View Poll Results: Have you received your W.As.8 Return of Earnings yet?

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  • Yes

    5 1.47%
  • No

    313 92.06%
  • I'm not registered for Workmans Compensation

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Thread: Return of Earnings (WCC/ COIDA)

  1. #11
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    Thanks for the reminder.
    In our business we have to provide letters of good standing with the compensation commissioner. The last letter from them dated 01/11/2011 (with expiry date of 31/01/2012) stated that we are in good standing subject to "our earnings return has been received but has not yet been processed" So we are still waiting for our assesment to pay them for last year.
    When this letter expired I applied for a new one and I was informed on a letter from them dated 04/02/2012 that they cannot provide a letter as our 2011 return of earnings is to be submitted 31/03/2012.
    So I wrote back saying:
    We have not received a return as yet
    A return cannot be issued as the Feb '12 earnings are still outstanding
    We are still waiting for our assessment for the 2010 year
    But here is our list with earnings with provisional earnings for Feb '12

    So I received a letter of good standing to expire 31/07/2012 subject to "earnings return received, but not processed yet"

    My main concern is that we have not received our assesment so no payment has been made for last year.
    Anyone else with this problem or suggestions

  2. #12
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    I have found it better to rather put all in writing and fax to them than to try and phone them and sit on the phone and wait, wasting your valuable time

  3. #13
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    How can this matter be resolved. Surely they can't get away with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    No return received yet, and according to last year's notice:

    I received last year's notice on 29th March 2011, completed and posted it off on 30th March 2011, and when I eventually received my assessment was hit 10% for late submission.

    But then that's supposed to be my fault because according to the same notice:

    Have you notified WCC that you have not received your form yet?
    And I've checked - the last W.As.8 form on the Dol website at the moment is for the 2010 year - last modified 2011-11-06.

    Unfortunately the Workmans Compensation Commissioner believes in time travel. As proof I tender my last assessment received.

    Attachment 2434

    Date of Notice: 05.12.2011
    Due date: 04.01.2012
    Posted by registered mail on: 19.01.2012
    Received by me on: 24.01.2012

    How the heck was I supposed to pay this by 4th January 2012?

    They really need a serious wake-up call.

    Does the WCC have an ombudsman?? Surely it cannot be right how are they allowed to get away with it. All bussiness has a problem with them. Why are we paying penalties and interest for something that is not our fault. They have been penalised me once again for an assessment sent in Sept 2011. I asked the girl for proof that it has been sent. Her answer 'put it in writing'. My penalties and interest has now run up for the last 4years. All I am asking is a response to my 20 letters I have sent.

  4. #14
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    Thumbs down Late submossions.

    Quote Originally Posted by sandyb View Post
    Ditto all the above. Have exhaustively trolled through their website for the latest form, but it's hopeless. Nothing there but last years. Also, submitted last years around 8 or 9 March (actually got the form on time, surprise surprise) but have been slapped with late submission anyway. Sucks.
    This is Fraud and Corruption by the "Workmans Commissioner and you are entitled to lay acharge of theft and fraud against the Commissioner.Every single person is benig penalised with this 10% which results in At Least 1 Billion Rand if not more. WHERE IS THAT MONEY GOING TO ????????????????????????

  5. #15
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    The last letter of good standing we received from the Commissioner was issued to us on 10 January 2012, stating that it is good until 31 March 2012. Until then we still did not pay our COID fees for last year as we did not receive our final assessment from them. When we requested a new Letter of good standing on Tuesday this week, we received a response from them that they can not issue us a letter as an amount was outstanding (they gave the exact amount in the response). I suspect this must be our 2012 assessment that we were waiting for. However, until today we did not receive the assessment form from them.

    I phoned them regarding this and the lady told me that this money was for last year's assessment which we need to pay. When I asked about the new return of earnings form (that needs to be completed by the end of this month) she said it was not send out yet. When I asked about penalties for late submissions, she assured me that they requested an extension date for submissions this year as they are changing to a new system. She also stated that no penalties will be charged as they are responsible for the delay and not us. I view this in a positive way but as we all know we don't have written proof that they will not charge us penalties etc. For now we will pay the fees for last years assessment and wait in anticipation for the issuing of the new return of earnings form. The lady also gave us our new reference number as issued by the "new" system.

    Once we paid our outstanding assessment fees, we will submit a new request for a letter of good standing using our new reference number. Will see what happens then.

  6. #16
    Silver Member Christel's Avatar
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    My main concern is that we have not received our assesment so no payment has been made for last year.
    Anyone else with this problem or suggestions
    Hi FACE, Out of the 74 clients I do RoI for I have recevied... wait for it.... 5 assessments back for 2010 final/2011 provisional. And the best of all, all the payments made was late as I have received the assessments after the due date of payment (surprise, surprise!!).

    My other concern is new registrations.... I have about 8 entities that I have applied for (between July - Oct 2011)...and nothing happened since. When I phoned to ask what the hold up is, I was told that because they've moved to a new computer system, they don't issue registration numbers when they register new entities, but only when the fist assessment is raised. So, they could see my entities on the system, but could not give me any registration numbers. I'm not sure what will happen if there is an IOD...
    Last edited by Dave A; 22-Mar-12 at 01:00 PM. Reason: format cleanup

  7. #17
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I'm getting a lot of feedback via email on this too. Seems like I'm not the only one where the assessment arrived well after the due date.
    I have also not received my Return of Earnings as yet. In fact, I have been trying to obtain a Letter of Goodstanding for about 2 months now and am told that until I pay my invoice (which also shows a penalty amount of over R2,000) no LoG will be forthcoming.
    The invoice pmt was due on 18th Jan - the registered envelope was dated 23rd Feb and I only received it on 29th Feb !!!!
    Needless to say - I have only paid what is due excluding the penalty amount and have sent countless faxes, emails with no result and no LoG.

    It's really getting out of hand - and us being so dependent on the LoG for our business - they have us by the short ones!

    I thought perhaps it was the Christmas/New Year holidays that caused my issue, but no such excuses for this one.

    Just seems to be standard practice!

  8. #18
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    Hi there

    I haven't received our Return of Earnings form yet either. Just got off the phone with someone at the Dept. of Labour, who advised that i should phone again next week as they do not know when the forms will be made available or if an extension will be granted. Talk about useless...

  9. #19
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    Hi Nice people,
    i have received mine though am in Zambia and guess what? The Period are exactly the same and the WCC seems to operate in the same way as the South African one. But anywas the email i received just reminded me to fill up mine and submit it.
    Thanks Guys

  10. #20
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    Just a reminder guys, if your business falls within the building and construction industry , you would need not have to be with the Compensation Fund, you would be able to transfer over to FEM.
    Exactly the same cost, just a way more efficient service (eg letters of good standing are valid for a year), contact me should you wish to enquire more (Ivan 0828266875).
    Easy way to immediately know if you do fall within that classification is simply checking your WCA registration no, and should the last four digits begin with 05, you may transfer over to (0123-869-0500)For those that requires their status checks give me a call , I will try and assist where possible

  11. Thanks given for this post:

    Christel (23-Mar-12)

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