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Thread: If the ANC ever loses power...

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    If the ANC ever loses power...

    This story gives a little glimpse into the future I think, if the ANC ever loses its position as leader of the national government.
    Thousands of African National Congress (ANC) demonstrators gathered at the civic centre in Cape Town on Wednesday to protest against the Democratic Alliance-led (DA) city council.

    "March against DA council's high rates, service cut-offs, pink letters and evictions," read a pamphlet distributed to the protesters, who had marched through the streets of central Cape Town to the civic centre.

    In attendance at the heavily policed protest were various members of the ANC provincial government, including Premier Ebrahim Rasool.

    "This is the Cape Town that we need," Rasool told the crowd. "Let Africans and coloureds unite because we are all suffering under the pink slip. Let Muslim and Christian unite because everyone is suffering under the pink slip."
    But a closer look, and you see that the DA led coalition is just reaping a harvest sown by the ANC...
    Buyiswa Tsholoba, from Kwezapark in Khayelitsha, said she was being asked to pay R10 000 in water arrears. "I don't even have money to buy half a loaf of bread, so where must I get R10 000?" If her debt were cancelled, she would be willing to "pay R100 or R200 a month", she said.
    Buyiswa racked up R10 000.00 in water arrears only since the DA coalition took over administration? Hard to believe.

    And then we have the hypocracy...
    The (ANC) memorandum also said that rates that had "on average increased by 15%" were "well above inflation rates and way above undertakings given by the DA".
    All extracts from M&G here
    I think the property owners of Ballito would settle for 15% from their ANC led municipality - I believe they're getting hit for increases around the 200% mark.

  2. #2
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    From the same article,

    She said things had been better when the ANC's Nomaindia Mfeketo had been mayor because rates were "decreasing" not "increasing". She did not like Zille because "she is going to treat us very badly because she is a boer". Rasool, she said, was a "nice gent".
    Interesting how well this "boer" and "nice gent" appear to get along.

    I thought the DA's response was quite nice
    [SIGPIC]Engineer Simplicity[/SIGPIC]
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  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    rates were "decreasing" not "increasing"
    I was hoping someone might be able to confirm the accuracy of that claim.

  4. #4
    Email problem stephanfx's Avatar
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    I truly wonder if this march would have taken place if the ANC were still in control of CT. The response given was brilliant in my mind.

  5. #5
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stephanfx View Post
    I truly wonder if this march would have taken place if the ANC were still in control of CT. The response given was brilliant in my mind.
    No it wouldn't have. There is basically a continuous effort to topple or undermine the CT government.

    The CT municipality is probably the greatest threat to the ANC's power at the moment. If CT is successful and manages to service more people and build a better city, it undermines the ANCs reasons for not being able to do that, both in CT and elsewhere.

    If CT manages to hold it together (and Zille is doing a good job), then it becomes an example of how the ANC is failing its people elsewhere. That undermines the ANCs whole strategy. I believe that in the ANCs eyes CT must fail, otherwise over the long term they are doomed.
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  6. #6
    Email problem stephanfx's Avatar
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    Then all I have to say is this:


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