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Thread: The new (service) attitude

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    The new (service) attitude

    I've hit an interesting challenge just of late.

    On Friday afternoon I did some staff training on "an attitude of service". It deals with having a servant's heart with dignity and pride. However, I was concerned with some of the feedback - this one in particular.

    One of our (black) trainee staff members reported that whilst carrying out a service in a public place, an unknown person (white) who was watching him then asked him what he was doing. My staff member was offended because this person failed to greet him properly first before asking the question.

    Now I have not received a complaint from the public about this - my staff member volunteered the information (for which I am grateful). However, it raises a whole host of points which I feel need to be resolved.

    You see, in my service life, I've been asked the same question numerous times (without prior greeting) and have been quite happy that someone has taken interest in what I am doing. I have certainly not been overly concerned that this person has not "properly introduced themselves" first. Furthermore, I'm not sure that as service personnel we have the right to demand it.

    In fact I hold the opposite view. In our business lives we should be respectful of the protocols of our client! Or potential client. And my training has been in that direction.

    I think the potential/actual clashes between our diverse SA cultures need to be discussed and resolved.

    Or are we going to train our World Cup 2010 visitors that before they ask for directions, they must properly greet the person at the information booth first?

  2. #2
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    Its an interesting conundrum which we come across daily as well. I have found that generally people who have these "problems" are not well travelled and as a result are fairly self centred on their own customs which they expect to be the same as everyone elses.

    It is not traditional for a Zulu to shake hands, neither is it traditional to do the pomp action shake hands routine that has become a standard greeting for black people. Why then do they feel offended if you fail to greet them in "their customed manner".

    It comes back to basic tolerance and respect - something which everybody preaches but nobody practices. This phenomenon is further exacerbated and unexplained in a world of overpopulation and the shrinking global village scenarios. Here the individual is being forced into a survival mode which only makes one look at ones owns beliefs where they should be looking outwards and learning from the experience.

    So get ready to show the world that we are a bunch of pompers based on (from what I can gather) a traditional gangster greeting.

    Interesting times needs interesting views.

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    What fascinated me is that this "young upstart" that is essentially demanding respect has still to earn respect from anyone really - a mere novice with the company or even working life. The arrogance of youth, maybe?

    And yet my experienced hands that have earned my respect and admiration don't suffer from the same airs or attitude.

  4. #4
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    As is said - Youth is wasted on wasted on the young.

    It is also a noticable trend from the youngsters today that they are getting more aggressive, rude and arrogant. Colour creed country etc does not matter - they have a similar trend. Have meditated unsuccessfully on this one for a while now and have only concluded so far that this world is going to see a bigger upheaval sometime where this aggression can be used and then dissipated.

    Its like linked to a group spirit scenario rather than upbringing, education and bad potty training as it appears to be universal.

    Sex drugs and rock & roll was a an abomination for my folks and I think our generation came out ok. So this is the next generations kick where they have taken that theme to a harder level.

    In a world where there is no right or wrong - head for the cellar - just make sure its full of wine and snacks.

  5. #5
    Silver Member Candy Bouwer's Avatar
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    I get so frustrated having to work with the rudeness and arrogance of youth today..its as if the whole world owe them a living and we must just give these tool to them on a plate. Service as i understand it comes from the heart and in all aspects should be a heart attitude. How do we teach this to a nation and to our own children to proud to see the bigger picture.
    a group spirit scenario rather than upbringing
    The influences at school where our own children are is being imprinted and exposed to the same attitudes and nonsense.???
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