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Thread: The Truth about South Africa

  1. #1
    Bronze Member Fanie's Avatar
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    The Truth about South Africa

    It seems MOST people in South Africa have no clue what the truth about South Africa is. Even the last few weeks on Tv they keep showing 'how bad' it was in South Africa.

    I've put up a few pages here

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  3. #2
    Platinum Member desA's Avatar
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    Interesting thoughts, Fanie.

    Surely this is time for RE (Re-Empowerment) Networks to take root. There will be lot of useful folks among the 650-800k you mentioned, who could be gainfully employed, were they given the chance. Continued enforcement of BEE is a criminal action, in my view. BEE has led to corruption on a grand scale. This group find themselves to be aliens in their birth-place.

    In my view, this huge group of people, many of whom were trained in the former SADF, could become a powder-keg fueling possible future civil unrest - perhaps moving towards a civil war of an already fractionated society. The powers-that-be ignore this situation at their peril.

    To this 'poor white' situation must surely be added the fact that some 40% of school-leavers will not get employment. What is to come of all these folks? I see the lines daily, of young folks desperate for employment. The reasons for this should be squarely laid at the door of the regime post 1994. I see people working for a daily wage, on a 'casual basis' with no hope of a more permanent employment position on their horizon. How do these people start, raise & feed families?

    Perhaps the seeds of the African Spring are close at hand?
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  4. #3
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Look things need to change that I agree with 100% being alienated is not fun and it must be said our opportunities are being regulated by the use of laws that seems to be against the very constitution we now have.

    Yes according to both our international human rights and our very own constitution there are serious troubles brewing. Sadly there are serious extremist on both ends playing a deadly game of tug-of-war.

    But I have always hoped that we could rise above this somehow and defuse this situation and allow each of us to live a healthy meaningful life. Why not have a healthy economy?

    That said, if one look at crime, poor living conditions and the worst hospitals known in this country’s history. People of all sides are looking for an alternative hoping that a solution can be presented to benefit all in question.

    Once we can achieve this state of equilibrium then not only can we continue to exist we can also continue to co-exist without the need for more violence.

    Regardless of who we are we as citizens need a new mindset. All of us need to consider that the solutions both in law and in mindset is not working. So maybe it is time to advocate things that just might work.

    I am tired to live in fear; I believe that can be said for all of us. I just hope enough minds will change so that our lives can improve otherwise we may not have a future.
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  5. #4
    Bronze Member Fanie's Avatar
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    Yes according to both our international human rights and our very own constitution there are serious troubles brewing. Sadly there are serious extremist on both ends playing a deadly game of tug-of-war.
    Perhaps this has something to do with our country being taken illegally ? and on the other side those that does not want to give it back !

    Think for a minute - if you go to another country, do you have voting rights ? How did things in SA go this wrong ? NP gave it away illegally because the were threatened with extinction.

    Now that we are where we are - why doesn't the anc level things out as you say ? They want a dictatorship introduced so that they can have full control over every one in this country - same as in Zim. What stands in their way ? 2 400 000 Whites (6%) out of a population of 50 000 000 responsible for 40% of the finance in SA - it's called political opposition.

    Remove the whites and they can do what they want.

    I am tired to live in fear; I believe that can be said for all of us. I just hope enough minds will change so that our lives can improve otherwise we may not have a future.
    Fear of what ? Our future here ended 18 years ago.

    Regardless of who we are we as citizens need a new mindset. All of us need to consider that the solutions both in law and in mindset is not working. So maybe it is time to advocate things that just might work.
    There may be workable solutions - like prior to 1994 where every one had their OWN country. Africa never had a reputation to build anything up - it's easier to take.

  6. #5
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    Give South Africa back to the people! Division is sown by the politicians who, in stead of serving their country and their people, would rather steal from it. The systematic plunder of our country is evidence of this.

    That is why I believe that you should never vote any one or any party into power. Vote them out of power; always vote for the opposition, whomever that may be. That way we can keep a balance of power.

    In my experience, there is a lot of goodwill amongst the people of South Africa. Let us not get disheartened by the way the fat cat politicians are raping our country. Let's make our voices heard and our votes counted. Let the truth be heard.
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  7. #6
    Bronze Member Fanie's Avatar
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    Agree !

  8. #7
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fanie View Post
    Fear of what ? Our future here ended 18 years ago.
    I am going to leave it at that. I agree that things are not right. But I am not going to speak for nor against you. You have your mindset I have my own.

    Everything you know is based on hindsight for the most part it was instigated from all extremist on both sides of the coin that the other-side is evil.

    Fact is not they nor you knew how things will turn out. We still don’t... But the worst thing one can do is to force position with a “if you are not with us you are against us” mentality. I don’t play well with others.

    That said don’t mistake my words for being a coward. I do fear for our children most people do.
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  9. #8
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    The country is like a class of 4 year olds mixed with a couple of 16 year olds. If the 4 year olds rule, they steal all the sweets for themselves and everybody knows it. If the 16 year olds rule, they steal all the sweets for themselves and convince the 4 year olds that it is for their benefit. No matter who is in charge, there will always somebody on the losing side, its a simple fact of life, and if there are 400 x 4 year old and 10 x 16 year olds in a "democratic" class then it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see who is going to be on the losing with it!

  10. #9
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fanie View Post
    Our future here ended 18 years ago.
    Is that not a bit negative and a defeatist attitude? I have been fortunate to travel and comparing my life in South Africa to most of the countries I have visited, I would not choose to live any where else in the world.

    We may not be happy with everything that is happening around us, but it is still better than most other countries in the world. Try to stay positive and be a positive influence to the people you meet.

    Daniel Kahneman (psychologist and Nobel -winning economist) says that we should spend more time with the people we like and love. This may not guarantee our satisfaction with life, but it will make us happy.
    Excellence is not a skill; its an attitude...

  11. #10
    Platinum Member desA's Avatar
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    Could the current geography of SA be sub-divided into two, or three new countries? Partitions,as it were.

    Practically, when a civil war is finally over in SA, geographical lines will be drawn, with people deciding where best suits them. Would it not be preferable to decide/elect, as adults, before the necessity for a civil war, as to where people would choose to live out their lives?
    In search of South African Technology Nuggets(R), for sale & trading in South East Asia.

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