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Thread: 6 Simple (and Free!) Ways to Leverage Your Content

  1. #1
    Email problem derekjay's Avatar
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    Post 6 Simple (and Free!) Ways to Leverage Your Content

    Hi Guys

    For all of you doing your own SEO - here's my latest article on leveraging your content... Enjoy


    As a respectable internet marketer, you most likely spend a lot of time and effort creating high quality content for your site and/or link building activities. A well researched and crafted article takes a lot of time and ultimately only adds one piece of content to your site. In this article, I’ll discuss six simple ways to leverage your content so as to get maximum exposure, back links and value from your content.

    Leveraging Tool #1: Your Syndication Network

    Every SEO should have a list of authority publishers in their respective niche. If you haven’t yet compiled one yet, here’s how…

    Simply find the top 10 authority publishing sites in your niche, get in touch with the editor (I recommend doing so telephonically as opposed to email, as this dramatically increases your chances of building a relationship with them and thus getting published), and ask them if you can forward your articles for consideration. Be sure to provide 3 of your best articles to date as “sales material”. Also remind them that they can “unsubscribe” at any time should you’re articles not suit their audience.

    Once you’ve got your list together, submit your article to the network. Be sure to customize your emails (and to a lesser degree, the article) to suit each publication and maximize the chance of acceptance.

    Leveraging Tool #2: Standard Ezines & Industry Forums

    An oldie but still a goodie – submit your article to the top article directories, such as EzineArticles, Go Articles, ArticleAlley, etc. If you’re doing this on a regular basis, a reputable distribution service like will come in handy. Quality is key here though – the “Auto Article Submitter” type programs are simply trashy and not worth your time.

    Additionally, post your article on industry forums in their “Articles Section” (if they have one). This is an easy way to target a specific audience, as well as build a reputation as a contributor in forum communities.

    Leveraging Tool #3: Document Sharing

    This one’s less conventional, but a fantastic way to share your content on alternative platforms. Simply copy your article into Word, enrich it with some complimentary images, diagrams, etc and convert it to PDF. I suggest using the official Adobe PDF creator so as to ensure that your links remain intact.

    Once that’s done, set up your account at the following document sharing sites and upload your PDF:

    Once uploaded, you will have a sparkling online PDF version of your article! In addition to the links received from these sites, they also have a strong readership which may drive natural traffic to your site. Note that some of these platforms do offer paid options, but the free versions are fine to start with. If you see value in them down the line, you can always upgrade…

    Leveraging Tool #4: Slide Sharing

    Similar to document sharing, allows you to upload your slide shows. Now this is a little more tricky, as not every article is suitable for conversion into a slideshow format, but very often your “Top 10 Tips” or “4 Steps To” type articles will work well in slide format. You’ll just need to “cut the fat” in some areas and get to the point.

    Once you’ve created your slideshow, simply upload it to and presto – another set of backlinks to your site. Another benefit of this platform is the ability to embed your slideshow into your own site (much like a Youtube video) for easy viewing online.

    Leveraging Tool #5: Video Sharing

    In this step, the effort you put into crafting that slideshow really pays off, because you’ll be converting it into a video! No need to fret though; you needn’t be the next Spielberg – you’re just going to make a glorified slideshow and voiceover. Here’s the easiest way to do just that:

    1. Open your slideshow in PowerPoint, choose “Save As” and select the “PNG” option (image format). PP will then convert each slide into a PNG graphic.
    2. Take those graphics and whip them into Windows Movie Maker (or a less tacky video program of your choice!). Make sure they’re all in the correct order…
    3. Next, get yourself a glass of water to clear the throat, and test your computer’s microphone settings… I suggest downloading a simple audio editing app like Audacity (it’s 100% free and perfect for the job) for the recording. This will allow you to trim and clean up your recording.
    4. When you’re ready, hit the record button and talk your way through the slideshow. The easiest approach to take is that of the presenter – simply pretend you’re presenting the slideshow to a “real” audience. So you needn’t read it word for word, just “go with the flow”. This may take a few recordings depending on how comfortable you are in front of the mic – don’t stress, you’ll get it right!
    5. Once that recording is waxed, slip it into Windows Movie Maker and time your slides accordingly. This will take a little fiddling about, but once you’ve figured it out, you’ll fly through the next one.

    Once you’re comfortable working with Audacity and Windows Movie Maker, you can start getting more creative with your video creations. An entry and exit jingle (sound clip) always adds to that professional touch…

    Once done, you need to upload your video to your selection of video sharing sites. There are varying approaches to this topic, but I tend to lean towards the bigger hosts, namely Youtube, Metacafe and Vimeo. To get started, Youtube is ideal, and offer the largest single audience. When uploading to Youtube, be sure to upload a transcription for maximum SEO benefit.

    Leveraging Tool #6: Podcasts

    This one trickles right off the back of video creation, as the only thing you need to do is pull your audio recording from the original video and you’ve got a podcast! Keep the podcast functionality in mind when recording though, as listeners will not be able to “see” any referenced elements. This may not always be possible though, so a little re-recording might be necessary, with some “cut and paste” work in Audacity.

    Once done, get your podcast up on some podcasting directories. You’ll need to do a little research to see which sites are best for your niche, but the following three are always a good start:

    1. Itunes
    2. Podomatic
    3. PodcastAlley

    Once again, be sure to provide a transcription of your podcast (where the site allows it) and drop your link in the mix somewhere. Podcasts were a bit of a fad, but they’re still a great way to drive traffic (and of course grab links) – provided that you create value for the listener.

    And that’s that – 6 simple ways to leverage your content. This list is only an introduction and is by no means all inclusive –with a little creative thinking you’ll be able to find many more opportunities within your respective niches.

    Good luck!

  2. Thank given for this post:

    Dave A (08-Aug-11), Perform Computers (08-Aug-11)

  3. #2
    Email problem mother's Avatar
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    Wow Derek! Very helpful, especially since your advice is specific. I'm definiftely going to try one or two of these to start with.

  4. #3
    Bronze Member robinsonwang's Avatar
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    Inportant Methods To Me!
    About the Leveraging Tool #3: Document Sharing, can we just add the direct link?

  5. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Great tips, Derek

    A tip in keeping with your idea of keeping costs down:
    Quote Originally Posted by derekjay View Post
    Simply copy your article into Word, enrich it with some complimentary images, diagrams, etc and convert it to PDF. I suggest using the official Adobe PDF creator so as to ensure that your links remain intact.
    If you don't have Adobe PDF creator, download and install Open Office which is free. You can then copy or import your article into Open Office and once you've done your tinkering, export the document as a PDF - which will also keep all the links intact.

  6. #5
    Email problem derekjay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    If you don't have Adobe PDF creator, download and install Open Office which is free.
    Great idea! Thanks Dave

  7. #6
    Email problem Missnancyalex's Avatar
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    I already using many of these tips but for me Document Sharing is new and I think a good idea to distribute my articles.
    But I am confused what to do if I have different clients and have different industry how to make and list of authorities of certain industries.

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