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Thread: race matters

  1. #1
    Email problem
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    race matters

    as a black African myself, i have come across whites who sometimes pissed me off to the extreme. On the other hand ive also come across blacks, indians and coloureds who pissed me off to the same extent as those whites did. Who knows who was being racist? All i know is that i got pissed off and i didnt like it and i dealt with the behaviour until the problem was solved. I realized its a human tendency to just piss others off whatever race they are. Its nothing personal, differences are the biggest signs that we are individuals. Robots dont have differences. Yet we let power hungry politicians use them to divide us instead of learning from one another, because at the end of the day amid all our differences and perceptions, all humans whether black, white, indian or colored are united in one common pursuit of love, appreciation and a good laugh...

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  3. #2
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    all humans whether black, white, indian or colored are united in one common pursuit of love, appreciation and a good laugh...
    You are very naive (maybe very young) if you believe this.

  4. #3
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    I think too often we define normal reactions as racism. If you go to a picnic spot and a number of people pitch up, behaving badly and littering. Do you get mad at the littering or do you just resent having those people around?

    If they happen to drive a GP car, you may say damn Gauties, or if they are from a specific race group, you may say damn whites or blacks or whatever. Is that racism?

    If we really define what we are mad about, it should be the litter, not the specific race or language group . My experience is that we all get along fine, but we should refrain from name calling and also from being too sensitive when things do not go our way.
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  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    You are very naive (maybe very young) if you believe this.
    adrianh would you please give a reason for your statement

  6. #5
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    The pursuit of love, appreciation and a good laugh might be what you learn in the HR handbook but I do not believe that that is the basis for what we do. If this was the case then we wouldn't have wars over land and religion not to mention the so called Democratic ideal (as per the US). I believe that people pursue freedom, power & comfort (which mostly equates to MONEY) (The only thing that sets people apart is the extent to which they would drive this pursuit) Some would do it legally and some would do it to such a degree that the illigal activities affect others very badly.

    I couldn't give a toss about love, appreciation or a good laugh. I would be quite happy living on my own if I had the money to choose my lifestyle.

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post

    I couldn't give a toss about love, appreciation or a good laugh. I would be quite happy living on my own if I had the money to choose my lifestyle.
    these are exactly the differences i was talking about. I just wanted to demonstrate to you how humans presume to know whats in the minds of others without even asking.
    First of al you didnt ask me what i meant by love and appreciation. You probably just assumed i was talking about that misguided fuzzy feeling when you see the woman you infatuated with, which some call romance, or when you playing with your children. Those are just chemicals working within your body to preserve life.

    Secondly can a man provide power, wealth, health for himself if he hated himself and those around him? Isnt it true that you give yourself such things because you want the best for yourself, because you love yourself? You want to wealth, power and health because you love yourself. But you realize to achieve all that you have to provide something to people that will enable them to also give themselves the best in life and give you money as a sign of appreciation and gratitude for your service. And business provides a means to do just that. Its a give an take proces. Now apply that to me and all other 7billion people on earth.

    One of the reasons we fight is because we dont realy bother to find out what our diferences are and how we can use these diferences to offer each other what brings us love and appreciation as individuals, as races, as countries etc. Because individualy we are diferent, racialy we are diferent, but as living beings we one.

  8. #7
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    Secondly can a man provide power, wealth, health for himself if he hated himself and those around him? Isnt it true that you give yourself such things because you want the best for yourself, because you love yourself? You want to wealth, power and health because you love yourself. But you realize to achieve all that you have to provide something to people that will enable them to also give themselves the best in life and give you money as a sign of appreciation and gratitude for your service. And business provides a means to do just that. Its a give an take proces. Now apply that to me and all other 7billion people on earth.
    This idea of love and hate - what is it exactly - The reason I ask is because you seem to base your argument on the notion but I want you to define it. I say this because I am emotionally flatline. I can't say I am overcome but a particular feeling on way or the othr for people. I like some people and I dislike some people, from an intellectual point of view, but that's about it. I want freedom to choose my life simply because I do not want to deal with other people's $h1t all day long.

    I think that it is a very serious mistake to look at the world through lenses colored by emotion. Yes love is nice for a while but when the chemical reaction in your brain wears off what then?

    One of the reasons we fight is because we dont realy bother to find out what our diferences are and how we can use these diferences to offer each other what brings us love and appreciation as individuals, as races, as countries etc. Because individualy we are diferent, racialy we are diferent, but as living beings we one.
    Life isn't that simple. That fact that all humans have 2 legs, 2 arms and look more or less alike doesn't make them the same. I, like many people don't want to offer each other love and don't care too much for the differences. We simply want to be left alone to live our lives as we choose (and by that I don't mean to step on anybody else's rights).

    Why is it that people think that evolution & genetics apply to animals and not to humans? Why is it that people believe that even though Chinese and Japanese and all sorts of people look totally different that their mental make up and capabilities are exactly the same. We are told not to have children with our brothers, sisters & cousins (forget about the moral issues for the moment) exactly for the reason that the genetics select the worst combinations and create flawed children. No my friend, people are vastly different, genetically, physically (outside and inside including wiring of the brain) and then of course mentally (from nature & nurture)

    This country tries to toss a net in the sea, catch all sorts of different fish and then force them to cohabitate in a fish bowl that isn't quite suitable for all the fish. Unless the government provide a platform where the guppy and the shark get to stand shoulder to shoulder, the shark will eat the guppy (sooner or later) (if the guppy is clever he might pre-empt the situation by getting his buddies the pirhanas to eat the sharks). It is simply nature's way.

  9. #8
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    HR-student, I agree with you. When we (very general we) have negative emotions against someone and that person happens to be of a different race, we tend to generalise that feeling for all people of that race group, in stead of confining our reaction to the offending person only.

    It really boils down to judging each person as an individual and not as a part of a group.
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  11. #9
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Great OP, HR-Student

    Now if only there was an easy way to get people who don't "get it" to see the light.

  12. #10
    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    In soccer terms you may rag, insult even smack a supporter of the other team 'Pirates/Bucs' but you both love soccer, so you have more in common than most.

    When it comes to race I believe the vast majority of people have more in common than differences, its just that they dwell on the differences instead of the commonalities.

    I remember growing up the Afrikaans and English kids used to ignore one another, mostly because of language and a little because of religion, but once we got older and got to know one another we became more friendly, the problem was with the older generation who were still fighting the 'Boer War'.

    I'm sure it is the same with black kids, Zulu, Xhosa etc.

    The racial divide is because of history and prejudice, I have found I get on better with younger blacks because i find the older generation are a lot more patriarchal same with older Afrikaans guys I don't agree with that.

    The next thing is culture, then class, man it is complicated, then there are other religions besides Christianity, why will a Hindu parent want their kids to marry another Hindu from the same social class?

    There is a sales technique called mirroring, where you act and talk like the customer you are selling to, the reason is people like people that like and are the same as them. Trouble is who mirrors who?
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