It has come to my attention that the Municipality are charging us almost double for readings that was not taken on the holiday months. Thus my power bill would normally sit around a R1000 for example it will now hit R2500 for this month.

Now is the the Municipality within their right to neglect readings for a month then claim the money the next month or the month there after?

But whose responsibility is it really? Municipality/Customer?

See the boxes are locked and if you don’t have prepaid you have no clue how much money you must pay in thus we cannot take responsibility for paying the bill because we don't know what the bill is!

Financially this can become a potential disaster! If your budget only allows for X and you must now spend Y then Z may cause a blacklisting!

So are there are no preventative measures one can take? If you have prepaid what about the water bill?

Yes one can have prepaid but your water bill is still calculated by the Municipality and it can also give you a nasty surprise if the Municipality failed to do their job and didn’t bill your for a month or two.

We are able to call the municipality however the information is not available until it has been calculated thus you will always have this problem.

Do you think the consumer council can help with this growing problem?