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Thread: incompetent cipc

  1. #1
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    incompetent cipc

    i dont think you can call them incompetant...there must be a better name for goverment instutions...could be why they dont fall under the consumer protection act.

    the call centre has a voice recording that tells you that they are experiencing high call volumes this is normal for any goverment organisation..if you call them in 5 years time the recording will still be playing.

    the website doesnt function 1st time...if you keep trying you find that you move one step further ever 5 hours or either comes up with error code or not assosiated with this enterprise.

    the money is finally reflecting on my account so now we can try move a step forward...i am told by other people that this process could take a couple of weeks...because the whoever designed the website must have done it on a small move one step ever 5 hours or so...5 hours ago i started the restoration process i have managed to get past the enterprise name and i am stuck on enterprise representitive...when i tried to get past step one it kept kicking me out...tonight i manage to get thru that step but it will not let me past company i will try again tomorrow morning and see if i can get another step forward...if anyone has doner this before and knows a quick way to do it please assist ...becuas ei dont have the patients to do this and i could break mny pc before i finalise it...and then i will loose out on my contract...and yes i have taken my medication so i will be able to stay calm for about another hour or so

  2. #2
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    yahoooooooo i am on the next have to make sure that the capital letters and information is extactly as when you if you use your 1st name and middle name and in cap letters thats exactly how you have to put it...and by the way the same applies to the 1 st step...right next...wait let me pop a couple sleeping tablets first so i stay calm
    Last edited by murdock; 23-Aug-11 at 06:53 AM.

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by murdock View Post
    i dont think you can call them incompetant...there must be a better name for goverment instutions...could be why they dont fall under the consumer protection act.
    Aah! Had an interesting update on that last week.

    Apparently government is excluded from the CPA as a consumer, but it is not excluded as a supplier of services. As long as your business has a turnover of under R2 million per annum, you qualify as a consumer that can take them to the consumer court...

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    AndyD (22-Aug-11), BusFact (24-Aug-11)

  5. #4
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    finalised...back in bussines...took the phone a friend option and got it all sorted out...apparently i just wait 2 days and the bussiness will be ready to operate.

    interesting dave...i went to the council today to sort out the account and get my electricity switched back on they are still on makes no diffrence to me i have been on/off without electricity for just on a year...whats a couple more weeks...without it.

    i noticed today my deposit has increased to over R3000..bonus because when i apply for my pre paid meter the money will be taken off and i will get a refund...i plan on leaving the water with the flow restricitor so that i can benefit from the R80 levy you all pay for my free i only need to leave a small deposit to cover that...apparently the deposit is a R100 or so.

    just something for people using grey water pay a percentage for sewage disposal so if you think you save by still costs you as a percentage to your water consumption...rather look at rerouting your gutter water to tanks and connect them to the toilets least the water is cleaner...another tip cycle the tank water with your pool water if you have a pool...the pool has a filter and you put hth...the pool can be a good bakup if you run low in your tanks and with summer coming...ther eis gona be plenty of water.

    food for thought geyser blankets...if you loose so much heat thru the geyser why is it that you can touch the geyser and its not hot...with summer coming up best you remove the blanket so that the heat in the roof space can warm up the geyser...ever climbed in a roof in the middle of summer.

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    Newretailer (23-Aug-11)

  7. #5
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    Restoration of Deregistered CC's and Companies
    Has your Company or CC been deregistered by CIPC (CIPRO) because of non compliance with Annual Returns?

    I can restore your company or CC within less than 24 hours providing the CIPC website is working.

    After restoration you will have to submit your Annual Return as quick as possible or your Company or CC will be deregistered again. I can submit all your outstanding Annual Returns for you and your Company or CC will be back in business immediately.

    Please call Mariana on 011 672 8882 or 082 564 7039.

  8. #6
    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by murdock View Post
    another tip cycle the tank water with your pool water if you have a pool...the pool has a filter and you put hth...the pool can be a good bakup if you run low in your tanks and with summer coming...ther eis gona be plenty of water.
    What about people that pee in my pool???
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    you dont drink the is used as a backup and for filling the toilets drinking water is stored in drinking water containers which are emptied and refilled every 3 days...i have 100 litres of drinking water at any given time.

    another tip which i almost learnt the hard way again...if the water switches off from the mains while watering the veggie garden ( which is what i do with my excess water every day) make sure you switch off your mains tap...otherwise for some unknown reason the tap runs even if i tighten it...a week ago i forgot to switch off the main stop cock and when i woke up in the morning the tap was running and i know i switched it off and tightened it...this will cost you your 300 litres for the day if you on the same system as i am.

  10. #8
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by murdock View Post
    ...otherwise for some unknown reason the tap runs even if i tighten it...
    Did you not turn it fully open thinking that you were closing- unawares? I have the habit of mixing my clockwise and anticlockwise
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