screamed in such an awful way. People
    asked each other who screamed, but there was no answer. Some of us imagine as if it was a
    scream of a drunkard person who is trying to joke in this way. I returned back to my room
    knowing nothing what is happening.
    After I undressed completely, the scream repeated again. This time it was more
    intensive and continued for a long time. When I arrived to the corridor, there were so many
    people. This time every one of us understands that this thing is not a joke. From the eyes of every
    one I was able to read the level of anxiety and stress. A man from Iran came and told me that this
    scream was from the side, where the bathroom is located. Hearing this information we went
    together to the bathroom. The bathroom was closed and it was clear that some one was taking
    shower. We knocked, but there was no reaction. Repeatedly we knocked, but again no answer.
    This time we understand that something wrong is happening there; but what? My Iranian friend
    told me to break the door and I agreed. He hit the door with his legs and the door opened.

    To Be continued

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    Inside the bathroom we watched an asylum seeker called Ismael. Ismael is a citizen of
    Liberia. He was absolutely naked. I will become ashamed or confused if someone entered
    suddenly the bathroom where I am taking a shower, but Ismael was smiling. He smiled as a
    foolish man. And it was obvious, that he wasn’t normal. We were standing there as a salt statue
    of Sodom and Gomorra, when Ismael leave the bathroom and went out to the corridor naked.
    Ismael was walking on the corridor naked in the presence of all residents including women and
    wasn’t ashamed of that. Even though there were so many people on the corridor nobody was
    having the courage to ask Ismael where he is going.
    All we were there, but when we took control on ourselves we asked each other in
    which room Ismael entered or where he go. Nobody was having an answer. Immediately we
    went to his room, but he wasn’t there. Every one of us checks his room, but Ismael didn’t appear
    in any room. Ismael was here just now, but where did he disappeared? After that the searching
    of Ismael became unsuccessful, we informed about this to the guard in duty. The guard told us
    that nobody went out from the AC – especially naked. We weren’t able to believe this, because
    this man can’t disappear simply. We started to search Ismael in the territory of the AC; whereas
    the guard runs to the town with someone to look for Ismael. We searched the whole territory
    using torches, but can’t get Ismael. The group, which have been in the town also returned back
    without success. An Ethiopian refugee, who returned from the town, has informed us that he has
    seen a naked man running very swiftly, but didn’t realize who might be that. We were sitting
    with the guard when he lastly saw Ismael through the window returning back from the town.

    To be continued

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    We run out and went to the gates of the AC. Ismael was lying naked on the dirt. The
    guard asked us to lift him and we all helped him to took Ismael to the building. We asked the
    guard to call emergency, but he refused to do so. Instead he called and informed the director and
    the deputy director of the AC. We continuously informed him, but he categorically refused. It
    was obvious that there is an instruction not to inform anything to another organ except the
    directors. After some hours the director and the deputy director of the AC arrived. They joke with Ismael. They pretend as if nothing happened at all. Even they offer Ismael to drink
    vodka. I have been there and was able to see and listen all what was happening that time. Lastly
    these great men – the director and the deputy director of the AC decided that Ismael is normal
    and accompanied him to his room and went to their family. It is very interesting that these
    people became as a Doctor and decided like this, but in reality Ismael run to the town without
    pants and entered a small shop crowded with people. There was a panic in the shop looking this
    pity African in this manner. Every body runs out from the shop. It is because of that Ismael fall
    in panic and returned back to the AC, but these great people decided that everything is OK.

    To be contiued

  10. #20
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    Morning around 5 AM a very severe shout awakened us. I run to the corridor.
    Everyone is running to different direction and impossible to know what had happen. Lastly I
    understand that the teenager Ismael finally became absolutely mad. He was running in the
    corridor like a dog with rabies. He was knocking-down someone and bites the other. The guard
    in duty also was running to do something. We asked the guard to call an emergency and solve
    this problem, but he refused. As prior he called the director and the deputy director of the AC.
    Until the director and the deputy director of the AC came, we have seen many
    tragedian events. He jumped from the second floor, when I was on the first and sits on my
    shoulder and bite my head and neck. Thanks, my Iranian friend came in time and save me. He
    broke all – the TV, kitchen and toilet equipments, doors etc. We collect many of the women in a
    room nearby the room of the guard. In an unknown reason Ismael knows that these women are
    there. He has done some attempts to enter there, but we have given him a resistance. But on one
    occasion he pushed six of us and entered the room, but the women already heard how we
    straggled against him and jump through the window and fled outside.
    I was exhausted and feel myself helplessness. In addition to that the guard still now
    looking all these tragedy didn’t want to call an emergency. He was waiting his bosses. I have
    heard a breaking of doors on the second floor and went up to see my family. Thanks God my
    family is in peace. Most of us have a mobile phone, but we have been treated badly by the
    administration of the AC so nobody has the courage to call anywhere for a help. But coming to my
    family I decided to call an emergency and did it. The emergency told us to call to the police and
    this time I heard a gentle tap (knock) . I was ready to open the door, but my wife told me to look through
    the wholes of the door. I have seen a naked leg. This was Ismael. Thanks God I am in my room,
    but what would it be if I was somewhere? I have observed some minutes ago that Ismael was
    running in the corridor with a big knife in his hand. I was ready to defend my family. When
    Ismael knows that we will not open the door he started to break it. After some blows part of the
    door has been broke and his hand entered with a huge knife in it. This time the guard heard the
    noise and crack and arrived to the second floor in hurry. Looking the guard, Ismael run and hide
    himself in the bathroom. A serious tragedy happened after this. In the bathroom Ismael cut-off
    his genitals all in all, punctured his stomach in six places and appeared for the public with a
    stream of blood. But still looking this, the guard didn’t want to call an emergency or police. In
    addition to that our great gods didn’t appear.

    To be continued

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