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Thread: EBOOK - Google Adwords Made Easy

  1. #11
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    New On Int Biz

    Hi there

    I am new on Internet biz, and i am glad for your e-book i have one Biz online and need more travic so i will let you know if i do get more travic.

    Ps can i post in AFR to you?

  2. #12
    Email problem RKS Computer Solutions's Avatar
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    Hi Theuns, ja, ek's 'n boerseuntjie nes jy, net jammer my ingils is baie keer beter as my afrikaans a.g.v. hoe ek groot geword het, maar ek kla nie... daar is baie Afrikaaners wat die forum lees so tensy Dave 'n probleem daarmee het, dink ek nie dit sal 'n probleem wees nie... PM vir my jou site se link

  3. #13
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I'm so looking forward to the day when online translation becomes virtually seemless. The day you can post a message in any language and read that post in any language.

    Folks - we've got eleven official languages in this country, and who am I to object to them being used on this site from time to time. Communicating in English seems to have become the adopted standard around the country, but for me the important thing is the message. And if someone struggles to communicate an idea in English - let's have it in Afrikaans, or Zulu, Xhosa or any of the others.

    Hopefully where there is a need for translation along the line, we'll all pitch in to help where we can.

    This site is a living experiment. Let's test and break down boundaries.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by RKS Computer Solutions View Post
    Hi Theuns, ja, ek's 'n boerseuntjie nes jy, net jammer my ingils is baie keer beter as my afrikaans a.g.v. hoe ek groot geword het, maar ek kla nie... daar is baie Afrikaaners wat die forum lees so tensy Dave 'n probleem daarmee het, dink ek nie dit sal 'n probleem wees nie... PM vir my jou site se link
    Hi RKS
    Dankie baie vir jou mooi post dit laat my sommer goed voel ,

    ok hier is my 2 URL's die eerste een is my Internet MLM en die 2de een is my ofline een wat ek net op die net advert



    Ek soek graag meer Traviek op my Success University site want hy staan agter in die ry


  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    I'm so looking forward to the day when online translation becomes virtually seemless. The day you can post a message in any language and read that post in any language.

    Folks - we've got eleven official languages in this country, and who am I to object to them being used on this site from time to time. Communicating in English seems to have become the adopted standard around the country, but for me the important thing is the message. And if someone struggles to communicate an idea in English - let's have it in Afrikaans, or Zulu, Xhosa or any of the others.

    Hopefully where there is a need for translation along the line, we'll all pitch in to help where we can.

    This site is a living experiment. Let's test and break down boundaries.
    Hi Dave

    Thanks For you post, i think this is a Gr8 Forum.

    Short post is ok but ,when i have to reply and i need to explayn, then Afr is better form me. I beleaf almost every one can read (Voenetise Spelling) and if i need some help to explain my self in Eng i will get some help from Friends.


  6. #16
    Email problem RKS Computer Solutions's Avatar
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    Ek haal my hoed af vir jou... Kan nie anders gesê word nie, maar jy het "balls"... Vat baie om in 'n ander taal te kan kommunikeer as jy nie gemaklik daarin voel nie... Weereens welkom by ons, ons hoop jy het nou uiteindelik 'n tuiste gevind.


  7. #17
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    Thank a lot

    Hi Riaan

    Dankie soos ek gese het ek is erg oor Eng maar dit is baie makliker on my uit tedruk in Afr.Dankie weer eens vir julle ondersteuning.

    Verstaan jy U-Care na gisteraand se skype dit gaan niks van my vat om deur tery na jou en als verduidelik nie ek is n aanbieder.Ek verkies om my mense persoonlik te gaan sien al is dit in kairo persoonlike aandag is vir my baie meer belangrik as om mense na aanbiedings te stuur en hulle sluit aan , dit gaan vir my oor dupliseering en as ek vir jou persoonlik sien kan ek my sukses in jou duplieseer.Ek het net vir die maand alreeds oor die 40 mense in my netwerk by gekry en ek het slegs met 4 persoonlik gewerk.

    En dit gaan net oor a persoon se "Attetude" hulle se ook en dit is a feit soos n koei "If You Think You Can You Can or If You Think You Can't You Can't" dit gaan als oor a mindset en a wil om sukses in die lewe te maak.

    Weet jy van die DVD " The Seccret" ?ek is a persoonlike onwekkeling Freek ek lees net Eng boek oor dit bv "as a man thinkenth" Think and grow rich" see you at the top" dit is boeke van Napolion Hill en Zig Zigler en a gros ander
    .Ek haat dit om uit a boek te praat sonder om dit toetepas wat ek gelees het en dan vir mense te probeer vertel wat hulle moet doen.As ek se dit werk dan het ek dit persoonlik gedoen en dan weet ek ook waarvan ek praat, mense liuster makliker na iemand wat die game gespeel het as mense wat met reel boeke langs die veld staan en reels uit deel.

    Iets interesant, as jy al die letters in die alfabet nommer waardes gee van 1 -24 bv a=1% b=2% c=3% ens Vat bv money ,succes al die woorde wat met sukses en geld tedoen het en tel dit by mekaar nie een gee vir jou 100% nie behalwe Attetude ( dit moet net reg gespel word Ha ha ha he he he !!!! Kyk bietjie ,ek het a mail oor dit gekry sal dit weer gaan soek en vir jou stuur.

    ps is jy eindlik Eng of Afr ?

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by RKS Computer Solutions View Post
    This is a free e-book given to me, you may distribute it freely...
    Thanks. But this book is of little use. It is written in a typical salesman type of style that says much and tries to build confidence, but does little else.

    On page 10 the author is still trying to sell the book to me. And... if I don't believe in the message of the book with all of my heart, then the information in the book won't work for me.

  9. #19
    Email problem RKS Computer Solutions's Avatar
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    Forgetting all the sales stuff, if you took 10 minutes to actually read the book and not just closed it down at the first sales pitch, you might learn something... I have not bought any of the software because of this book, but the pointers in it has taken me to different levels... Not just on Adwords but other things SEO as well...

    Your feedback is appreciated, but your negative attitude towards a helping hand doesn't leave much to be desired for... It's free, use it or loose it.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by RKS Computer Solutions View Post
    Your feedback is appreciated, but your negative attitude towards a helping hand doesn't leave much to be desired for...
    I didn't realise you were affiliated to this book, RKS. I did check before I sent the message, because I specifically didn't want to insult you if you were, but sorry if you are in fact affiliated to it and took offence at my comments.

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