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Thread: cctv installtion

  1. #1
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    cctv installtion

    what is the most cost effective way to install cctv cameras...

    i need to fit 8 cameras...4 on building 1 and 4 on building 2.

    is this the best choice....?

    dvr 16 channel

    run cat 5 cable and fit baluns at either end...from one building to the next...then in the building use rg59 cables with power

    fit 1 power supply in building 1 and the other in building 2 to power the cameras from a central point

    0 or 2 lux cameras

    480 or 560

    distance approx 30 metres

    do you think using the movement facility is advisable to activate a buzzing or will it drive me nuts all nights with tree movement etc...or is it better just to fit point to point sensors

  2. #2
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    murdock - both ways are quite ok, bearing in mind that you have to run power to the cameras as well. You could have 2 x 4 channel dvr's if you wanted to keep the buildings seperate. You could cuse RG59 cable with the twin core power cable joined to it - then you would not need the baluns. Both work just as well - personally we use RG59 for shorter distances and normally cat 5 cable with baluns when the cameras are going to be further away from the dvr.

    Cost effective - you would have to check exactly what you would need to minimize the left over cable - but probably RG59 with bnc's would be cheaper. If it is for home "movement" cameras is not really neccessary as long as you can cover the entire area with all the camera's.

    I would just use one power supply from the one dvr - make sure it is a big enough power supply for the 8 camera's. This would eliminate having to run more cables to the cameras from the other building - keep it neat and clean - everything runs from the dvr and power supply to all the cameras.

  3. #3
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    let say i have 2 cameras on one side of the building...can i use the cat 5 cable and use 2 pairs for power and the other 2 pairs for video...which works out much cheaper than running...2 x rg59 cable with the fact less than half the price...does it affect the picture quality?

    i dont want to put in external i am thinking of saving on sensors and rather installing the cameras but i need the camera to alert me if there is any movement on the property by means of a beeping sound...even if the dogs set it off at least i can check the cameras....i believe it is more important to set off an alarm as they enter the property rather than once they have broken into the house...once they are in the house it is already too late...

    i also want to monitor the gate in the afternoon because we have a problem with people rattling the gate and causing my dogs to go wild...the one person in particular walks next to the fence then as he gets to the gate he runs his stick that he carries along the gate...question...if for some reason my dog one day gets out by mistake and rips this person to pieces...and i have proof on camera that this person antagonises my dog would it stand up in court if my dog bit him or would it pay me to report it to the police and get a case number.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by murdock View Post
    if for some reason my dog one day gets out by mistake and rips this person to pieces...and i have proof on camera that this person antagonises my dog would it stand up in court if my dog bit him or would it pay me to report it to the police and get a case number.
    Probably not as a defence

    Would make a good argument in mitigation of sentence, though.

  5. #5
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    do you think i would get into trouble if i wait for this fella in the afternoon and empty 200 paintballs into his sorry you think he would have the cheek to lay a charge against me...or better still drag him into my yard shoot him with the paintball gun then let the dog loose and say he attacked me...the best part is he carries a big stick with a ball on it so it would be regarded as self defence...maybe i should ask him nicely first not to do it again and if he does it again...then i wont feel so bad.

  6. #6
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    No it will not affect the quality - the balun is also a booster - remember you need a balun on both sides of the cat 5 cable. Just watch out with using the cat 5 cable for power. If it is too long you will lose voltage which will then affect the camera. But if you have a big enough power supply then it will be ok or if you put the power supply closer to the camera's it will also be ok.

    Hope this helps.

  7. #7
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    yes thanks

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