We financed a car we bought for our son. During the period of the loan we did land up in some financial difficulties. We skipped some payments but did make them up and eventually settled the loan in March this year. I recently had to take the car in for a repair and I got stopped at a road block, and was informed that the car did not have a road worthy certificate. At the road block I had my wife email me a copy of the certificate and the cops let me go without giving me the R1200 fine. We were confused at the error.
Last week when we had to have the licence disk renewed on the car we were told we could not do so as the car is repossessed.
We were not sent the registration document nor we sent any final statements from the financial company. Is this a fraudulent act? Can the finance company do this without our knowledge? What would happen if the car was now stolen - how would the insurance company see this?
Any comments or suggestions on how we take this forward?
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