A month ago one of the company vehicles was involved in an accident.
The driver had stopped behind other vehicles at a traffic light (was stationery at time of accident). Another vehicle ploughed into the back of our vehicle with enough force to push our vehicle into the vehicle in front.
The vehicle (1) that shunted our vehicle from behind was apparently a write-off.
Our vehicle (2) suffered significant damage to both the back and front ends (repairable).
The vehicle (3) in front of us had a fair bit of damage to the back (repairable).
No significant injuries to anyone, although I did lose 6 workdays in staff absenteeism as a result, vehicle off the road for repairs for three weeks, the insurance excess and about 8 work hours in paperwork processing total.
Lame or game on question 1:
Do I sue the driver of vehicle 1 for our losses as a result of the accident?
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